Do you ever have dreams about skaters? | Page 12 | Golden Skate

Do you ever have dreams about skaters?


Record Breaker
Mar 24, 2017
Had a very strange and a bit gross dream (and by that I mean trippy, like you think your dreams are weird you got nothing on me)

In my dream I was following Deniss around for some reason, I think I was going to give something to him. I followed him into the parking lot of a block of redbrick flats, enclosed by trees, but then I lost him... so then I walked around and found myself in another parking lot, but this one was outside a shopping centre or something. Here's where it gets trippy. A spaceship landed in the middle of the car park, put the gangplank down, and out came a bunch of people. A huge crowd gathered, so I stepped back towards the outside and Deniss was there. So were a few people I know. And then I must have given whatever it was to him, because he gave me a hug... but I had like severe conjunctivitis or something because there was a ton of gunk in my right eye and I had to try and subtly wipe it away. Then everyone everyone got on the spaceship, I lost track of everyone, and I strapped myself into a pod, and it was like being in one of those motorbike sphere things, spinning all over the place at incredible speed! And then when I finally got out I couldn't feel my body and I was very dizzy. I had to fill out a form at the space station reception area, but I forgot which group I was meant to be in...

Maybe it's a good thing I don't dream very often.

Lily flowers

On the Ice
Sep 20, 2017
I once dreamed that a skater made me buy them the Twilight Series. On top of that, it was really expensive.

Just to clarify, I have never read the Twilight Series, nor do I ever intend to.


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
I think I had a dream recently that me and Kevin Reynolds went somewhere.....the dreams will never end lol.


On the Ice
May 4, 2017
I used to be like pffft ill never dream about a skater!

It happened. Last night.

I dreamed i was in a studio practicing spins. In came Elena R. for some off ice practice. We had so much fun spinning. She was sooo nice. At the end of our session, she gave me a hug. She was petite and only came up to my boobs. Awkward!


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
I had such a weird dream a couple of nights ago. But, it didn't feature any skaters.

That said, I did recognise one person in the dream as being a relative of a skater in real life. Except that they were somebody completely different in my dream (or, at least, the person in the dream that should have been the skater was actually a character from Emmerdale).

Everything about the dream was recognisable - the people, the places. But the contexts were totally different. For example, places that featured were in a totally different location to where they are in real life. Like, we're talking different counties! And places that are miles apart in real life were right next to each other.

And there is no way that the people in the dream would have known each other in real life, never mind being a family!

The strangest thing, though, is that I remember this dream so well. I don't normally remember dreams. Although, since there are no skaters in it, and since you won't know the places in it, I suppose there's not much point recounting it here.



Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
I had...yup another dream that had Kevin Reynolds in it (The number must be getting close 30 since my first dream with him in it in March 2014). In the dream he said something about college in Mississauga, BC. But it didn't make sense. Especially when I woke up cause as far as I know, that city is in Ontario and there's none of that in British Columbia...well idk. Maybe it's like Springfield in the fact there seems to be one in every state.


Former Elite, now Pro. ⛸️
Record Breaker
Jan 9, 2017
I had...yup another dream that had Kevin Reynolds in it (The number must be getting close 30 since my first dream with him in it in March 2014). In the dream he said something about college in Mississauga, BC. But it didn't make sense. Especially when I woke up cause as far as I know, that city is in Ontario and there's none of that in British Columbia...well idk. Maybe it's like Springfield in the fact there seems to be one in every state.

Yeah sorry LOL the only Mississauga is in Ontario so brain playing tricks on you as you dream. ;)


choice beef
Mar 15, 2014
I went back to bed after getting up in the morning (with only 4 hours of sleep) to watch videos of US nationals ladies' FS.

And I had a dream where I was in Japan, in a restaurant, with my good friend. Yuzuru Hanyu was there, and even though it's first time he met us, the three of us somehow end up eating together like we were old friends. He was very friendly and down to earth. After the meal I asked my friend to take a picture of me and Yuzu so I can share it on social media and Goldenskate forums. We walked out of the restaurant together, to the train station, and on the way I asked him if he gets recognized and stared at and followed on the street (an idiotic question I would never ask in real life). When we got to the train station, he went into the men's room and never reappeared.

I have dreamed of Mao plenty, but this is the first time I dreamed of Yuzuru. And it just happened and is still fresh in my mind so I wanted to document this. Thanks for watching.


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
I had a dream last night that included quite few skaters. Some included Kevin Reynolds (Who else), Liam Firus, Piper Gilles, and Alexandra Paul. In my dream, Kevin said to me, "Hi Kylie!" (Which that is my name)...which is odd cause when I met him in person at Skate America at the hotel (Which if you want to know the story, I'll tell you somewhere else), I never told him my name. Though I did actually typed him a letter which I threw on the ice afterwards which I included a pic of me at a Nats game during the playoffs....anywho back to the dream. So in the dream, I was somehow paired up with Liam and I was actually doing some skating despite me having no lessons ever. And skaters slept in my house....and I heard that Kevin was going to bring his AC/DC SP....though I know in real life he's retiring after the season is done.

Yeah it was pretty weird.


On the Ice
Apr 11, 2017
I had a dream of Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov at the Olympics and I literally woke up crying because they won't be there...


On the Ice
Mar 29, 2017
So I dreamed that Zagitova skated a free skate. She had two invalid spins and two pops, and yet she still scored 126. :eek:

There was a huge revolt going around because she placed in front of Kostner (whose skate I didn't see). :slink:


Record Breaker
Mar 24, 2017
I dreamt Deniss won Euros but was then tremendously robbed at Worlds after leading the short and skating a clean free and was off podium :cry:


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Interesting thread! Yes, I dream of skaters and events sometimes; usually just about skaters. It helps to watch FS videos just before lying down to sleep, lol. A couple of days ago, I dreamt of Gabby Daleman going on a trip with my family. However, my all-time favorite is from over a month ago when I dreamt that Ryuju Hino, who is one of my sentimental faves, stopped by at Christmas and I insisted he eat as many cookies as he wants to 'cause he's way too thin. lol.
The others' dreams are priceless to read too; do share, people. :p


Ice Time
Record Breaker
Feb 14, 2018
I had an amazing skating dream was completely unexpected.

I dreamed that I was a figure skater, competing in an event. I'm assuming I was 'myself' in the dream, but I only saw things from my POV, so I didn't actually see myself skating.

I remember going out to center ice, and seeing the crowd, and then the music started, and I was off! I have no idea how to explain how real it felt, since I've never been a skater, but I could feel my legs pumping as I skated around, I could see the blur of the audience as I did spins and jumps, I could hear the landings as the blades cut the ice, and could hear the applause of the audience.

When it was over and I woke up, I actually felt out of breath. It was very surreal.