Virtue and Moir break record to take lead | Golden Skate

Virtue and Moir break record to take lead


Record Breaker
Jun 21, 2003
Virtue and Moir put out a confident and fluid dance that was highlighted by their level 4 midline non-touching step sequence which received +3 grades of execution (GOE) across the board. The 2010 Olympic gold medalists met all key points in their pattern, as well as earning a level 4 on all other elements, and broke their own record for the highest Short Dance with 83.67 points. An elated Moir skated to the Kiss and Cry and dived onto the padded boards.

“That’s something we are really proud of,” said Moir of their score. “That is every athlete’s goal here and to come out and do the best you can. And to do it on this stage, we’re really, really proud of that. We know our work isn’t over. It’s a long event. The biggest chunk is tomorrow and we have to stay on our game.”

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Royal Chinet 👑🍽️
Record Breaker
Apr 5, 2016
Broke the WR.

Got the 2nd highest PCS of the night.

Ice dance judging, ladies and gentlemen. :rolleye:


Jan 20, 2017
So happy for these two!!! V/M were so sharp tonight

however.....their PCS score vs P/C still baffles me. What were the judges seeing?? Clearly V/M deserved higher PCS.


Record Breaker
Mar 11, 2016
Well deserved record. That was the best SD of the night and season. Tessa's dress still hurting my eyes but aside from that it was excellent.

But P/C will close the gap in the free and likely win with no costly errors. They will go above 120, even with small mistakes like in SD i think that they will go above 120. It can be close like 120,30 and 118,70 if P/C make enough errors and V/M kill their free, and V/M will have a chance. But i think that P/C still have the Edge.
I hope that V/M will give us their best though, and enjoy totally the last free dance of their career
Jun 21, 2003
That was a dance for the ages. Record score was totally deserved. The free dance is yet to come, but for now V&M rule!


Record Breaker
Nov 9, 2013
I was so happy that with all of the tiny mistakes here and there, they skated it clean :hap93:

They will forever be my masters of the non-touch step sequence!! :dance:

Their commitment to improving this dance has been incomparable! :bow: It is so inspiring to keep asking more of yourself when you're already legends of the sport!

This comeback has been every single thing I needed and more!!


On the Ice
Feb 11, 2006
And they will probably lose the FD no matter how well they skate if P/C skate well as well. :disapp: Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I (along with many others here I am surE) will be very surprised if judges give it to them. There will probably be a 0.01 pt difference or something


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I (along with many others here I am surE) will be very surprised if judges give it to them. There will probably be a 0.01 pt difference or something

I on the other hand, would be surprised if it were the other way around. I predict P/C winning the free but not by enough points to give them an overall win.


On the Ice
Feb 11, 2006
I on the other hand, would be surprised if it were the other way around. I predict P/C winning the free but not by enough points to give them an overall win.

Well, V/M would need to score over 118 this time that they have been scoring all season. They might, but judges can just give that extra to P/C (given that they just gave them equal PCS for an inferior performance). I guess I'm not that optimistic with the score difference posted in SD


GS given name - Beatrice
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
The most prominent feature of the performance was iron confidence radiating from their every move - they owned the moment, the music, the connection happening between them in a very complex way that comprises from not only from moving, but also having certain level of consciousness and control over the movement itself. The performance was simply driven, magnetic and 'animalistic' in its attack, design, boldness. My impression is that this was the highest quality level of performance possible not due to scores/levels received, but due to their ability to focus and cumulate the energy, skill, emotion inside those few minutes and leave a mark that is lasting, impression that lingers for a long time, longer even than WR score they achieved.

I get the opinion that their TE performance was more effective to the outside - it definitely felt more 'relaxed' in terms of expression as it was only a warm-up to the real competitive deal. They obviously needed that run to work out execution kinks of all those recent changes introduced at Nationals, making them integrated and effective with the wholesome, but still emit that energy and vibe required for interpretation and reflection of musical style/convention chosen. Today's SD performance however was for me a master class of how the program should be led in various perspectives to become unity, but provide a kaleidoscope of impressions to digest on, on the highest level of competition - the program that was not an universal favourite and a loved convention to choose, neither it was designed to fill up the 'darling' spot among the all; the program was a challenge in many ways I think for them, but the way they moulded it into their own preference, personalities step by step reached its pinnacle today, making a statement and a signature in my opinion.

They were in control in EVERY aspect of their performance, leaving nothing to a chance - the command with their executed steps, elements and exchanged energy/chemistry between them left practically no room for error and discussion about it; they were able to focus on their material, way of executing it solely, improving it steadily, not really having a notion in them of being concerned about people's reaction. They believed - in programs, their abilities, decisions made, approach taken, perspective pursued and it really showed today in manner they skated. There was a precision in both step sequences that appeared already during the season in parts, but not all the way around (except maybe Nationals): to blend technicalities, athleticism in executing them with Latin ballroom styling of movement (all figures, body actions, connections, framing presented amazingly, especially samba references in regards to movement and rhumba interpretation/partnering), applying it perfectly in synch with music/rhythm AND still making it flow seamlessly it takes something special. Also, one of few teams that really translated the overall feel/vibe/style of music/pieces of it soundly into choreography and interpretation - it was almost like the music predetermined the attitude, envisioned this right picture, this 'punch' to be applied in their step to make it work - and sell further; the music required certain level of boldness, vividness, this decisive line marked over musical accents by movement, this sensuality on the verge of being provocative, 'animalistic', hypnotic touch to make the dance speak and dare by its visual. With this, they followed the suit with expression and partnering - they are both equally visible and engaged into the performance, there is Scott amazingly presenting Tessa's exquisiteness of lines, edge work, movement finishing, body isolations/control and so on, but there is also Tessa making the frame that Scott made into something beautiful, intricate, completing the picture. It was especially visible during pattern and partial step section today - they were both complimentary to each others' silhouettes and lines created perfectly, enriching the value of performance altogether.

I might be in minority, but I really love this loud vibe, unapologetic drive transmitted by them in this dance and today's performance, with Scott's OTT et all. It makes something very individual, custom at the end and leaves one of a kind impression that is not applicable for any other team. The dance design and performance quality may be bold and big to fill in, but each time they performed it in competition there was a great sense of re-balancing the loudness of package/concept by making rhumba section more intimate and closer in holds, with more and more lines' details and adding more musical intricacies into the choreography, making this whole boldness to breathe, flow and cast a spell. And I feel that the vehicle overall is allowing people to explore/experience the intensity of various emotions at once, which adds to the vibrancy of visual created.

I showed several clips of SDs happened today to my workmates who are not into FS at all - they have different favourites among performances, but the common thing they've said is that there is indeed something strongly 'je ne sais quoi' (experience, control, maturity, vividness, chemistry etc.) about the way they are performing and about that particular program comparing it to other ones. For them, it was just another level of sharpness, intensity, consummation into performance and connection between them. One of my colleagues said after non-touching step sequence (I showed them Virtue/Moir as the last performance) 'I really get why they won this segment, even not seeing the rest of the program. they are a walking, moving statement, you cannot take eyes of them, her in particular'.

No surprises really about scoring, PCS in particular. Nothing new under the sun about that one. Good though for them to get all lvl4, a proof that they are capable of that also outside of Canada. I bet it was not in the agenda for today in many books, especially after TE SD. And happy to see them pushing everything to the very limit - they sure are aware that it will get ten times harder tomorrow.


~ Figure Skating Is My Passion ~
Record Breaker
Jul 28, 2003
And they will probably lose the FD no matter how well they skate if P/C skate well as well. :disapp: Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I (along with many others here I am surE) will be very surprised if judges give it to them. There will probably be a 0.01 pt difference or something

No offence, but are you trying to jinx V/M? Let's think positive! V/M for gold!!!
Jun 21, 2003
And they will probably lose the FD no matter how well they skate if P/C skate well as well. :disapp: Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I (along with many others here I am surE) will be very surprised if judges give it to them.

I agree with this. International judging panels have been pretty consistent in scoring P&C slightly ahead of V&M all season. I expect this to continue in the free dance. But V&M's short dance lead still might be enough to win overall.

Anyway, we won't have to wait long to find out!


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
That SD was sensational! It really should have distanced them way more than 2 points from the French. It's obvious that the judges are gearing up to give P/C the gold but I'm glad V/M can at least have this awesome SD achievement. :)


On the Ice
Dec 8, 2015
People spent months and months arguing about who is the "actual better" one and trying to prove themselves as the "objective" voice. Then when we actually encounter obvious injustice from the judges, many of them seem suddenly lost the interest in the hot topic they used to be so enthusiastic about.
Most people don't care about what justice is in ice dance, just admit it.

p/c is very likely to get a perfect score in fd as long as they don't fall on their own ass, as for v/m? judges get to decide who they wanna give their gold medal to, and I think we all know what their mind tells now. Just like sochi, nobody seems remember what happened in sd once the fd was over, p/c will be justified as "they deserved to win the fd", people just gonna keep pretending nothing ever happened and v/m ubers are "living in their own crazy world".


On the Ice
May 1, 2010
Tessa and Scott delivered and impressed. I have no judging input that matters, so end of story!


On the Ice
Nov 4, 2017
I think they should have a larger lead but whatever. No matter what happens today (tomorrow? idk), they are champions, they are one of the best ever, and they'll have the most Olympic medals in figure skating if they win another medal here. Couldn't be more proud of them and all they've accomplished.


On the Ice
Feb 9, 2014
So proud of them! Just winning the olympic SD alone was well worth their comeback. They truly delivered last night, and we are not worthy of their talents :giveup:


Record Breaker
Oct 28, 2004
Haven't posted in a long time and tried to quote MM and failed - but just wanted to say, yes, SD for the ages. Come what may, and feelings about dress wherever they may "lay", that was exceptional, and inspirational, and just truly olympic in quality. I'm so glad we all got to see that --- and the great comp the whole SD was.