I think Hanyu is amazing but he does not have the refinement or air of confidence and surety as much as Dai or Patrick - yet. Give him time. His marks do seem high COMPARATIVELY to Dai, Fernandez and skaters like Chan. There is a difference between being a fan and looking critically at the skating. He is amazing; especially his short and ana amazing entrance into the axel but one entrance does not make a skater. We'll see how he does in the in the FS - the programme isn't as strong as his short.
I respectfully disagree. As a fan of all of the top men, Yuzuru's short program was pretty close to perfection and has a lot more to it than an amazing entrance to the axel. His jumps are secure and his spins were very good with wonderful transitions in between. I'm willing to bet that the difference between the top three men is their speed across the ice which is difficult to see in a video.