2015-16 Chinese National Figure Skating Grand Prix | Golden Skate

2015-16 Chinese National Figure Skating Grand Prix


On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
The Chinese National Grand Prix will be held in the following days. This Year it will serve as a qualifier for 13th National Winter Games which is held every four years. Therefor it will be held in Xinjiang Urumqi which is the host city of 13th National Winter Games. All members of the national team should be competing there.
The rink is build at the northern foot of Tianshan where the altitude is 1650m. It's will be quite suffered for skaters to compete at such a high altitude.

Time Schedule (UTC+8)
15:00 Junior Ladies SP
16:20 Junior Pairs SP
17:15 Junior Men SP
18:15 Ice Dance SD

14:30 Junior Ladies FS
16:00 Junior Pairs FS
17:00 Junior Men FS
18:10 Senior Pairs SP

12:00 Ice Dance FD
14:50 Senior Men SP
18:00 Senior Ladies SP

13:00 Senior Pairs FS
14:30 Senior Men FS
18:15 Senior Ladies FS
21:30 Award ceremony


On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
Senior Men
徐做人XU Zuoren
郝言 HAO Yan
王一 WANG Yi  
刘佳星LIU Jiaxing
姬广鑫JI Guangxin 
孟勃霖MENG Bolin
闫涵 YAN Han
金博洋JIN Boyang
关宇航GUAN Yuhang
于凌霄YU Lingxiao
郭项楠GUO Xiangnan
荣庆龙RONG Qinglong
王子健WANG Zijian
梁冠鸿LEUNG Kwun Hung
刘润奇LIU Runqi
臧文博ZANG Wenbo
宋楠 SONG Nan
李宇恒LI Yuheng
刘宇航LIU Yuhang
陈昱东CHEN Yudong
方帅 FANG Shuai
李子旭LI Zixu
曲之博QU Zhibo

Senior Ladies
陈虹伊CHEN Hongyi
刘浃金LIU Jiajin
金冠汝JIN Guanru
刘心芸LIU Xinyun
李子君LI Zijun
高云枫GAO Yunfeng
孙僮琦SUN Tongqi
韩悦 HAN Yue
刘丹凝LIU Danning
赵子荃ZHAO Ziquan
张溢轩ZHANG Yixuan
李玥莹LI Yueying
任昭妍REN Zhaoyan
张美驰ZHANG Meichi
陈溪梓CHEN Xizi
杜可儿DU Keer
刘佳玲LIU Jialing
曹颀婧CAO Qijing
王佳磊WANG Jialei
李佳殷LI Jiayin
李笑雪LI Xiaoxue
唐菲遥TANG Feiyao
肖砚方XIAO Yanfang
张曦文ZHANG Xiwen
梁懿 LEUNG Yi Christy
邝晓晴KWONG Hiu Ching
焦云雅JIAO Yunya
袁添淇YUAN Tianqi
耿冰娃GENG Bingwa
何曦月HE Xiyue
张茗钰仟ZHANG Mingyuqian
李深雅LI SHenya
姜秋吉JIANG Qiuji

Senior Pairs
彭程/张昊 PENG Cheng/ZHANG Hao
隋文静/韩聪 SUI Wenjing/HAN Cong
隋嘉莹/杨泳超 SUI Jiaying/YANG Yongchao
刘沫彤/郭云志 LIU Motong/GUO Yunzhi
张美驰/贾丰博ZHANG Meichi/JIA Fengbo
王雪涵/王磊 WANG Xuehan/WANG Lei
陈颖/蒋博 CHEN Ying/JIANG Bo
沙彤/傅欣龙 SHA Tong/FU Xinlong

Ice Dance
张伊伊/吴楠 ZHANG Yiyi/WU Nan
王诗玥/柳鑫宇 WANG Shiyue/LIU Xinyu
宋林书/刘雨 SONG Linshu/LIU Yu
丛玥/孙茁鸣 CONG Yue/SUN Zhuoming
赵悦/郑汛 ZHAO Yue/ZHENG Xun
于小洋/王晨 YU Xiaoyang/WANG Chen
陈宏/赵研 CHEN Hong/ZHAO Yan
刘涵淼/刘畅 LIU Hanmiao/LIU Chang
王晓彤/赵凯歌 WANG Xiaotong/ZHAO Kaige
郭雨竹/赵鹏昆 GUO Yuzhu/ZHAO Pengkun
李西贝/相光耀 LI Xibei/XIANG Guangyao
高千越/张宇 GAO Qianyue/ZHANG Yu
石尚/费文润 SHI Shang/FEI Wenrun
邹冰歆/王蒙 ZOU Bingxin/WANG Meng
冯钰涵/焦明扬FENG Yuhan/JIAO Mingyang
孙文茜/王阔 SUN Wenqian/WANG Kuo
宁婉棋/王超 NING Wanqi/WANG Chao
曹奕/曹金鹏 CAO Yi/CAO Jinpeng
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On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
Entries for Juniors
(Ages Limits for Juniors in This Competition: Junior Men and Ladies must be burn from 1997/07/01 to 2000/06/30. For Junior Pairs, She must be burn from 1995/07/01 to 2002/06/30 and he from 1993/07/01 to 2002/06/30. However, there's no age limits for Seniors so as some really young skaters can only compete at Seniors.)
Junior Men
崔洪铭CUI Hongming
李嘉豪LI Jiahao
王天泽WANG Tianze
路韵达LU Yunda
李唐续LI Tangxu
王金泽WANG Jinze
朱磊 ZHU Lei

Junior Ladies
任俊霏REN Junfei
刘雨晴LIU Yuqing
赵明璐ZHAO Minglu
李香凝LI Xiangning
陈欣悦CHEN Xinyue
李美仪LI Meiyi
钱坤 QIAN Kun
余婷慧YU Tinghui

Junior Pairs
于小雨/金杨 YU Xiaoyu/JIN Yang
高誉萌/李博文GAO Yumeng/LI Bowen
张铭洋/宋博文ZHANG Mingyang/SONG Bowen
范鑫鑫/刘鑫泽FAN Xinxin/LIU Xinze
赵盈/解众 ZHAO Ying/XIE Zhong
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Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
Thanks so much for telling us about this competition.

I hope you will be kind enough to answer a question or two about Chinese championships and Grand Prix. :bow:

Can anyone enter the Grand Prix championships who has passed tests to qualify for the level they wish to compete at?

Are there alternative ways to qualify for winter nationals, other than competing here at Grand Prix?

(Maybe past champions, past good Worlds finishes, conflict with GP or JGP assignments???)

Also what is the purpose of the Spring national competition? Is it a qualifier for any other competition?


On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
Thanks so much for telling us about this competition.

I hope you will be kind enough to answer a question or two about Chinese championships and Grand Prix. :bow:

Can anyone enter the Grand Prix championships who has passed tests to qualify for the level they wish to compete at?

Are there alternative ways to qualify for winter nationals, other than competing here at Grand Prix?

(Maybe past champions, past good Worlds finishes, conflict with GP or JGP assignments???)
According to the rules, skaters who can't compete at this event because of international competitions or training abroad can enter National Winter Games. And Chinese Hongkong will get one entry for each discipline if there is no Chinese Hongkong skaters qualified.

Also what is the purpose of the Spring national competition? Is it a qualifier for any other competition?
You mean the Chinese national competition after WC? The competition is called National Champions Cup. That's not a qualifier but something like GPF. Skaters can only qualified to it according to the points they gained at the early national competitions such as Grand Prix/Novice Series/National Championships. The results may be a reference for selecting skaters to international competition next season.
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On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
The Following in this competition will qualified to National Winter Games:
TOP 12 Senior Men and Ladies
TOP 10 Ice Dance
TOP 8 Senior Pairs
TOP 6 Junior Men and Ladies
TOP 4 Junior Pairs
Skaters who can't compete at this event because of international competitions or training abroad can enter National Winter Games.
Chinese Hongkong will get one entry for each discipline if there is no Chinese Hongkong skaters qualified.


On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
Bonus for difficult jumps in Single Skating :
It's written in official announcement that there will be bonus for difficult jumps in Chinese Junior and Senior competitions.
Though the official file for the details about how to give bonus has't been find yet, I have calculated it from lots of protocols:
For men, skaters will get +0.5 points for 3A and +1 points for quad in SP TES while double of that in FS.
For ladies they will get +0.5 for 3-3 combo in SP while +1 for 3-3 and +2 for five different triple jumps.
Bonus will be given when these difficult jumps are fully rotated regardless of success landing or correct take off.
There will be a 'B' marked next to TES for bonus in protocols.


On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
Results Day 1(to be continued)
Junior Ladies SP
1 LI Xiangning 48.21=28.13+20.08
2 ZHAO Minglu 42.04=23.76+18.28
3 CHEN Xinyue 40.61=224.57+17.04-1
4 QIAN Kun 36.30=20.62+15.68
5 ZHENG Lu 35.75=19.23+16.52
6 LI Meiyi 32.95=17.43+15.52
7 YU Tinghui 32.81=17.17+15.64
8 LIU Yuqing 29.51=15.99+14.52-1
9 REN Junfei 28.68=14.24+15.44-1

Junior Pairs SP
1 YU Xiaoyu/JIN Yang 64.32=35.52+28.80
2 ZHAO Ying/XIE Zhong 40.52
3 FAN Xinxin/LIU Xinze 35.44=20.64+15.80-1
4 GAO Yumeng/LI Bowen 34.22
WD ZHANG Mingyang/SONG Bowen

Junior Men SP
1 LU Yunda 55.68=30.13+25.55
2 LI Tangxu 55.55=28.75+26.80
3 WANG Jinze 45.59
4 ZHU Lei 44.35
5 LI Jiahao 43.30
6 CUI Hongming 42.92

Ice Dance SD
LI/XIANG withdraw because of his back injury which has made him retired from FD in JGP AUT.
1 WANG Shiyue/LIU Xinyu 52.44=23.64+28.80
2 ZHAO Yue/ZHENG Xun 48.88=23.12+25.76
3 CONG Yue/SUN Zhuoming 47.56
4 CHEN Hong/ZHAO Yan 45.70
5 YU Xiaoyang/WANG Chen 44.22=19.18+25.04
6 SONG Linshu/LIU Yu 42.04
7 ZOU Bingxin/WANG Meng 40.54
8 ZHANG Yiyi/WU Nan 38.36=15.72+22.64
9 CAO Yi/CAO Jinpeng 34.94
10 NING Wanqi/WANG Chao 34+
11 WANG Xiaotong/ZHAO Kaige 32.26
12 GAO Qianyue/ZHANG Yu 30.20
13 GUO Yuzhu/ZHAO Pengkun
14 LIU Hanmiao/LIU Chang 25.70
15 FENG Yuhan/JIAO Mingyang 23.10
16 SUN Wenqian/WANG Kuo
17 SHI Shang/FEI Wenrun 11.72
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On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
Results Day 2
Junior Ladies Total FS
1 LI Xiangning 135.81 87.60=48.12+40.48-1
2 ZHENG Lu 123.41 87.66
3 ZHAO Minglu 114.70 72.66
4 CHEN Xinyue 107.05 66.44=33.16+35.28-2
5 QIAN Kun 99.62 63.32=30.60+32.72
6 YU Tinghui 88.72 55.91
7 REN Junfei 83.58 54.90
8 LIU Yuqing 81.15 51.64
9 LI Meiyi 76.10 43.15=16.07+26.06

Junior Pairs Total FS
1 YU Xiaoyu/JIN Yang 171.22 106.90=47.70.+59.20
2 ZHAO Ying/XIE Zhong 115.40 74.88
3 FAN Xinxin/LIU Xinze 105.12 69.68
4 GAO Yumeng/LI Bowen 94.60 62.16

Junior Men Total FS
1 LI Tangxu 173.87 118.32=62.52+55.70
2 LU Yunda 169.89 114.21=58.21+56.00
3 WANG Jinze 139.92 94.33
4 ZHU Lei 130.20 85.85
5 LI Jiahao 125.59 82.29
6 CUI Hongming 113.68 70.76
7 WANG Tianze 101.72

Senior Pairs SP
1 SUI Wenjing/HAN Cong 74.02=39.14+34.88
2 PENG Cheng/ZHANG Hao 73.46
3 WANG Xuehan/WANG Lei 60.86=33.46+28.40-1
4 SUI Jiaying/YANG Yongchao 47.26=24.02+23.24
5 LIU Motong/GUO Yunzhi 34.12=18.12+ 17.00
6 CHEN Ying/JIANG Bo 32.00=15.60+16.40
7 SHA Tong/FU Xinlong 31.52=16.32+15.20
8 ZHANG Meichi/JIA Fengbo 22.78=8.66+14.12
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On the Ice
Dec 1, 2011
Results Day 3(To be Continued)
Ice Dance Total FD
1 WANG Shiyue/LIU Xinyu 138.48 86.04=40.74+45.30
2 ZHAO Yue/ZHENG Xun 129.36 80.48
3 CONG Yue/SUN Zhuoming 122.52 74.96
4 YU Xiaoyang/WANG Chen 119.06 74.84=36.84+39.00
5 SONG Linshu/LIU Yu 114.32 72.28=36.88+35.40
6 CHEN Hong/ZHAO Yan 113.06 67.36
7 NING Wanqi/WANG Chao 102.76 68+
8 ZHANG Yiyi/WU Nan 102.12 63.76=30.58+33.18
9 ZOU Bingxin/WANG Men 101.28 60.74=29.58+32.16-1
10 CAO Yi/CAO Jinpeng 93.62 58.68=28.46+29.22
11 WANG Xiaotong/ZHAO Kaige 90.78 58.52=33.00+26.52-1
12 GUO Yuzhu/ZHAO Pengkun 86.38 ??
13 GAO Qianyue/ZHANG Yu 86.26 56.06
14 SUN Wenqian/WANG Kuo 66.40 ??
15 LIU Hanmiao/LIU Chang 62.44 36.74=14.84+21.90
16 FENG Yuhan/JIAO Mingyang 58.68 35.58=16.98+18.60
17 SHI Shang/FEI Wenrun 33.78 22.06

Senior Men SP
1 金博洋JIN Boyang 97.84=58.69B+39.15 4Lz3T, 3A, 4T, clean
2 闫涵 YAN Han 94.25=51.90B+42.35 4T, 3A, 3Lz3T
3 宋楠 SONG Nan 74.19=38.84B+36.15-1 4T fall, 3A, 3Lz3T
4 刘佳星LIU Jiaxing 66.03=32.28+33.75 3Lz, 3F3T, 2A
5 张鹤 ZHANG He 65.64=32.09B+33.55 3A so, 3Lz3T, 3F
6 王一 WANG Yi 63.14=29.59+33.55 3F3T wl, 3Lo wl, 2A 
7 臧文博ZANG Wenbo 62.28B=32.63+30.65-1 3A, 4T fall, 3Lz2T<
8 徐做人XU Zuoren 62.16=31.61B+31.55-1 3A fall, 3Lz2T, 3Lo
9郝言 HAO Yan 61.13=29.73+31.40 3T3T, 3F<, 2A
10 刘润奇LIU Runqi 59.40=32.20+28.20 3A<, 3F3T, 3Lz
11 方帅 FANG Shuai 52.05=28.05+24.00 3T2T, 3S, 2A
12 关宇航GUAN Yuhang 51.60=17.80+34.80-1 3A<<, 1T+C, 3Lz<<
13 李宇恒LI Yuheng 48.48=20.53+27.95
14 荣庆龙RONG Qinglong 47.05=27.30+19.75
15 陈昱东CHEN Yudong 44.60
16 李子旭LI Zixu 43.56=20.76+22.80
17 曲之博QU Zhibo 42.40
18 梁冠鸿LEUNG Kwun Hung 41.54=20.79+21.75-1
19 于凌霄YU Lingxiao 37.74=16.84+21.90-1
20 王子健WANG Zijian 37.61=19.11+19.50-1
21 刘宇航LIU Yuhang 33.47=15.87+18.60-1
22 姬广鑫JI Guangxin 28.14=11.09+17.05
23 孟勃霖MENG Bolin 27.10=11.80+16.30-1
WD 郭项楠GUO Xiangnan

Senior Ladies SP
1 李子君LI Zijun 61.11 31.75+29. 36 3F2T, 3Lo so, 2A
2 赵子荃ZHAO Ziquan 59.13
3 梁懿 LEUNG Yi Christy 44.33
4 张溢轩ZHANG Yixuan 43.06
5 袁添淇YUAN Tianqi 42.55
6 张美驰ZHANG Meichi 41.67
7 邝晓晴KWONG Hiu Ching 39.28
8 耿冰娃GENG Bingwa 38.67
9 李佳殷LI Jiayin 38.22 3Lz<fall, 2A fall, 3T2T
10 焦云雅JIAO Yunya 37.81
11 李笑雪LI Xiaoxue 37.72
12 唐菲遥TANG Feiyao 35.95
13 陈虹伊CHEN Hongyi 34.52
14 任昭妍REN Zhaoyan 34.21
15 王佳磊WANG Jialei 32.58
16 刘丹凝LIU Danning 32.29
17 李深雅LI SHenya 31.95
18 刘佳玲LIU Jialing 30.64
19 肖砚方XIAO Yanfang 30.34
20 何曦月HE Xiyue 29.14
21 高云枫GAO Yunfeng 27.65
22 陈溪梓CHEN Xizi 27.05
23 金冠汝JIN Guanru 26.53
24 刘浃金LIU Jiajin 26.20
25 姜秋吉JIANG Qiuji 26.08
26 张茗钰仟ZHANG Mingyuqian 25.71
27 杜可儿DU Keer 25.69
28 李玥莹LI Yueying 25.34
29 曹颀婧CAO Qijing 24.23
30 孙僮琦SUN Tongqi 24.02
31 张曦文ZHANG Xiwen 22.27
WD 刘心芸LIU Xinyun
WD 韩悦 HAN Yue
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Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2013
May I ask for youtube videos, any? fancam etc. Cannot watch yukou at all.....[puppy eyes].