I meant that it wasn't a spectacular meltdown. Otherwise the audience wouldn't have taken notice (even if they were wrong to expect more) of her dropping behind.To be honest, boos from the audience don't have to mean too much. Anna is a very magnetic and talented skated, very popular too. Small mistakes that might not make much impact on the audience can still impact scores quite heavily.
Seeing how the judges gave her -1 at worst for a jump combination with a three-turn in between the jumps, and positive GOEs for sticky landings and spins that travelled quite a bit, I'm not seeing any reason to complain. I've not seen the other skates, but comparing her skate to the scores, I wouldn't say she was underscored. I even find myself surprisingly agreeing with the PCS scores - High for skating skills, but low for presentation.
As I said, it was not a meltdown, it was actually pretty good for her, particularly after the pressure of being in first after the Short, but it was not a clean skate either.
It wasn't a winning performance for sure. Let's say, she gave the technical panel (and the judges) the opportunity to push her below Gutmann and they took it.