Explain one thing to me: Why is there way less emotional investment in Pairs than in any of the other disciplines? I might just read the wrong posts but all in all the athmosphere appears to be much more laid back and respectful of all skaters here than in threads where ID, ladies or men are involved.
Because I don't think people and the media portrayed some sort of crazy fight/rivalry like the other disciplines.
Men : Quad-fest + Japanese skaters + Javi + Nathan + Boyang... Plus Yuzu is the most popular skater.
Ladies : Russian sweep ? Italy and Canada being the spoiler, knowing that Carolina has been here for a while and Canada is a nation of figure skating.
Ice Dance : FRA vs CAN, the latter having the biggest fanbase after Yuzuru. Battle for Bronze, but only look at the US teams it's already a lot. Plus it's about details and levels so people are losing their minds here.