2022 Grand Prix Espoo Free Dance | Page 10 | Golden Skate

2022 Grand Prix Espoo Free Dance


Feb 16, 2014
Breakdown of scores

France's Sandrine Peizerat put Carreira/Ponomarenko 2nd
Germany's Bohlke had Taschlers 3rd
Prins dislikes Taschlers FD, just like at Finlandia Trophy. He tied them with Orihara/Pirinen today. He hammered them in Composition.
He tends to vary marks between component more than other judges. He had H/B first in Presentation. T/V 2nd in Skating Skills. O/P 4th in Composition.
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Final Flight
Jan 17, 2022
The last five or six pairs were awesome today. Thr point difference within the top three was also amazing o_O

I just love Piper and Paul, I need them to win the WC, they would deserve it so much. Also, I demand that they continue next year and that the RD theme is to be the waltz.


On special assignment for work, see you in August
Record Breaker
Jan 3, 2007
Sigh working every other weekend sucks for skating. What I watch I either snooze through or cannot fully process until after I've slept. Sorry cannot form coherent thoughts today with work and a really bad ear infection. Will try to make the gala but may need sleep more. Thanks for your comments, I'll enjoy them when I can finally type more than pretty, good, nice dress and good skate.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
Paul and Piper have much better programs this year. The scoring was way too much though.
I dont think so considering what the French were getting. To be frank the scoring doesnt matter. There shouldnt be records any more. The values GOes vary from year to year and you are relying on judges. Remember when the new system started it was so hard to get a nine in components. Even the value of elements h ave changed and the GOE system. add to that the human element with judges and different panels from each competition. The scores really are meaningless other than the final rankings.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
What a free dance!

Gilles/Poirier were something else. What a difference a new season makes.

I loved Turkkila/Versluis too, and also the wonderful New York program of C/P.
Enjoyed the finns though overall it would be so hard to pick between them and the US (rd and fd). But it is in Finland so I can see the results. Hb i like their programs. standing back they are really good but not as good as the top teams which is why I can see them fightng it out for say 5 to 12. I would have right now GP, the Italians, the Danadians, Chock and Bates if not by reputation which is a reality, Fear and Gibson, and in my books LALA but once thejudges figure out which team is Canada no. 2 that will play a role right now looks like FB are Canada no. 2 (they must be shooting themselves for not doing better last year at worldstoearn 3 spots. I do feel bit sorry for CP so close.


Record Breaker
Jul 29, 2003
The last five or six pairs were awesome today. Thr point difference within the top three was also amazing o_O

I just love Piper and Paul, I need them to win the WC, they would deserve it so much. Also, I demand that they continue next year and that the RD theme is to be the waltz.

I've been trying not to get ahead of myself with Piper and Paul, but they are absolutely now indisputably the team to beat this season. They have the two best programs of the year, and are always tops in performance.

If I being (very) picky, there are still a few tweaks I'd like to see to the FD. I think they could come up with some more interesting positions for the dance spin, and I'd play with the position Piper hits going into the rotational lift (this season the position clinging to his back works completely for the music and theme). Love the straight line lift (that exit is amazing), love the choreographic slide, love the choreographic sequence. Love the placement of the twizzles.

They deserve every point, and to be frontrunners for world gold. To me, it's not even close.

Will be back with more thoughts on the rest of the teams, but I just got back from a Christmas craft market and only had time to spoil myself with Piper and Paul so far.


Final Flight
Dec 7, 2017
Wow just caught up! All I could say after Piper and Paul’s score was “holy sh-it! Holy sh-t!” I genuinely never expected them to be “the ones to beat” this year. I am SO pleased for them. They’ve been fan favourites for so long, it’s so wonderful to see them doing so well now. They seem like such lovely people too. I absolutely LOVED the Finns. Gosh I wish they could stop with silly mistakes because they are breathtaking to watch. A really well deserved medal. I loved Christina and Anthony too - they have improved so much and it’s a shame they just missed out on a medal. H/B were lovely - have they changed parts of their music? I don’t remember the vocal being in there during SKAM…