Ok, we can stop the season now, it can't possibly get better than this!
Livia, Soap&Skin, and me - it's figure skating love!
Livia, Soap&Skin, and me - it's figure skating love!
way better than that snooze fest she had as a short last yearSolid skate and something different from Livia
that's fuchsia, slightly magenta@elektra blue I finally found a way to show you the fuchsia/purple dress, it's an instagram story so not the best their is but still... https://www.instagram.com/stories/iouliachtchetinina/3460705139749537544/
no, it's just an unfortunate mix of two different dresses, she liked them both and couldn't make up her mind on neither of them, so she chose to wear them bothI need a vote, is that dress WTF?
i don't think i remember her, but my memory is terribleDid Miranda compete at JGP this season or am I mixing? In that case she changed her dress
I think perhaps just last season maybe, and she had a bit similar dress style, but skating to R&J or somethingi don't think i remember her, but my memory is terrible
I do have a bluelight filter on (my eyes hurt when I'm looking at the screen at night if I don't) so maybe that was it, I will train harder and be more adept at figuring out color shadesNext time you will win the color discussion my friend (and perhaps your screen is darker)