Andrei Mozalev | Page 56 | Golden Skate

Andrei Mozalev


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Some new photos Andrei and his dance partners

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Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
"Russian challenge" 18.03.2023



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
"We got the viewers hooked!". Figure skater Mozalev responds to criticism of the number with the girls in heels

Once again I pay my respects to Mozalev, who calmly and dispassionately states his position "we understood that not everyone would like this number". I'm glad he's not only free of prejudice, but also willing to defend his position in a situation of public pressure.
I have to remind myself that he's only 20.


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Earl Zeppelin in a toy store



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Two gala numbers - two moods

See you in Novosibirsk, Andrei! Welcome to Omsk, I will see your skiing live - a luxury available to few residents of Siberian cities :jump:


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
The 2nd picture! Looks at those muscles!
He's so handsome.

There is enough criticism about Andrei's weight gain. But this is normal for the end of the season, when all athletes begin to lose their form, it is necessary to give the body a rest. In addition, Andrei copes well with the quads in the show and in this form, and it does not interfere with sliding, he almost does not touch the ice, flutters like a butterfly. I am very much looking forward to see him live at the show in Omsk, I hope my plans come true.


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Anastasia Yurasova's interview about striptease lessons for Alexandra Trusova and stage directions for Andrei Mozalev's show number



Jan 31, 2019
There is enough criticism about Andrei's weight gain. But this is normal for the end of the season, when all athletes begin to lose their form, it is necessary to give the body a rest. In addition, Andrei copes well with the quads in the show and in this form, and it does not interfere with sliding, he almost does not touch the ice, flutters like a butterfly. I am very much looking forward to see him live at the show in Omsk, I hope my plans come true.
What weight gain? The guy is muscular. He eats less, bye-bye endurance since he is not 17 any more.


Record Breaker
Dec 7, 2022
What weight gain? The guy is muscular. He eats less, bye-bye endurance since he is not 17 any more.

It's also pretty sick to critisize an athlete for weight gains anyway... unless one is his coach and has legitimate reasons, but then it still shouldn't happen in public. There are enough eating disorders around in sports.


Jan 31, 2019
It's also pretty sick to critisize an athlete for weight gains anyway... unless one is his coach and has legitimate reasons, but then it still shouldn't happen in public. There are enough eating disorders around in sports.
It's sick and it's ignorant, and Mozalev already had that announced weight loss attempt after Olympics. I am not a big fan of the 'lose 5 lbs' as a panacea to every problem in FS, and if that doesn't work, lose 10... Mozalev being Mozalev, he is likely to try, and if he does, it is safer if he gives it a rest off-season. But, like, the thing is, they are taking off mostly muscular mass, not some excessive body fat.


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
It's also pretty sick to critisize an athlete for weight gains anyway... unless one is his coach and has legitimate reasons, but then it still shouldn't happen in public. There are enough eating disorders around in sports.

The Internet is the same everywhere, and the only reason for the haters to discuss an athlete's appearance is to do so. Russian figure skaters are immune to these kinds of statements, and I hope they don't read this at all. I sincerely hope that the critical chatter of idle commentators on the Internet does not affect Andrei's plans for his body. He will always look dense compared to other skaters, he has a hyperstenic physique and a wide chest, dense torso and broad shoulders + those jeans and T-shirt visually make him look fat. You can even compare how different he looks in different costumes, in the Heart Cry costume Andrei looks slim.

Andrei has lost a lot of weight this season, it seems that this has caused him to start losing the feeling of his body during multi-turn jumps. Of course, when you jump, every pound of weight affects your position in the air, a lot is bad, it leads to injuries, extremely little is also not very good. I hope they've found some sort of middle ground.

But, like, the thing is, they are taking off mostly muscular mass, not some excessive body fat.
Andrei's system of physical training involves, among other things, working on increasing muscle mass (not as a bodybuilder, of course, to the extent necessary for a figure skater). Watching him and Arseniy Dimitriev, his training companion, I can note that their bodies have changed significantly during the time that they work with this physical training coach (Davydenko's other skaters are still in their formative teenage years, it is difficult to judge the changes there). They've both become much more muscular and trim, they've lost some of their looseness. I think the weight loss was not due to muscle mass, but rather due to the rapid removal of water from the body or something like that.


Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Speaking of Andrei and Arseniy Dimitriev, yesterday they played the Shelkovnikov brothers (hehe, internal meme) and performed parallel jumps, which looks very spectacular



Now the flower is making its way through concrete
Record Breaker
Feb 10, 2022
Short Interview with Vlad Dikiji

- About last season. If it were possible to give the MVP statuette to one of our skaters... Is there a name that comes to your mind?
- You know, it reminded me situation when I was standing over there *shows direction* giving an interview too. I was asked who I look up to (I think) and I said "Andrei Mozalev". Since I can't really think right now, let it be Andrusha.
- Okay. He gets another vote.
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Jan 31, 2019
Andrei's system of physical training involves, among other things, working on increasing muscle mass (not as a bodybuilder, of course, to the extent necessary for a figure skater). Watching him and Arseniy Dimitriev, his training companion, I can note that their bodies have changed significantly during the time that they work with this physical training coach (Davydenko's other skaters are still in their formative teenage years, it is difficult to judge the changes there). They've both become much more muscular and trim, they've lost some of their looseness. I think the weight loss was not due to muscle mass, but rather due to the rapid removal of water from the body or something like that.
At his BF% (or any skater), it is anatomically impossible to not lose muscular mass when losing weight. Their regimen aims to preserve as much of MM as possible, while dropping them to single digits BF. It's not that he gains bulk, it's that it's easier to see definition. That's what cut is all about and it's a dangerous game when it is sustained for this long, because canibalizing on muscular mass is inevitable. The simplest explanation why he is losing control by mid program is because he dropped too low, went too long too underweight and it impacts his energy level and endurance.