COC cancelled - Italy will host | Page 9 | Golden Skate

COC cancelled - Italy will host


Jan 18, 2018
Let me rephrase - which 2 men does @Jontor want to remove and which other two Italian men does @Jontor want to add as "host picks" given that Grassl is already here, without a host pick?
Yes, I know it all is a bit of a mess because the allocation of all the skaters was done in June, and there is two very good Chinese men in there that absolutely earned their spots. But when it comes to women, that is not the case. If China had withdrawn sooner, there would be no Chinese women in there. There is two higher ranked Italian girls on the SB list than Hongyi Chen, and a handful others above Yi Zhu.

I just hope that the ISU gives the Italian men and women some slack and prioritize them on the Replacement List.


Final Flight
May 16, 2020
Yes, I know it all is a bit of a mess because the allocation of all the skaters was done in June, and there is two very good Chinese men in there that absolutely earned their spots. But when it comes to women, that is not the case. If China had withdrawn sooner, there would be no Chinese women in there. There is two higher ranked Italian girls on the SB list than Hongyi Chen, and a handful others above Yi Zhu.

I just hope that the ISU gives the Italian men and women some slack and prioritize them on the Replacement List.
As I said I agree about the women. But you were talking about the men as well. :shrug:

And yes I hope ISU can cut people some slack - because with Daniil Samsonov placed into two GPs, when Jin has a higher SB and WS than him, I hope he gets priority first over whichever withdrawal takes place with the men elsewhere.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
What a shame to lose Han Yan :( do we know if it's because he couldn't get permission to go or of it was a Host Pick situation?


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
^ It is probably related to the fact that he isn't at Asian Open, either.