So how would you design an AI for judging skating, without building in your own biases?Oh, no, that would mean we feed the AI with all the human biases, favouritism and errors which are the very reason we want AI to replace human judges in the first place!
FS is very different from chess and tennis as no one is judging the gracefulness with which a chess player grabs a pawn or a tennis player is running to the net. In the end of the day, their score is based on hard facts which can be misjudged only as a result of human error - and this is where AI comes in more and more. To better assess the hard facts.
With FS the question is not just about human errors in miscalculating rotations or failing to notice a wrong edge, UR etc., not even about differences in subjective opinions about what constitutes a great jump, great composition or interpretation and which skater does it better. It is also about favouritisms and intentional misjudgements which are different from built-in subjectivity, but, alas, have been happening all the time nevertheless.
Yes, intentional. As all the facts like corridor scoring of PCS, awarding PCS in relation to TES, taking into account what federation, which coach, what history, etc etc. this is all intentional misjudgements which are built into the system by now but which should never happen and which might be simply eliminated by AI provided no one would feed this compromised notions into its software