Daisuke Takahashi | Page 205 | Golden Skate

Daisuke Takahashi


May 5, 2018
Big interview/article with Dai-chan published today! It seems to be mostly about Hyoen: Daisuke Takahashi reflects on his first love scene: 'It's something I can express because it's me now'


Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Big interview/article with Dai-chan published today! It seems to be mostly about Hyoen: Daisuke Takahashi reflects on his first love scene: 'It's something I can express because it's me now'

Thank you, Kirara - that's a nice interview! :giggle:

Dai has done so many recently that it was impossible to post them all, and of course many of them covered similar topics (there was a slew of interviews on "Kassouya" alone). This is the first "proper" interview on the new "Hyoen" production, so there are a few new insights from this one, even if it's still early stages and he can't/isn't allowed to reveal much yet and this is more a retrospective on the past "Hyoen" productions.

There's also a part one, by the way:


Machine translation of part 1:
Daisuke Takahashi talks about the major influences on his "turning point in life”

Interview with Daisuke Takahashi, Part 1

Akiko Tanaka

In the spring of 2024, Daisuke Takahashi celebrated his 30th anniversary since he started skating. There is something that has contributed deeply to the turning point of his skating life.

That is Daisuke Takahashi's life's work, the comprehensive on-ice entertainment "Hyoen”.

The third production in the popular series, the first of which was staged in 2017 and the second in 2019, will return this June for the first time in five years as "Hyoen 2024 - The miracle of the cross". What kind of presence does "Hyoen" have for Mr. Takahashi? Akiko Tanaka, a writer who has seen both productions and written reports on them, interviewed Mr. Takahashi again.

In the first part of this interview, we ask Takahashi about the importance of "Hyoen" for him.

Deeply involved in his return to active duty and his switch to ice dance

This year marks Daisuke Takahashi's 30th anniversary since he started skating. Among the many vicissitudes of his skating career, his return to active duty in 2018 at the age of 32 and his switch to ice dancing at the age of 33 took the world by surprise. Deeply involved in this turning point was Takahashi's life's work, "Hyoen”, Takahashi says.

After retiring in 2014, he returned to active competition in 2018, winning a silver medal at the All-Japan Championships held in December.

“The first Kabuki-figure skating fusion, "Hyoen 2017- Basara” was timed to coincide with my first retirement. At the time, I was doing various types of work while worrying about my future life, and my appearance in "Hyoen" was a great inspiration. This appearance strengthened my determination to live my life as a performer with skating at the core, and was one of the major factors in my return to active duty in 2018.

Another turning point was "Hyoen 2019 – Like the moonlight," which was based on the theme of the Tale of Genji. Kana Muramoto, who had invited me to ice dance, was also a performer in the show, so we tried out for ice dance together at a training camp, and I became interested. Furthermore, at the time I could not dance with a partner, so I felt that if I wanted to live as a performer, I needed to be able to dance with a partner, and Hyoen at that time strengthened my feeling, and I decided to switch. So, even though it was a coincidence, "Hyoen" was involved in a major turning point in my life.”

A place where "connections" were made with people from different industries

“Hyoen" is a comprehensive entertainment on ice in which Japanese culture and figure skating are fused and different types of performers perform with each other. He has taken on a rare challenge. It has a deep connection with his competitive life in figure skating, but what does this entertainment itself mean to Daisuke Takahashi?

Daisuke Takahashi: "For me, “Hyoen” is something that always gives me a chance to try something new. I have been able to try things other than skating, such as sword fighting, acting, Japanese dance, and singing. Above all, it is a great opportunity for me to meet people from different industries that I would not normally have the chance to meet. Standing on the same stage, we have a chance to absorb various things, and these connections lead us beyond public and private life. The same is true of my encounter with Yuma Suzuki, whom I asked to choreograph the pieces for "Kassouya", which I directed in its entirety this time. You never know where things will lead, and this is an opportunity for me to make very valuable connections.

“Kassouya" is a new type of ice show fully directed by Daisuke Takahashi, which was held in February 2024.

The kanji "en" in "Hyoen" also means "edge”. As the name implies, different kinds of entertainment talents gather and stimulate each other to create a single stage on ice, thereby expanding the "bond" that binds them together.

The first production was a "Fusion with Kabuki"

2017's "Hyoen - Basara" was a fusion with Kabuki. Koshiro Matsumoto (then Somegoro Ichikawa) played the evil Kabuki character Danjo Niki, and Mr. Takahashi played Yoshitsune Minamoto as a symbol of goodness to counter him. What did Mr. Takahashi think at first when he heard about the fusion of Kabuki and figure skating?

“I couldn't imagine what it would be like at all. But Kabuki is a traditional Japanese art form. Figure skating was born in the West and also has a long history. I thought that the fusion of such traditional cultures from the East and West would open up a lot of entertainment possibilities.

The actual production was speedy and powerful, with Kabuki actors performing with flair, as well as hair-swinging, rokkata, sword fighting and Kabuki props fused with the skating on the ice. The novelty of this world made me discover anew how amazing Kabuki is, and at the same time, I was able to reconfirm the glamour and speed of figure skating, as well as the performance that conveys feelings even without dialogue.

I think the characteristic of figure skating is speed. Nothing can move that fast on stage, so when it is combined with other types of entertainment, I feel that there are still new possibilities for figure skating shows. When it comes to sword fighting, I've loved pretending to play chanbara since I was a child, so it was exciting and thrilling to perform with a sword, and I really enjoyed it. The scene in the play where I took off my skates and danced the Japanese dance solo was extremely difficult, so that part was more exhausting.”

This is the scene in which Takahashi's character, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, disguises himself as a prostitute named "Okuni" and enters the den of evil led by Matsumoto Koshiro/Somegoro Ichikawa. In the presence of a cast of distinguished Kabuki actors, Takahashi performed a hip-hop Japanese dance on a carpet on the ice, without skates. At the beginning of this scene, when a man wearing a mask appeared and began to dance without skates, I thought, "There is a wonderful young man in the Kabuki world," but halfway through the dance, I recognized him as Mr. Takahashi because of his indescribable nuance and the heat in the air.

Challenges in the skate-less territory

Mr. Takahashi's dance, accented with hand choreography to the sounds of nagauta and tsuzumi drums, sent the audience into a frenzy. This "dance of Okuni," which incorporated the hand choreography of Tokyo Gegegay and fused it with the nimai dance choreographed by Kikunojo Onoue, is still talked about among fans today.

“That was the climax of my first performance in Hyoen. If I was wearing skates, I would be in my own territory, but I was dancing the Nichimai dance in front of Kabuki actors without shoes on. What on earth would I show in that situation? I am not a professional dancer. Moreover, the nichimai dance is so deep that it was very difficult. I think all dances are deep, but it was really difficult for me to show a unique sense of slipperiness and charm without moving too much.

Kikunojo taught me gently, and I tried to copy or steal his gestures as much as possible, but I had to give my own nuance in the process. Tokyo Gegegay's hand choreography was also difficult, and it really stimulated me as a performer. I also learned a lot from watching Kabuki actors practice together late at night at the skating rink, and from there I was able to see up close how they would adjust their dances for the performance.”

This ice show appearance was a major factor in his decision to live his life as a performer with skating as his main focus.

In the second part of the interview, "Daisuke Takahashi looks back on his first love scene: 'What I can express because of who I am now'", he talks about his challenges in singing and acting, the episode in 2019 when he played Genji in "Hyoen – Like the moonlight", and this June, after a five-year absence, his performance in "Hyoen – The miracle of the cross", based on Kenji Miyazawa's "Night on the Galactic Railroad".


Machine translation of part 2:

Daisuke Takahashi looks back on his first love scene: "It's something I can express because it's who I am now.”

Interview with Daisuke Takahashi, Part 2

Akiko Tanaka

The first production was staged in 2017 and the second in 2019, and "Hyoen," which continues to have a significant impact on the skating career of its lead actor, Daisuke Takahashi, will return for the first time in five years. Akiko Tanaka, who has attended the past two productions, interviewed the actor about his memories of the past performances and his feelings toward "Hyoen 2024" which will open on June 8.

In the first part, we asked him in detail why "Hyoen" became a turning point in his life. In the second part, we asked him about his experience of coming out of his shell and his new work.

Red to the ears during the reading of the love scene

Daisuke Takahashi's second appearance in Hyoen "Like the moonlight" in which he played the role of Hikaru Genji, was staged in 2019, the year after Takahashi returned to singles active duty. The production was directed by Amon Miyamoto, who is also directing the latest production, which will be performed at Yokohama Arena starting June 8, 2024. Mr. Takahashi took on the challenge of performing in the play there, and to his surprise, he had to perform both a love scene and a song. During a close-up of the rehearsal, a scene was broadcast during the reading of the play in which Takahashi read the lines of a love scene with Ayaka Hirahara, who played Fujitsubo, and he was seen reading the lines with his ears bright red.

“I was really embarrassed at the time. I was not yet properly prepared for the play, and it was not something I could do suddenly. Skating is a wordless performance, so I was perplexed about acting with words. On top of that, you are required to perform facial expressions. I didn't know how my voice was going to sound, and I realized how difficult acting could be.

Moreover, I had to perform a solo song for the first time, and when I learned about it, I thought, "What? Am I allowed to sing?” I was very conflicted. I had to do it as the lead, but I had never done it before. I had to do it with no time, so I practiced, but I knew it was not a good idea under the circumstances. I could't lose my shyness and I couldn't be confident because I couldn't act or sing, but I knew I had to take the plunge. It was very difficult for me to switch between these feelings.

During the rehearsal camp, there was a moment when Mr. Miyamoto gathered everyone together and gave them a few words of advice.

I can't remember exactly what he said, but I was surprised when he told us that he was going to give us all a good talking-to. It was a week into the camp and I was still a bit shy. He was talking to all of us as if it was everyone's problem, but I felt as if he was talking about me, and it really hit home. I felt that I had to change myself, and in fact, I did change from there. Amon-san is really good at motivating me. When he needs to tighten up, he does so, and when he sees my performance, he asks me for more and more, so I feel like I have to do it for Amon-san.

With Amon-san's guidance, I was able to break out of my shell and the performance was a success. If you keep up, the results will follow. It was a truly wonderful experience to be able to feel that way.”

The pressure of being the leading actor in a cast of splendid actors

In "Hyoen – Like the Moonlight" he performed with singer Ayaka Hirahara, former top Takarazuka actress Reon Yuzuki, and actors Seiji Fukushi and Kazuki Namioka, all of whom are senior actors in the theater.

“The actors I co-starred with each had their own strong individuality and were amazing. Their singing gave me goosebumps, and they had an aura that I couldn't help but look at. I was overwhelmed by them, but as the lead actor, I had to compete with them. That is a difficult thing to do, isn't it? If I let that affect me, I wouldn’t have been able to move forward, so I had no choice but to do what I could do! The choices and evaluations are not made by you but by the people around you, and if they end up saying, after the play is over, that I was not good enough, there will be no next time.”

After making that decision, he was able to pull everyone together as the chairperson, not only with his skating, but also with his “incredible'' performance. I wondered how the love scene with Ms. Hirahara, who played the role of Fujitsubo, the mother-in-law, and the performance with Stéphane Lambiel, the skater who played Suzaku, the rival of Hikaru Genji and who is now Shoma Uno's coach, went.

“When I think about it now, it wasn’t really a love scene (lol). At the time, that was the best I could do, though. The scenes with Suzaku, played by Stéphane, and things like the rivalry I was actually able to do them as they were, rather than just acting. Before Amon-san cast the role, he asked me who my rival was from my active days and I answered, “Stéphane”. So it seems that Stéphane was cast as the rival in the play.

I don't know how Stéphane feels about it, but for myself, Stéphane is someone I admire and want to win against even though I think I may not be able to win. It was close to the feelings that Hikaru Genji had for Suzaku no Kimi, so it was easy for me to relate to those feelings. However, there was a lot of pressure because the performance involved a lot of things other than skating, which is my territory, and I think I unknowingly wore myself out even more than usual.”

From practice to the actual performance, Takahashi said that what he felt was the kindness and effort of his co-stars.

When Mr. Takahashi was unable to read the script properly because he turned bright red, as mentioned above, they sympathized with the lead actor, saying, "I was like that at first," and turning kind eyes on him.

He also said, "Everyone had been so supportive of me since the rehearsals, and they gave me guidance. They were really wonderful people, and they worked very hard despite their busy skating practice schedule. In fact, for almost all first-time skaters, practicing skating is a tough task. But everyone really worked hard. I realized that people who go to the top of any world are sincere and have great human qualities. In other words, I realized that such people are the ones who can make it to the top.”

The third production is inspired by Kenji Miyazawa's "Night on the Galactic Railroad”

Five years have passed since then. In the third production, “Hyoen 2024 – The miracle of the cross”, which will begin on June 8 this year, Takahashi will re-team with Amon Miyamoto, who led him to a new challenge in the previous work. The new production is based on Kenji Miyazawa's ``Night on the Galactic Railway,'' and is a story of the rebirth of the soul that transcends time, set in the real and galactic worlds. Mr. Takahashi plays the lead role of “Kakeru”.

“Of course, I am looking forward to working with Amon-san again, but I'm actually more nervous about it. I have a strong desire to show that I've grown after five years, but what if people think I haven't grown as much as I did last time? Last time I started in a situation where I didn't know what was going on and I started to grow, but this time I'm going to build on that result, so I'm under a lot of pressure. I want to prepare in my own way without thinking about anything. I'm sure a lot of things will happen once the rehearsals begin.This time, the motif is "Night on the Galaxy Express," but up until now Hyoen has been doing historical works, so I wonder if it will be modern this time. I've never acted like that before, so I still can't imagine how my acting will turn out.''

“I was sorry to hear of Kyoko Domoto's sudden passing, it still doesn't sink in."

Speaking of "Hyoen", the history and the stylistic beauty of traditional Japanese costumes have been highlights of the show so far, but what will it be like this time? It is very sad to hear of the sudden death last year of Kyoko Domoto, a stage costume designer who made the wonderful costumes for the first and second productions of "Hyoen”.

“I was so sorry to hear about Ms. Domoto, and I still don't really feel it yet. She made truly wonderful costumes, and I wish she could have made more. Costumes are a kind of battle uniform, and in my case, wearing a great costume makes me feel even better. In that sense, this time, too, they look really cool. I heard that the people in charge of the costumes have thought of various ways to make the costumes look good because skating is done at high speed on ice. I think the audience will enjoy the costumes again.”

Daisuke Takahashi sings with [musical artist] Yuzu!

For the third “Hyoen”, "Yuzu" will appear in all performances as special guest artists and also sing the theme song. And the performers will sing their traditional songs in the play.

“Yuzu-san is my youth, and I have been singing songs like ``Kakei no Kakehashi'' (Bridge of Glory) since my school days, and they are truly wonderful artists. At the concert, people of all ages came to listen to them, and they sang with all their might the whole time, which was really moving. At first, I had a hard time connecting Yuzu and a skating show. But I am really looking forward to seeing how their songs will be used in the show, as they will be sung by the musical actors. It will be my pleasure to hear them being sung during rehearsals, during the show, and behind the scenes.”

Takahashi has recently expressed his desire to perform in musicals, and in this production of "Hyoen" many musical actors will appear, and Takahashi himself will sing in many scenes.

"I really like to see musicals on stage, but as for my own singing, even though I have sung in previous productions of the "Hyoen" series, I am basically an amateur, so I am half excited and half nervous to be singing among the professionals. Ryunosuke Onoda, who plays my childhood friend Tokio in the play, is a wonderful singer, but he's also a very kind person. Even though I'm older than him, he just accepted me. In fact, I think it's more like I'm being spoiled by him."

Many skaters have been selected from "Kassouya”.

The main skaters are Shizuka Arakawa and Kana Muramoto, who have appeared in the "Hyoen" series in the past, and new members Kazuki Tomono and Koshiro Shimada, who have joined the cast.

“Kana will be appearing in her first full-fledged role in "Hyoen" and I am looking forward to seeing her in a new and different light from her ice dancing. Ms. Arakawa has an atmosphere and charm that only she can bring out. I know this may come as a surprise to you, but in the past, she played a very villainous role in "Hyoen" and it suited her well. It is rare among skaters to have that kind of presence. I don't know yet what kind of role she will play this time, but I am sure she will show us another unique presence.

I think Koshiro really likes to act. He can probably do many things better than I can. I am sure he was very happy to hear about the opportunity to appear in the ice show, because he must have been disappointed that he could not perform in “Kassouya” due to his health condition. Kazuki can do many things better than I can, and I think he is suited for acting. I don't know at what stage they both caught Amon's attention, but it will be the first time for both of them to have lines on the ice, and they will be doing something completely different from what they normally do, so I think it will definitely benefit them in the future.

The skaters were also auditioned for this year's "Hyoen," and a number of young ensemble skaters who had been selected for the ice entertainment "Kassouya", which was fully directed by Daisuke Takahashi in February, took up the challenge and were selected.

The audition was also posted by Amon Miyamoto on his SNS.

“I was not involved in the audition process at all, as I am one of the performers in "Hyoen”. So I have no idea if they really caught his eye through "Kassouya" or what kind of evaluation they got through the audition. But I can say that it is a big plus for them to participate in this kind of entertainment. It is a valuable experience for them to know a new side of themselves, different from the one in "Kassouya" and it is an accumulation. It makes me happy. It's great that the skaters who participated in "Kassouya" have another opportunity to take on new challenges."

“Hyoen” is inspired by his experience with ice dance and "Kassouya”

Having taken over the full production of "Kassouya" Takahashi himself will be able to see the production of Amon Miyamoto differently this time than he did last time. He also switched to ice dancing after the second production in 2019, so he will be able to use that experience this time.

“No, I'm still in the stage of learning by doing, even though I've directed (laughs). But I do have a desire to learn, so my perspective on Amon-san and directing may be different from last time.

I started ice dancing after the last performance, worked hard on it, and spent three seasons as an athlete. In terms of technique, there are still many things I don't understand yet. But there are “strengths” that I have challenged. Knowing how to skate with a partner is my strength now, and I can do it with confidence, so I still think that has a positive impact. In this work, the skaters are much younger than the skaters in the original "Hyoen". As the years have passed, I have changed as well, and there are many new members, so the third “Hyoen'' will start with a different feeling than before.''

Lastly, we asked him to share his enthusiasm for "Hyoen" this time.

“The full picture of "Hyoen 2024 – Miracle of the Cross" will be revealed only after the rehearsal camp in May, so I myself still have to lift the lid to find out what it is all about. However, considering the past "Hyoen" productions, I am convinced that it will be interesting, and that we must make it interesting, because the chemical reaction of different types of entertainment performers giving their all is amazing.

Thanks to your support, I have been very busy since my retirement in 2023, and I am very fulfilled. I would like to take on various challenges while I can and show you a new Daisuke Takahashi. First of all, I'm going to give my all to “Hyoen 2024 – Miracle of the Cross" and I'm really excited to see what kind of me I'll be able to meet in the future.”

Hyoen 2024 – The miracle of the cross

Yokohama Arena
June 8, 9, 10, 11
Shows start at 16:00

Synopsis: I want to meet you again, in this corner of the galaxy
This is a comprehensive entertainment on ice inspired by Kenji Miyazawa's "Night on the Galactic Railroad”. Set in the world of reality and the galaxy, it is a story of soul rebirth beyond the eternal separation of two childhood friends.

Director: Amon Miyamoto Screenplay: Riko Sakaguchi
Starring: Daisuke Takahashi
Theme Song & Song in the play: Yuzu
Cast: Daisuke Takahashi, Ryunosuke Onoda, Shizuka Arakawa, Masahiro Ehara, Kana Muramoto, Kazuki Tomono, Koshiro Shimada, Kai Hasegawa, Elianna, Marie, Others


Two quotes I'd like to highlight...

...about Hyoen 2019:

“[...] The scenes with Suzaku, played by Stéphane, and things like the rivalry I was actually able to do them as they were, rather than just acting. Before Amon-san cast the role, he asked me who my rival was from my active days and I answered, “Stéphane”. So it seems that Stéphane was cast as the rival in the play.

I don't know how Stéphane feels about it, but for myself, Stéphane is someone I admire and want to win against even though I think I may not be able to win. It was close to the feelings that Hikaru Genji had for Suzaku no Kimi, so it was easy for me to relate to those feelings. [...]”

...and about the new production:

Takahashi has recently expressed his desire to perform in musicals, and in this production of "Hyoen" many musical actors will appear, and Takahashi himself will sing in many scenes.

"I really like to see musicals on stage, but as for my own singing, even though I have sung in previous productions of the "Hyoen" series, I am basically an amateur, so I am half excited and half nervous to be singing among the professionals. Ryunosuke Onoda, who plays my childhood friend Tokio in the play, is a wonderful singer, but he's also a very kind person. Even though I'm older than him, he just accepted me. In fact, I think it's more like I'm being spoiled by him."

NTV started promoting Hyoen 2024 with the broadcast of a sneak peek at the preparations and a talk between Dai and Ryunosuke Onoda, who will play the two leads, Kakeru and Tokio.

This promo video contains brief clips of the promo photo shoot, part of the interview with Dai (which was already posted via the Hyoen twitter account), a glimpse at Ryunosuke’s and Ehara’s on-ice training and at Dai’s voice training and a snippet of the Dai x Ryunosuke talk:

This video, which was shown on "Night baguette", contains a different part of the Dai x Ryunosuke talk (starting 2 minutes in):

Director Amon Miyamoto reposted this picture of him posing with the KanaDai poster outside the Saitama Super Arena when he visited Worlds 2023 to reveal that the concept for the new Hyoen production was already in the developmental stage one year ago 😲:


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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Sorry, been slacking with the updates again (there’s just way too much happening all the time). 😭


On March 16th + 17th Dai attended Kanako’s “classical figure skating concert” as a special talkshow guest. Since Kanako’s wedding apparently took place shortly before, the Wedding March was played for her on both days. On the 17th Dai took over conducting duties. :giggle:

On both days too, the orchestra and audience joined forces to play and sing “Happy Birthday” (conducted by Kanako) for Dai-chan, whose birthday coincided with the event.

Kana, as well as her and Dai’s mutual friend Sayuri Sugiura, were in the audience.

Dai and Kanako with conductor Yuko Tanaka (middle), pianist Kaoruko Igarashi (left) and tenor Kazuma Kudo (right) + birthday cake for Dai-chan:

A couple more pictures on Kanako's insta account:

Report on World Figure Skating Web: https://worldfigureskating-web.jp/news/6778/

Event report and transcript of the after-concert talkshow with Yuko Tanaka, Kanako and Daisuke, which took place on the 17th: https://www.koransha.com/contents/5425/

Machine translated excerpt from the after-talkshow:

Murakami: So, what kind of music do you usually listen to?

Takahashi: All genres, from rock to jazz to classical... Since I started producing, I'm always searching for music in various genres, so I don't have a fixed genre. I change it according to my mood. I sometimes play classical music in the morning. It feels good.

Murakami Elegant!

Tanaka It doesn't suit you, or maybe it does. What about you, Kanako?

Murakami I like music that gets me excited, so I like songs by everyone - Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, etc. I also listen to the soundtrack of Phantom of the Opera as I move around, and I also listen to classical music... I like classical music when I spend time in the sauna. What about you, Tanaka?

Tanaka: I don't usually listen to music anymore since I became a professional, I want to rest my ears. Before I became a professional, I loved R&B and soul, and I used to listen to Chaka Khan and Nirvana. I still listen to them when I drive. But, for example, when I'm at the dentist's office and classical music is playing and they say, 'Please relax', I can't do it. Even if there's a piano playing, I'm worried that the tempo might be too fast. I'm worried about it.

Murakami It's interesting. It's not often that we get to hear stories like this. Now for the next question. 'Do you go to musicals, plays or concerts? Please tell us about your favourite genres and what you enjoyed seeing.

Takahashi: I like the fusion of music, dance and singing, so I go to see musicals more often than straight plays, but I like all genres.

Murakami: Even after you retired, you went to see many different kinds of performances, didn't you?

Takahashi: I like it a lot, so I do go. I'm also directing, so I've started to look at things like lighting. I see how the composition is done, how the movement is good, and so on.

Murakami Has your perspective changed since your working days?

Takahashi: Yes, it has. Since I started producing ice shows, I've had to learn how to see things differently.

Tanaka: What about Kanako?

Murakami: I love it too. The Shiki Theatre Company has been nearby since I was a child.

Tanaka: It's in Sakae, Nagoya, isn't it? [Note: Yuko Tanaka is also from Nagoya, the same town as Kanako Murakami.]

Murakami: It seems that Midori Ito took ballet lessons in the Shiki Theatre Company, and through that connection I got to go and see it with Ms Machiko Yamada. Since then, I've loved the theatre. Even now, I still go and get my own tickets. Do you also see plays?

Tanaka: I love straight plays. I also like to watch dramas and films, and I like to imagine what the direction and script are like. Someday, I want to study acting.

Murakami: I see. Would you prefer to act in plays?

Tanaka Yes, I do. Also, there is a piece called “A Soldier's Tale” by Stravinsky, which is a piece with a lot of variations, but it is a very universal story with narration and pantomime. You should definitely listen to it!

Takahashi: I'll listen to it!

Tanaka Please listen to the version with the French narration first. I think it would be great to do it on ice skates. There's a play, there's a narrative, there's a pantomime. I'd like to direct it someday, and perform it myself, swinging as I go along (laughs).

Murakami: Amazing. Shall we skate? Let's have another collaboration.

Takahashi: I'd love to.

Murakami: I'd like to talk more, but there's already a sign saying 'the end'.

Tanaka: It says 'the end' in big letters (laughs).

Murakami I'm sorry to say goodbye, but this is the end of the after-talk. Thank you very much!

I didn’t know that Midori Ito took ballet lessons with the renowned Shiki Theatre Company (which Yuma Suzuki later used to be a member of) - that’s super interesting to me! 😲


Kanako and Dai went shopping together (as they do from time to time according to Kanako's ig stories) :biggrin::

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Patrick Chan was interviewed by CBC’s Scott Russell covering his experience as an ambassador at Worlds and a reflection on his career. (As an aside: at one point the talk also briefly drifted towards the ever so popular “philosophical” question, if figure skating is art, a sport or both. :wink: I have to say I like/agree with Patrick’s point of view.) The reason why I’m bringing the interview here is that it’s lovely to see that Patrick to this day still speaks very fondly of his rivalry with Daisuke – citing it as his favourite rivalry due to Dai’s generosity and kindness on and off the ice as well as his unique style – and credits him for pushing him (Patrick) to up his game artistically 🥰:



I uploaded Dai’s Friends+α episode, which was broadcast on March 28:


This is a fan impression / summary of the talk:


Main points:

  • According to the fan Dai-chan was cheerful and chatty and he seemed to be full of “Yang” energy.

  • They talked about the physical changes that come with age. Dai-chan's respect for Shizuka increases year by year.

  • For skating boots, he currently uses ice dance boots and switches between singles/ice dance blades. The heels remain high only for ice dance. [I guess he has one pair of ice dance boots with high heels and ice dance blades and one pair of ice dance boots with a standard heel and freestyle blades.]

  • About working with young skaters without ice show-experience for “Kassouya”: “Everyone was so passionate, that everyone lifted each other up,'' and they all were like “Okay, let's do our best together!'' Although it was taxing on the body, this was what got them through it and the synergy effect was immeasurable.

  • Dai-chan was moved to tears behind the scenes when he saw everyone's growth during the performance.

  • About solo numbers: When he does solo numbers, Dai definitely wants to include jumps [as opposed to performing a solo dance].

  • Dai couldn't practice his solo number much for “Kassouya”. He hopes that the next time he gets to perform it, he will be able to do it perfectly.

  • It was actually at Art on Ice that Dai felt for the first time that it would be useful to be able to skate/dance with somene else! He said he felt frustrated that he wasn’t able to take the lead quickly enough when he was paired up with another skater [probably referring to being partnered with Joannie Rochette at AOI 2015].

  • Dai currently has 18 pots of houseplants in his apartment. He ventilates the room and humidifies the air every day, and sometimes showers the plants in the bathroom. He sometimes performs the sage burning ritual while ventilating.

  • When asked for something he’d like to try: He’d like to buy an investment condominium.

  • About Hyoen: Dai received the script and there are more lines than last time [for “The tale of Genji”] and he will sing [which we already know].
  • On his 30th skating anniversary: Having come this far, now he wants to make it to his 40th or even 50th anniversary!

  • At the end of the talk, instead of the obligatory “please continue to support/watch over me” he asked his fans to “keep walking with him”. :giggle:


By all accounts Dai-chan’s first two episodes as a regular on the variety show „Poka Poka” on April 4 + 11 went well and had a lot of cute and funny moments. I uploaded the first episode on google drive:


A cute moment from the show on April 4 (if I'm getting it right Dai-chan was introduced as “The Nobleman on Ice 30 Bronze!” - referencing his Olympic bronze medal):

Here's a scene/skit from April 11 with the regulars cosplaying as cats 😻:

At one point in the show on April 4 the regulars were asked to reveal something surprising about themselves to which Dai apparently replied that he doesn’t really like the sound of ice and was never able to get used to it, so he appreciates that a lot of the time there is music and or other noises masking the sound the blades make on the ice. 😱

By the way: Dai appeared with fellow "Poka Poka" regular, Wakako Shimazaki, in this CM for the Kinoshita Group 12 years ago:


Last but not least, here’s the additional footage from “Kokoro Lab”, which was broadcast on March 17 (featuring Kana too):


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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Today NTV broadcasted a 23-minute long Hyoen-preview, mainly consisting of footage of the character-photoshoots and interview bites with Amon, Dai, Ryunosuke, Shizuka, Kana, Masahiro, Kazuki, Eliana, Marie and “Yuzu”:

Having watched the anime adaptation of "Night on the Galactic Railroad" from 1985 recently and now the "Hyoen" preview I have … many questions. *lol*

  • About Kazuki’s “costume”: Why is he wearing a jacket reminiscent of personal protective gear? Is this his final costume or a placeholder? If it is indeed the actual costume, then is he maybe involved with the fossil excavation at "The Pliocene Coast"?
  • I suppose Masahiro is the Conductor and Kai the Wireless Operator?
  • Eliana seems to have a connection to Scorpius
  • Kana could be one of the passengers from the sinking ship?
  • Is Marie maybe "Kakeru's" mother?
  • No clue about Shizuka. Is she an original character? :unsure:

Kana-chan about Daisuke: https://twitter.com/wElcOmeD8376/status/1780745474833854527

"He's an entertainer. Outside of what he's known for as a competitor, his acting and singing (range) is amazing. (While active as an ice dancer) I think our bond has become stronger through the ups and downs we have experienced in the process of creating a piece of work. I'm happy to skate together again, and I hope I won't lose."
I really like the "retro-futuristic" look of Dai's costume: https://twitter.com/11Kaor127/status/1780755807371743266

Jazz Funk dancer "Avecoo" has been added as a choreographer (it's getting more and more mysterious!):


We are are blessed with yet another beauty/fashion shoot, as well as an interview about beauty-topics, “Kassouya”, Mao’s “Beyond”, practicing jumps again and the new “Hyoen” production - this time for the May print issue of fashion magazine “Precious” (the photos are precious indeed! :love2:) as well as a "sequel" web feature.

BTS of the photoshoot :dbana::

Web article:

Part 1: https://precious.jp/articles/-/47064
Part 2 hasn’t been published yet.

Machine translation part 1:

Original web interview "Daisuke Takahashi - behind the dazzling brilliance" Part 1​

The shoot and interview of Daisuke Takahashi took place a little while after his first ice show "Kassouya" in February 2024, and just as he was about to start preparations for the ice show "Hyoen 2024 – Miracle of the Cross" in June, in which he will star. The online article is a sequel to the main article in the May issue of Precious, which reveals the secrets of the aura and brilliance of a skater with rare sensitivity and talent. The online article is a sequel to the original article, and provides more details about Takahashi's thoughts and personal life as an extension of the comments made in the original article. Also, look out for shots never before published in the magazine, which can only be seen here!

Professional figure skater Daisuke Takahashi is currently appearing in the May issue on sale. This interview took place at a time when preparations were about to begin for the June ice show he is starring in, 'Hyoen 2024 – Miracle of the Cross'. Please enjoy this article as a sequel to the interview in the Precious magazine.

'There are 100 people, so there can be 100 different kinds of beauty' (Mr Takahashi)

Q. How was it wearing high jewellery with diamonds?

Before the shoot, I thought it would be difficult to wear if the power of the jewellery was too much, but then I realised that even though the jewellery is so strong, 'really high quality jewellery fits everyone and sits beautifully'. I thought it would be more overwhelming. I myself have recently become interested in stones. I think the beauty of stones is that each one has a different expression, but I think there are times when you try them on and they don't feel right, so I hope I can find something that doesn't make me feel like I’m 'trying too hard' to wear it. As for diamonds, when I touched them this time, I thought that the ultimate ideal would be to wear them casually with denim and T-shirts, for example.

Q. What do you think of beauty and the image of beauty you aspire to?

I think there are 100 different kinds of beauty for every 100 people, and my aim is to stay natural. I'm getting older, so I'm making an effort not to age, but I don't think it's right to look like I'm trying too hard and doing my best, so I try to keep it natural. I'm working hard on my skincare now, but I'm doing it because I want to, so if I don't want to do it anymore, I'll stop! I'm trying not to put stress on myself, so I'm asking myself more and more 'what do I really want to do', rather than what people think of me. I used to just do things on the spur of the moment, but when I'm not sure, I take a step back and think, 'Is this something I want to do? ' The answer is a bit far from beauty, but that's how I feel about wanting to be natural."

'When choosing the cast for Kassouya, I focused on genderlessness and strength' (Takahashi)

Q . You mentioned that your interactions with Coach Nikolai Morozov were a major factor in your improvement, but is there anything memorable about the teachings of Coach Utako Nagamitsu, who supported you for many years?

'Since I was in high school, I would stay at Coach Nagamitsu's place about two or three weeks before a competition. “Then why don't you go and live there already?” I was told that I would be spoiled then, so I moved in with her. From then on, she became almost like a parent, so I was too close. It wasn't so much the words that remained with me, but rather the sense of security and trust that 'this person will wait for me no matter what'. If I were to recall Coach Nagamitsu's words, it would be the discipline she taught me from the very beginning, such as 'As soon as the bus arrives, go and get everyone's luggage and carry it' and 'Make sure you greet everyone properly'. Of course, those lessons are still very much alive in me today, and I'm very grateful for that."

Q: For your first self-produced show, 'Kassouya', you handpicked the cast yourself. I hear that you visited the competition venues where the block competitions were taking place to select the cast. From what perspective did you choose the cast for this year's show?

'At first I was thinking of putting together a team of just male skaters to skate a group number. But after the name of the show was changed to “Kassouya”, I felt that speed and strength were the most important things, so I thought it would be good to include female skaters who have strength, so I looked at it from a genderless perspective, focusing on 'strength'. Strength is the feeling of skating with one solid axis in your body. From that point of view, I looked at skating first, then steps, and whether they could move fast or not. But even if you can't move fast, the power of your skating is more important. In the end, it was important to me that the core of the body was solid and the skating was strong. I didn't look at whether they could dance or not, or how their jumps were this time."

[Unpublished cut from the magazine! The editorial team agonised over which cut to use, the one that appeared in the magazine or the one that didn't.]

I think I could show more leeway if I teamed up with Mao now (laughs).

Q. Could you tell us more about your impression of Mao Asada's show "Beyond"?

I went to see the Niigata performance and was really impressed by the performance. I felt that Mao has gone through a lot of experiences and what comes out from inside has changed a lot and I was overwhelmed. The whole show reflected Mao's character, and I felt that her bright 'yang' and unshakeable strength came out in full force."

Q. I think many fans remember the first collaboration between you two at the ice show 10 years ago. There was a scene where Takahashi-san lifted Mao-san a bit (at Christmas on Ice in December 2014).

Yes, I did. At that time, I lifted her up with great difficulty, but now, I could lift her up with no problem at all! Lifting requires skill not only on the lifting side but also on the side of being lifted, but Mao practised for the show [Beyond] and experienced lifting as a pair, so I think if we tried it together now, we could show a lift with a lot of confidence (laughs).

[Unpublished cut from the magazine! During the photo shoot, the photographer asked Mr Takahashi to make a sleepy face. Here's the moment when he did it, despite his embarrassment.]

Q. This year, you performed your best jump, the triple flip in your solo performance at the ice show for the first time in a long time. With different shoes and edges for dancing and single skating, isn't it difficult to change shoes and switch senses to jump the triple?

Yes, it is. I'm currently using dance shoes with different edges for singles, but the length of the edges and the height of the shoes are different, so I haven't had much time to adjust my senses to them yet, so I'm still trying to figure out how to use them properly. At the Prince Ice World at the beginning of the year, I skated a programme from my singles days, so I practised the jumps and put them in, but at Kassouya in February, I hadn't practised them since then, so on the morning of the actual event, I practiced triple flips and put all my energy into them! It was like that... I really just jumped with my spirit already. But now that I've settled down, I hope to be able to practise jumps consistently. If I skate a single programme, jumps are the best part of it, so I'd like to do all the triples again.I don't think there's much need to do triple axels, but I think I'll do them if I can.

Q: This is the second time you have worked with Amon Miyamoto, who is directing the Hyoen performance, having worked with him five years ago. What is your impression of Amon-san? Is there likely to be singing again this time?

I had an image that the directors were a bit scary, but Mr Yakon was strict in his criticism, but he picked up on all our movements and reactions and encouraged us by saying, 'That's good, that's good', which I appreciated. As for the singing, we haven't had any meetings yet, so I don't know what will happen this time. Last time he asked me to sing, so I was like, 'If he tells me to sing, I have no choice but to do it' (laughs). I practised a lot, but there were parts that didn't go so well and it was tough, but I also felt inside that 'there are people who want to sing at Yokohama Arena but don’t have the opportunity', and there was a sense of escape that 'I didn't say I would do it', so I worked on it with the mindset that I could be a little bit more aggressive.

The interview with Daisuke Takahashi, never before published in the magazine, will continue in the second half. Please look forward to it!

Daisuke Takahashi
Professional figure skater

Born in Okayama in 1986. He won the World Junior Championships, the bronze medal at the Vancouver Olympics and the World Championships, becoming the first Japanese male skater to win these titles. After announcing his retirement in 2014, he returned to active skating four years later at the age of 32, and switched to ice dance in 2020, winning the 2022 All-Japan Championships and placing 11th at the 2023 World Championships, tying Japan's all-time record. In May of the same year, he announced his retirement from competition, and in February 2024 he presided over his own ice show, Kassouya, which was held at the Yokohama Arena!

Hyoen 2024 - Miracle of the cross.

The ice show Hyoen 2024 – Miracle of the Cross, starring Daisuke Takahashi, will be held at Yokohama Arena from 8-11 June 2024. Directed by Amon Miyamoto and featuring special guest artists Yuzu, the show will depict a "story of the rebirth of the soul" on ice, inspired by Kenji Miyazawa's 'Night on the Galactic Railroad'.
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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Photo from Hyoen rehearsals/on-ice training of the singers and actors, who are coached by Kiki, Kana and Dai :love::

A snippet of the theme song by “Yuzu” was revealed on NTV’s “DayDay” today, accompanied by an interview with the band, who were later joined by Dai and Amon Miyamoto in the studio (only a brief part of the interview was shown):


The full interview will be published on social media in the near future:


Promo/CM as shown on NTV’s “News every”:



The song snippet only:


Part 2 of the “Precious” web feature was published:


Machine translation:

Original web interview ‘Daisuke Takahashi - Behind the dazzling brilliance’ Part 2

The photo shooting and interview of Daisuke Takahashi took place a little while after his first ice show ‘Kassouya’, and just as he was about to start preparations for the ice show ‘Hyoen 2024 - The miracle of the cross’ in June, in which he will star. The second part of this original web interview delves into everything from the detailed expressions of his past performances to his private life.

Professional figure skater Daisuke Takahashi appears in the May issue of Precious. In this interview, he talks about one of the backgrounds behind the development of his unique 'tame and sharp' expression of sound, which not only his juniors but also his rivals admired. Please enjoy this article together with the interview in the May issue of 'Precious'!

If I were to become a coach, I would quit all the jobs I am currently doing’ (Takahashi).

Q. When did you develop your unique neck twirling movement in your musical expression?

I saw coach Nikolai Morozov spinning his neck when he was choreographing, so I tried to imitate him and it felt good... It seems that if you have a soft body, you get carried away by the neck twirling, but I have a hard body, so I'm fine.’

Q In one of your masterpieces, ‘In the Garden of Souls’ (2011-12 season Short Programme), you brought your fingers to your lips as if you were licking them. Was that added as an idea from the choreographer?

No, it wasn't choreographed, it was just something I felt like doing at the time. I think I just happened to see the scene on the screen and thought 'that doesn't look bad', so I kept going with it. I didn't think about it, but it just came out naturally as I was listening to the song and moving around. Similarly, when I was told that an arrangement that worked 'by accident' was 'good', I would incorporate it.

Q. Among the passionate fans, there was a question as to why one of the scoring elements of ice dance, the twizzle (the scoring element of continuous rotation turns), was originally chosen to include the difficult ``left-foot rotation to the right''.

Why did we choose such a difficult rotation? Before my ice dancing partner, Ms. Kana Muramoto, teamed up with me, she was better at that type of rotation, so she and the coaches thought 'this is the way of twizzling for Muramoto's team', and they did it without any doubts. After a while, a fan asked us about it, and we realised it and said, 'Oh, that's right', so we changed it to a less difficult way.’

Q. What are your thoughts on your own coaching career?

'If I were to coach, I think I would have to quit all my existing jobs before I could do it. For now, I would still like to be involved in entertainment for the time being, although I would be happy to help out in some way. But for example, I think I was able to present a show with almost no jumps with “Kassouya” in a way that people could enjoy it. If there are jumps, you end up spending a lot of time practising jumps. In figure skating, skating skills and spins are important, and I don't think you can survive in the entertainment field unless you have a higher level of awareness than other people in terms of your dancing skills, such as showing off your steps rather than just stepping on them. As you get older, you can't jump as well, but I think 'performing' is getting better and better, so if you want to continue skating for a long time, you need to focus on other aspects too. In a way, I think it's a different kind of support, even though I'm not a coach.

I want to visit various interesting places in Japan’ (Takahashi)

Q. I understand that you have moved your base to Tokyo. How is your daily life in Tokyo?

I want to discover new places to eat, so I go out to eat in my spare time. Sometimes I'm taken out by people, and sometimes I save places I've seen on SNS that I like, and when I go out with friends, I go out and say, 'Let's try this place', and gradually add to my favourites. I don't really like eating in big commercial establishments, I prefer small restaurants on the street. But there are so many areas in Tokyo, so there are still many places I don't know at all. I went to Kagurazaka the other day, and I thought it was wonderful because it had so many small shops. I also like Yoyogi-Uehara.

Q. What else has been your latest boom?

I always have flowers in my room. I started putting them in addition to my houseplants, and I can't relax without them. I love big flowers, and I like to use a combination of colours, such as clear purple and orange, which is so poisonous that it makes me think, 'Are you sure about these shades? (laughs).

Q. You answered that what you would like to try in the future is ‘everything that involves flying’.

Even though I want to fly, I'm too scared to bungee jump. I guess I like things that sail smoothly through the sky. I was taken on a ride in an Air Self-Defence Force aircraft (Blue Impulse acrobatic flight) as a reporter before, which was of course scary, but a lot of fun. Apart from flying, I would also like to try naturalistic activities such as rafting down rapids. I had a lot of fun climbing to the top of Yakushima, so I'd like to try climbing Mt Fuji once. I would like to visit various interesting places in Japan.


Dai along with Kazuki, Keiji, Sena, Yuhana, Maria Egawa and Shunya Matsuoka is going to be part of an event celebrating the 1st anniversary of the O-Vision Ice Arena in Fukuoka (in other words this is going to be a reunion of part of the Kassouya-cast at the venue the show was held at 🥰):

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Dai looking ridiculously handsome at today's PIW press conference :dbana::

If anyone's wondering about the costume, KanaDai debuted their new, stunning, self-choreographed exhibition program "Symmetry" today 😍:


The Hyoen synopsis has been updated and character visuals for Koshiro and Marie have been added. The story has been changed considerably from the source material to include a third main character, "Yuki", played by Kana. Even if the base story differs from Kenji Miyazawa's "Night on the Galactic Railroad", the original theme of "death and soul rebirth" seems to be intact.

Translation of the synopsis:

Tokio, Kakeru and Yuki are childhood friends. The three have their own dreams for the future. Kakeru is obsessed with meteorites and wants to become a mineralogist, Tokio wants to become an aerospace scientist who develops a rocket to carry Kakeru, and Yuki wants to become a world-famous ballerina and dance in Swan Lake. They promise to fulfil their respective dreams and to remain cherished friends together forever.
Eventually, the three grow up and Tokio and Kakeru fulfil their dreams. However, Yuki falls ill and has to give up her dream of becoming a ballerina. Kakeru marries Yuki to support her. However, Tokio, who does not know about Yuki's illness or the true reason for their marriage, feels betrayed by Yuki, who has given up on her dream, and Kakeru, who tries to be there for Yuki, and the relationship between the three, which they believed would never break down, begins to waver.
Tokio wants to go ahead with the space development project with Kakeru, but he solicits reckless investments and is deceived by dubious investors. Tokio unintentionally takes his stormy feelings out on Kakeru, but Kakeru is also angry with Tokio. He tells him that Yuki died while you were blinded by your success. Kakeru shoves the upset Tokio away and leaves. However, soon after, even Kakeru loses his life in an accident.
Tokio is tormented by the guilt that he is the one who killed Kakeru. In desperation, he dazedly jumps off the train platform. ......
When he gets to ......, Tokio finds himself on a train running through the galaxy. On his side, Kakeru is smiling at him.
'Let's go, Tokio, to the galaxy!'
Tokio is invited by Kakeru to set off on a journey to the shining galaxy. He sets off for the terminal station, the Southern Cross, the Cross Star. ......
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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Dai and Shoma at the PIW Meet & Greet :love2::

A small selection of great pictures taken by fans at the Meet & Greet:

Dai's costume matching nail art (this is my favourite out of the many designs he's sported so far):

Dai-chan posing with the large Hyoen banner that was installed at the NTV headquarters located inside the Nittele Tower/Shiodome NTV Tower:

Dai with Amon Miyamoto (the picture was taken when they were interviewed together with "Yuzu" for NTV's "DayDay"):

The current costume special of Figure Skating Life Extra contains an interview with Dai and designer Taketoshi Hara about the costumes for Kassouya (Taketoshi collaborated with Dai and KanaDai on several previous costumes for comeptitions and shows - he also designed KanaDai's new awesome costumes for "Symmetry" :love:):

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Thank you, @KiraraChin , they both look fantastic in white! (Eversince “Love on the Floor” white has been my favourite colour on Dai.) 😍 I’m looking forward to the interview.


Yesterday the Kurashiki FSC held a celebration for the 15th anniversary of the Healthpia rink’s reopening in combination with its annual (?) “Appreciation Day”. In 2008 when the rink, which was built shortly before Dai started skating, was to be closed permanently due to aging, Dai and other skaters with ties to the rink (like junior Tatsuki and a tiny Keiji) performed at an exhibition to raise support for its renovation:

I was surprised not to see Kurashiki FSC’s most famous former students, Dai and Keiji, among the guests this time, but then I was reminded that Dai had another Lab Series pr event in Osaka yesterday and therefore couldn’t attend the Kurashiki event – I’m sure he would’ve loved to be there if it wasn't for this scheduling conflict. Instead, he recorded a video message greeting visitors in the entrance hall. These are screenshots of the video:


Apparently, several Dai fans who didn't win tickets to the Lab Series talkshow, attended the Kurashiki FSC celebration instead, which they must not have regretted as the performing skaters, many of which were part of the Kassouya-cast (Saki Miyake, Sena Miyake, Yuto Kishina, Kazuki Kushida, Kosho Oshima, Yuna Aoki, Koshiro Shimada, Sota Yamamoto and Kazuki Tomono) had prepared a Dai-related surprise there: At the end of the show several of the current Kurashiki FSC members performed a tribute to the “Blood Tears” ensemble choreography from Kassouya before the actual Kassouya cast members came onto the ice, all dressed in their Kassouya-hoodies, and performed the “Heist” choreography together. Apparently Kazuki Kushida came up with the idea and produced that part of the show:

(Clips of the original “Blood tears” and “Heist” numbers: https://twitter.com/nobumamiya/status/1789645839163592770)

Of course they also collectively did the Kassouya pose at the end of the show:

The cast posing with their Kassouya-hoodies:

Another testament to how respected and loved Dai-chan is by his kouhais and how special "Kassouya" was to everyone involved. 🤗

Fans reported on twitter that they were happy to finally see Koshiro perform part of the ensemble choreo (after he had debuted his Kana-choreographed Kassouya solo-number at “Bloom on Ice”) and once again expressed their wishes for a full-cast Kassouya performance. 🤞


Meanwhile, Dai at the Lab Series talkshow event:

Thank you to those who attended the Osaka talk show today!
Due to the great success of the show, we have decided to hold another one in Tokyo!
Details will be announced at the end of May.

A brief fan-report of the event: https://twitter.com/marcia_d1sk/status/1789611069385933036


On May 19 Dai is going to lead another skating class for junior athletes at the MGC Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Ice Arena in Niigata:


Currently, there is a “The Ice” costume exhibition at the LaLaport Tokyo-Bay shopping mall (“The Ice” will be held at the new associated multi-purpose arena later this year). Among the exhibits on display is Dai’s costume for last year’s ice dance group number “The Ice Queen”:

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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Recently Dai-chan collaborated with his friend, singer/actor Ikusaburo Yamazaki on a number to “Secret dream” from “Beauty and the Beast”, which was shown on tv:

As reported previously Dai was the guest on “Oshare”, hosted by Ikusaburo, in January (see post #4051).

On April 25 Ikusaburo guested on “PokaPoka”, the variety show Dai has been a regular on since last month. Do not ask me what they were doing here 😂:

At a recent live concert Ikusaburo talked about his friendship and similarities with Dai-chan as well as the collaboration and said that he would love to do a more full-fledged collab one day. 😊 Two tweets from Dai fans, who attended the concert:


Dai-chan coaching Hyoen cast members, Kai Hasegawa and Marie:

https://www.instagram.com/p/C6qpiA2xiqK/ (the dramatic music :laugh:)

The advice given by Daisuke Takahashi, the lead actor, was amazing, almost like a magic trick...What the heck! ! That feeling! ! ! !
The kindness of the chairperson who takes time out to give us advice.
I'll follow you as best I can: ❤️‍!!!!
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May 5, 2018
Thank you, @KiraraChin , they both look fantastic in white! (Eversince “Love on the Floor” white has been my favourite colour on Dai.) 😍 I’m looking forward to the interview.
You're very welcome, I agree they look amazing!
non-no released some more info re: the joint interview
DeepL translation:
Today we release a sample of the July/August issue of #nonno, which goes on sale on 20 May ▶https://nonno.hpplus.jp/magazine
Kazuki Tomono talks with Daisuke Takahashi, a senior colleague whom he really respects. Mr Takahashi has known about Mr Tomono's appearances in non-no for several years!

The conversation, which miraculously took time out of their busy schedules, started with a reminder of the legendary ice show 'Kassouya'. It also includes highlights of "Hyoen 2024 - Kiseki of the Crossed Stars", in which the two perform together again.
The theme of the feature is "The two of us resonate now." The feature is based on the story of the two skaters. Please check out the special dialogue in the magazine to feel the trust and bond between the two of them.

You guys might have seen as well that Hyoen rehearsals started in earnest yesterday with a joint birthday celebration for Eliana (14 May) and Kazuki (15 May). I love the way Dai-chan manages to hold both cakes whilst also 'dancing'! He's expressive even when he's delivering cake ☺️


Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
There was another birthday to celebrate today:

The Hyoen production team announced yesterday that Amon Miyamoto will be replaced by Kikunojo Onoue as general director (a specific reason wasn't given*). Seiji Fukushi (who apperaed in Hyoen 2019 and Luxe in 2021) is joining the team, taking over Onoue's previous role as acting coach. Onoue has worked on all previous Hyoen productions in various roles and is therefore well equipped to take on the overall supervision of the project.

* I've seen fan speculations that there might have been differences between Miyamoto and the production team pertaining to the amount of spoken dialogue and singing vs. skating in the show. :shrug:

DeepL translation:

About the future production system of ‘Hyoen 2024 - Miracle of the Cross'
Due to production reasons, we have had repeated discussions regarding the ice show ‘Hyoen 2024 - Miracle of the Cross’ and have decided to change Mr Miyamoto's role from ‘director’ to ‘director's original idea’.
From here onwards, the Hyoen team will work as one to complete the production based on the excellent direction plan received from Mr Amon. We would like to express our sincere respect and gratitude to Mr Amon for his unique world view and staging plan.
Please note that tickets will not be refunded due to this change. Further information on the speakers for the ‘After Talk Show’ on Tuesday 11 June will be announced.
Following the change to ‘director's original idea’ by Amon Miyamoto for the ice show ‘Hyoen 2024 - Miracle of the Cross', Kikunojo Onoue, who has been involved in all Hyoen productions to date, will now lead the team as ‘director-in-chief’. In addition, Seiji Fukushi, who was also a member of the cast of Hyoen 2019, will be joining the team as acting coach.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Onoue Kikunojo and Fukushi Seiji for accepting the heavy responsibility for this unexpected situation.
We will pursue what we can do because we are a team that is well versed in the difficulties and risks involved in the production of a special stage production such as Hyoen, and we will continue to practise with sincerity. We hope that everyone will continue to support the completion of the evolved ‘Hyoen’.


Non-no posted this video message (icluding a couple of bloopers on Dai-chan's part 😅) and a summary re. the upcoming Kazuki x Dai interview:

DeepL translation:

\Comments from Daisuke Takahashi and Kazuki Tomono have arrived🔔/.
Figure skaters Daisuke Takahashi and Kazuki Tomono appear in the July/August issue of NONNO, on sale 20 May. ⛸️
Takahashi is a pioneer in the skating world, having made history with many first-time achievements in Japanese male figure skating, competing at the Torino and Sochi Olympics, winning a bronze medal at the Vancouver Olympics and a World Championships title.
Since retiring last year, he has travelled around the country as a show skater, produced ice shows, renovated condominiums and appeared on TV. A legend in the figure skating world who has always shone at the forefront of the sport, he finally appears in non-no for the first time ✨.
A one-of-a-kind expressive figure skater and world-class entertainer who has always valued the enjoyment of skating above all else, Mr Tomono is a renowned columnist who writes a series of articles on the non-no web about his love of fashion and craftsmanship, while also being an active athlete. In his second appearance in the magazine, he finally had the chance to talk with a senior colleague whom he has admired since he was a child ✨.
Surprisingly, Takahashi has not had many opportunities to talk with junior skaters before, so this project was an extremely valuable opportunity.
The relationship between the two has been strengthened by Takahashi's fully-produced ice show ‘Kassouya’, which was held in February this year and left such a strong impact that it is still talked about every day on SNS. The long conversation between the two, who are paving the way for the future of figure skating together in their respective positions as professionals and active skaters, is a must-see.
Also included is a story about the ice show ‘Hyoen 2024 - Miracle of the cross -’ (8-11 June at Yokohama Arena), in which the two will perform together again 🌌 Please check out the magazine for more information!
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Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
Today, the print edition of non-no feat the interview with Dai-chan and Kazuki was finally published, and Kassouya's IG account posted this pic to celebrate:


Here's a peek inside the magazine:


Can't wait for my copy to arrive!

Dai along with Kazuki, Keiji, Sena, Yuhana, Maria Egawa and Shunya Matsuoka is going to be part of an event celebrating the 1st anniversary of the O-Vision Ice Arena in Fukuoka (in other words this is going to be a reunion of part of the Kassouya-cast at the venue the show was held at 🥰):

Dai performed in the opening, was interviewed and participated as an instructor in the skating lesson - however, unlike the other skaters he didn't perform a solo program. Apparently he said during the interview he didn't have time to prepare a solo performance due to the tight/intense Hyoen practice schedule.

Tv reports about the event with a focus on Dai:


Short article about the skating lesson:

A couple of fan taken videos:

A sweet moment reported by a fan 🤗:


#Ovision Ice Arena Fukuoka 2024.5.18🌸Adults can follow the exact same route as kids who can high-five at the end. Daichan, who was at the very end, made eye contact with all the people... 😭I was half crying and thanked him, but he looked at me firmly and said "Thank you very much" ✨He's so precious 🥲I'm speechless with emotion...


A paywalled article about the skating lesson in Niigata for skaters aged 10-17 on May 19:


Dai-chan is going to be featured on "Face-to-face" - an interview series on NHK World! In other words it will be available worldwide and have either English subtitles or an English dub! 😲


Dai is on the cover of the new "Sunday Mainichi" issue. An interview and a photo spread are also included. 😊


Daisuke was also photographed for fujinkoron:

Video with scenes from the photoshoot :love::

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May 5, 2018
non-no Q&A IG reel with Dai-chan and Kazuki:

DeepL translation of the caption:
Daisuke Takahashi x Kazuki Tomono Special Video Vol.2/
We asked them various questions about their impressions of the shoot 🎤.

Figure skaters Daisuke Takahashi and Kazuki Tomono appear in the July/August issue of NONNO, which is on sale now. ⛸️

The theme of the feature is "Two people who resonate now".
This issue focuses on their relationship and delves into their encounter, present and future, using keywords from several events in their skating lives that have brought their worlds to a crossroads.
The two skaters have been together since their collaboration in "Hyoen 2024 -The Last Kiss of the Cross" and in "Kassouya", in which Tomono's efforts to understand Takahashi's passion for the ice show were the talk of the town. The two will talk about the future of figure skating entertainment on ice.

BTW it's been fun seeing some of the older Dai-chan fans rediscovering non-no, a magazine for university students. I've seen comments such as: 'I bought non-no for the first time in many years', 'as expected from a magazine for young people, the font is small', and 'apologies for raising the average age of non-no readers' 😄 Many said that they bought the magazine because of the joint interview, but ended up reading the whole thing and enjoying it.

I've also seen people saying that, although Dai-chan natural partner is Kana, he also looks really good and comfortable next to Kazuki, and they noticed his expression in the non-no reel is really gentle and soft.

This all shows that Dai-chan is still developing, expanding his circle, and bridging the gap between generations - really inspirational stuff if you ask me 🥹


Final Flight
Mar 1, 2014
I've also seen people saying that, although Dai-chan natural partner is Kana, he also looks really good and comfortable next to Kazuki, and they noticed his expression in the non-no reel is really gentle and soft.

This all shows that Dai-chan is still developing, expanding his circle, and bridging the gap between generations - really inspirational stuff if you ask me 🥹

Although Dai says that he is (or used to be) a rather shy person who needs time to warm up to people (in recent years he seems to have opened up a lot), several of his kouhais, such as Taka Kozuka, Dice Murakami and Takahito Mura, have attributed these qualities to him in the past. Of course, the age difference between Kazuki and Dai is much greater, making their friendly relationship all the more remarkable. I suspect valuing similar aspects of skating (such as prioritising the entertainment factor) as well as sharing common interests outside of skating like fashion might have helped?

BTW it's been fun seeing some of the older Dai-chan fans rediscovering non-no, a magazine for university students. I've seen comments such as: 'I bought non-no for the first time in many years', 'as expected from a magazine for young people, the font is small', and 'apologies for raising the average age of non-no readers' 😄 Many said that they bought the magazine because of the joint interview, but ended up reading the whole thing and enjoying it.

As a millennial, I definitely don't belong to the non-no target group either, I suppose. Thankfully, I can still read small fonts, though... (albeit not in Japanese). :laugh:

(I'v been informed that my copy (along with "Figure Skating Life" and "Sunday Mainichi") will be arriving late *grrrr* ... At least it has arrived in Germany and completed customs clearance, so it's doing better than many of my past magazine and merch orders from Japan, about 70% of which were held up at customs.)

Speaking of magazines for university students:

Kansai University's student journal has launched a manga series tracing Dai's career as their most famous figure skating alumnus (and one of their most famous/successful athletes in general). This fan posted a picture of the first episode's first page about Dai's enrolment at Kandai (together with their Hyoen ticket, which arrived at the same time):



Dai-chan is going to be featured on "Face-to-face" - an interview series on NHK World! In other words it will be available worldwide and have either English subtitles or an English dub! 😲

This was an excellent documentary/interview with its main focus on Dai's endeavours as an innovator of the Japanese ice show landscape (and for once there were English subtitles and commentary throughout!:party2:) A must-watch for any Dai fan! :cool: It featured bts footage of the Kassouya and Hyoen rehearsals (the latter centred on Eliana's and Kai Hasegawa's skating training), a peek at Kana and Dai working on the "Symmetry" choreography and an insightful interview with Dai-chan conducted by Professor Robert Campbell of Waseda University. They discussed lots of interesting topics ranging from the challenges of combining skating with other forms of expression, like acting and spoken dialogue, Dai's "identity crisis" after his first retirement (and how unretiring helped him find his confidence and a path forward again 🤗) to the positive impact his switch to ice dance and work with Kana had on his communication skills and ability to build relationships. We also got to see Dai-chan and Yuma Suzuki crying tears of relief after the Kassouya premiere. 🥹 The most surprising realisation for me was that Dai still hopes to tour abroad with one of his shows in the future (as he had been cautiously hinting at in the past) 🤞. I uploaded the almost 30-minute long special on google drive (the quality can be set to a resolution of up to 1080 pixels via the menu bar at the bottom):


The official Hyoen social media accounts as well as several cast members have been posting lots of photos from rehearsals over the past days. (As reported in the Japanese Ice Show thread there was a casting change concerning the co-lead role of "Tokio" - Ryunosuke Onoda has been replaced by movie/tv and musical actor Takuro Ohno.)

Dai, Eliana and Takuro:


Dai with Takuro:



At dance practice 😍:


The boys:


Kakeru, Yuki and Tokio with their younger counterparts?




A couple more pictures can be found in the KanaDai fan fest. :)


This sounds like we'll get a more extensive look at the Hyoen rehearsals over the next few days May 27-29 via NTV's "DayDay" :hap10::


📺NTV "DayDay."
#Hyoen 2024 Rehearsal camp ‼️
#Yuzu We bring you scenes from the skating practice, sword fighting*, dance practice, etc. with the actual playing of the songs ✨.

* I'm confused about the sword fighting - it might be a mistranslation by DeepL/Google translate. 😅


Large Hyoen ads have been spotted at Yokohama station:


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May 5, 2018
Although Dai says that he is (or used to be) a rather shy person who needs time to warm up to people (in recent years he seems to have opened up a lot), several of his kouhais, such as Taka Kozuka, Dice Murakami and Takahito Mura, have attributed these qualities to him in the past. Of course, the age difference between Kazuki and Dai is much greater, making their friendly relationship all the more remarkable. I suspect valuing similar aspects of skating (such as prioritising the entertainment factor) as well as sharing common interests outside of skating like fashion might have helped?
It is very remarkable, and I say this as a Kazuki stan. Let me explain.

You know Kazuki himself is very friendly and known for getting along well with everyone, right? BUT even he acknowledged that it's hard to feel comfortable around people who are 10+ younger even if you have interests in common - he talked about some of the younger guys (like Rio Nakata) also like going to the sauna like he does, but they are so young that Kazuki himself would feel like 'intruding' by hanging out with them. Also, we have situations like Kao Miura being notoriously quiet and shy around Kazuki, because he admires Kazuki a lot, even though Kazuki is so friendly and there's no reason to be shy.

So... yeah. Not even Kazuki who is a notorious social butterfly can bridge the gaps between generations so easily. It takes not only friendliness, but a huge amount of charisma, people skills and openness to do what Dai-chan is doing, and honestly this is why he is someone who appeals to all ages (and all types of publications)!