Denis Ten | Page 66 | Golden Skate

Denis Ten


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
This has just become even more heartbreaking, I mean think about it, Sergei himself had a big struggle last season and we weren't sure if he would have continued, but then he decided to keep going, and Denis himself choose the program to go along with Sergei's story, and now this tragedy happened. Sergei must be very motivated to be able to skate that program to its potential. I hope even more now that he makes the Russian team for Worlds.

I actually thought last season was the best one Sergei's ever had, GP-wise? It sucks he wasn't chosen for Worlds and OG. For me he has more charisma than any other Russian man still competing, perhaps with the exception of Kolyada. I'll keep all fingers and toes crossed for him.

Denis did so well with the little time he had... he was kind, compassionate, talented, and he persevered. My strongest hope is that Denis knew he was loved when he died, and that he knew he deserved happiness. Now he can rest for the last time knowing that the skating world will remember his name. There are no words to describe a murder like this. The earth has lost a beautiful man.

Call me crazy, but it actually really helps me cope to imagine he's just waiting patiently somewhere up there for those who care about him to join him one distant day...


Mar 20, 2013
When D10 burst onto the World senior scene in 2009, he was astonishing. Impeccable style and taste, beautiful line like John Curry... I think of Frank and how this man has constantly gotten heartbroken over his students. Fratianne, Bowman, Kwan, and now D10. Central Asia always fascinated me and D10 did so much for his country and skating. What a tragedy... he could have done more but already accomplished so much in such a short life.


Power without conscience is a savage weapon
Mar 3, 2015
When D10 burst onto the World senior scene in 2009, he was astonishing. Impeccable style and taste, beautiful line like John Curry... I think of Frank and how this man has constantly gotten heartbroken over his students. Fratianne, Bowman, Kwan, and now D10. Central Asia always fascinated me and D10 did so much for his country and skating. What a tragedy... he could have done more but already accomplished so much in such a short life.

Love your avatar... I think of Denis every day


On the Ice
Jun 26, 2011
Sergei Voronov went to Kazakhstan to work with Denis in May and according to the Japanese article, "Way Down We Go" is his new short program, choreographed by Denis. I wonder if this is the only program Denis ever choreographed for a high-level skater.
Ten days have passed since the terrible murder and it still seems unreal to me that Denis has died. I look at the videos and photos and can't believe it. Denis was so talented in many ways and at the same time he had a lovely pesonality. I loved interviewing him, it was always interesting and insightful and he had a wonderful sense of humor. It is so unfair that he had to die so young.


On the Ice
Mar 8, 2006

I came across this article which contains a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to Denis by his colleagues from the Almaty 2022 bidding team.
Their contribution really shows what an exceptional human being Denis was.
It is in the second half of the article.

An excerpt:


"First and foremost, Denis was an athlete; and not just any athlete, he was an Olympian. Olympians are tough, disciplined and determined, yet they also embody the qualities of excellence, friendship and fair play. No one had to teach Denis these things, he lived them every single day of his incredible life. Yet, he also embodied something even more powerful, kindness. Kindness is one of those things that is hard to define, but you know it when you see it…maybe because, it is often so rare. It was easy to feel the kindness in Denis, it literally flowed from him and it enriched all who knew him.

Denis was kind to everyone because he knew everyone had a story within them, often one of struggle and hardship. Denis was no exception and he remembered where he came from; that humility was the source of his incredible will and strength. "


"Denis Ten was a determined man destined to achieve great things, incredible things – and he did. Had he been given the blessing of a longer life, we all know that he could have achieved literally anything he set his mind to. How can we be so sure? Because Denis was unique: he believed that success was something that should be shared by everyone, and everyone deserved to succeed. Denis knew that a successful life isn’t purely about winning, a successful life is about the persistence of hope.

His personal, positive philosophy is evident in his insightful words at Almaty 2022’s Final Presentation to the International Olympic Committee, in Kuala Lumpur on 31 July 2015. None of us could imagine that just three years later, we would use these same words to say goodbye to our dear friend – and yet in a most magical way, a Denis Ten type of way, they are hauntingly consoling for us all. He said:

It is often said that history is written by the victors. And although that may be true, I think it demeans the Olympic spirit to focus only on winning as the singular definition of victory.

All of us on this stage believe that Almaty 2022 has already achieved a tremendous victory for our country, just by being here in Kuala Lumpur with you.

By making it this far, we feel victorious.

By telling you our story, we feel victorious.

Now perhaps you can see why he was our guiding light.

Denis, we are forever thankful that you shared your wonderful story, and life, with us.


Your Almaty 2022 Family”


On the Ice
Jun 26, 2011

I came across this article which contains a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to Denis by his colleagues from the Almaty 2022 bidding team.
Their contribution really shows what an exceptional human being Denis was.
It is in the second half of the article.

An excerpt:


"First and foremost, Denis was an athlete; and not just any athlete, he was an Olympian. Olympians are tough, disciplined and determined, yet they also embody the qualities of excellence, friendship and fair play. No one had to teach Denis these things, he lived them every single day of his incredible life. Yet, he also embodied something even more powerful, kindness. Kindness is one of those things that is hard to define, but you know it when you see it…maybe because, it is often so rare. It was easy to feel the kindness in Denis, it literally flowed from him and it enriched all who knew him.

Denis was kind to everyone because he knew everyone had a story within them, often one of struggle and hardship. Denis was no exception and he remembered where he came from; that humility was the source of his incredible will and strength. "


"Denis Ten was a determined man destined to achieve great things, incredible things – and he did. Had he been given the blessing of a longer life, we all know that he could have achieved literally anything he set his mind to. How can we be so sure? Because Denis was unique: he believed that success was something that should be shared by everyone, and everyone deserved to succeed. Denis knew that a successful life isn’t purely about winning, a successful life is about the persistence of hope.

His personal, positive philosophy is evident in his insightful words at Almaty 2022’s Final Presentation to the International Olympic Committee, in Kuala Lumpur on 31 July 2015. None of us could imagine that just three years later, we would use these same words to say goodbye to our dear friend – and yet in a most magical way, a Denis Ten type of way, they are hauntingly consoling for us all. He said:

It is often said that history is written by the victors. And although that may be true, I think it demeans the Olympic spirit to focus only on winning as the singular definition of victory.

All of us on this stage believe that Almaty 2022 has already achieved a tremendous victory for our country, just by being here in Kuala Lumpur with you.

By making it this far, we feel victorious.

By telling you our story, we feel victorious.

Now perhaps you can see why he was our guiding light.

Denis, we are forever thankful that you shared your wonderful story, and life, with us.


Your Almaty 2022 Family”

Beautiful words and so very true.


Final Flight
Feb 13, 2018
Thanks for the link, Rina RUS. Somebody was indeed looking for Denis's Sochi FS a while back.

Just finished reading a wonderfully-written tribute to Denis by Claire Cloutier of 'A Divine Sport'. What an informative, heartfelt and touching piece.

Denis is no longer with us physically. And we will miss him terribly. But he remains alive in our memories, our hearts, our minds. His spirit is still with us; we will hold onto it, keep it with us. Perhaps it might even guide us, in some small way, toward living our lives with the fullness and intentionality that Denis brought to his.

Denis indeed lived his life to the fullest and did not let any obstacles hold him back. He must have truly embraced the philosophy that "Life is short" as he shared in this clip, thus life is to be treasured and embraced every minute. Thank you, Denis. We will remember!


Final Flight
Jun 16, 2018
Have hey arrested both killers now? Anyone have news on how many years they will serve in prison?


Dec 29, 2014
Just finished reading a wonderfully-written tribute to Denis by Claire Cloutier of 'A Divine Sport'. What an informative, heartfelt and touching piece.

Beautifully written tribute. It captures everything I loved about Denis and his skating, e.g. —

“...He had the musicality to handle any piece. But, he could still be great even skating to the most tired warhorse.

Denis’s artistry was built on restraint. In some of his most perfect moments on the ice, he did nothing but raise an arm elegantly. It was almost casual at times, yet the movement would fit. Like his friend and fellow skater, Yuna Kim, Denis was never one for wild emotion or histrionics on the ice, but rather classic, gorgeous styling....

His basic skating—the lovely transitions, dynamic choreographic and step sequences—were always what I most looked forward to in his programs. The jumps were almost like icing on the cake....”

I still cannot believe he’s gone.


Dec 29, 2014
I'm not sure when video clips will show up on YouTube, but here is the Denis tribute segment of the Aichi show (TV broadcast) from Twitter.

Thank you. It’s wonderful that piece was chosen as a tribute. Denis’s performance to Tu sei at GP France last season is one of the most memorable for me personally (this despite the missed quad). I watched it over and over and over, simply marveling at the beauty of his musicality, carriage, expression, emotion, his finesse in melding subtlety and grace with power and athleticism. For me, Denis’s performance there embodied everything I love about figure skating. I just listened to this Vittorio Grigolo recording of Tu Sei and was practically sobbing by the end remembering that performance. I will never again hear Tu sei without thinking of Denis.


Record Breaker
Feb 23, 2014
Have hey arrested both killers now? Anyone have news on how many years they will serve in prison?

I understand that both male suspect were arrested and confessed. The confession was alone the lines that it was a random act, not planed and when Denis arrived they started fighting. A third person, a female, was arrested in connection but I don´t have information on what her role was or more...


May 19, 2018
That's wonderful of The Ice to do the tribute segments.

This all is still so surreal. I never would have imagined seeing tribute segments to Denis unless, like, some skater from another country not known for figure skating were to make it big because Denis inspired him, and he put one in his show in his country to thank him...

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
I still can't believe D10 is gone;it is so hard to believe someone so alive, so young and so talented has left us.


Jun 26, 2012
I understand that both male suspect were arrested and confessed. The confession was alone the lines that it was a random act, not planed and when Denis arrived they started fighting. A third person, a female, was arrested in connection but I don´t have information on what her role was or more...

Like you, I don't know much about the third suspect, apart from not responding immediately to a crime (which is quite different to actually doing it). To me, whether the suspects sit for life or not, it makes no difference really. We won't get our Denis back. Putting them away, will serve a certain feel of justice, but no more than that. The most important thing to me is that the actually committers of the deed get to feel how stupid and wrong they have been, and realise that all their lives: they killed their countries' hero for a car mirror. I wouldn't be able to live with that. But then, I never carry weapons. And, I'm not waiting for a death penalty either - it won't get him back, nor will it discourage others to steal car mirrors. Sorry, to all those who wish to have the culprits executed. I'm against the death penalty. It's too easy for the culprits, and it won't, just won't, bring him back. My apologies if this is not okay to post. Just delete it administrators, I'm quite alright with it.


On the Ice
Mar 8, 2006
Yagudin posted on his Instagram towards the end of July that he flew to Moscow to talk with Tarasova and Vodorezova, remembering Denis. Tarasova also wrote on Instagram that there will be a special program on Denis on Match TV in August.

It seems like it will be aired tomorrow (8 Aug).

Some more information about the program is available on the above link.

I don't speak Russian, so I could only get a sense of what it is about through Google Translate.

According to the Google Translate:

"In the special issue of the program Yagudin talked with colleagues, coaches and friends of Tena. Among them are figure skaters Maxim Marinin, Tatyana Totmianina, Maxim Trankov, Tatyana Volosozhar, Ilya Averbukh, actor Sanjar Madi, director and screenwriter Igor Tsai, first Denis coach Elena Vodorezova and renowned mentor Tatyana Tarasova."

Obviously, I won't understand a thing they say (sadly) in the program, but it would be wonderful even to just see the program.

Rina RUS

Final Flight
Jul 27, 2016
Well, it seems they didn't tell anything new, but I think I'll translate it anyway. I'm not sure, that it will be posted on Youtube, but it should be posted on the channel's site.