Evgeni Plushenko | Page 301 | Golden Skate

Evgeni Plushenko


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
Remembering the titans. Twelve feats of Evgeny Plushenko. Part 2 https://www.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/mezhdunami/2222254.html -gogole translate

Eugene heard the call of wandering and responded to it. Having received as a gift an amulet-superpower (first skates) and having met the patron-guide (Alexey Mishin), he set off on a long journey. Difficulties and troubles awaited at every turn, but it did not break him, but only tempered.

Our hero was honest and did not build himself a humble young athlete - from the very beginning, he fought desperately on the ice. And very soon the whole world learned about his complex character and unprecedented talent. The first victories came. Loud and visual.

Even before victories, Evgeny had a main rival, Alexey Yagudin. Their battles shook the whole world, and the main battle of the titans, held at the 2002 Olympics, forever changed figure skating. Eugene lost the battle, having survived the strongest emotional shock. All according to the laws of the genre: a meeting with a shadow leads to the death of a hero - literal or symbolic, but he is reborn.

At the post-Olympic World Cup Eugene did not go. Revival was postponed for the next season. People wondered: “Will they be able to? Will he come back just as strong? Or will a defeat break him? ”

Plushenko, to whom the echoes of these questions undoubtedly reached, only smiled sarcastically and ...

feat number 7. For four years he turned male singles into the most predictable discipline in figure skating.

“It is not necessary for a hero to die, but he must be in contact with death. Caught on the verge of death, the hero looks to where the path is closed to ordinary people. He acquires divine power - and is symbolically reborn in a new capacity. ”

Post-Olympic Plushenko is already a much more meaningful skater. Young Eugene was like a volcano, spewing quadruple jumps in astronomical quantities. He sought to give his maximum without regard to the level of competition and the level of rivals - a similar approach allowed him to become the best, but he demanded too much strength and health. The Plushenko team made conclusions.

Complex elements, of course, have not gone away. They just started to use them where they were really needed. Dynamics and energy also did not disappear, but only became a little more competently fit into the fabric of programs. The energy-saving regime did not extend to the main starts and was fully justified - it was necessary to get to the Games in Turin as healthy as possible. Attention, what is important, was paid not only to physical but also mental health - psychologists and psychotherapists began to work with Eugene.

The fourth was a little smaller, but the number of victories has grown.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7WXLsJlAiw - St Petersburg 300 at GPF 2002-2003

So, Plushenko-wunderkind, who burned all his rivals in the flames of his talent, turned into Plushenko-champion - a calculating killer, who always knew exactly how many shots he needed to make.

So the young man, who could not always cope with his strength, turned into a man who lost only two starts in four seasons.

Two starts. For four years.

feat number 8. Gave the world a great program "Dedication to Vaclav Nijinsky"

“The favor of fate to the hero, among other things, is manifested through contact with great ancestors. The predecessor gives the hero a key or points him on the way. ”

William Indyk "Psychology for Scriptwriters"

“We have penetrated into the image, imbued with the tragic fate of this brilliant and unhappy man. Eugene on ice transmits the path of Nijinsky in art, and, if you look closely, his life path. After all, Nijinsky died, going crazy. "

Alexey Mishin
“I’m scared, I see the greatest actor in the world.”

Sarah Bernhard about Wenceslas Nijinsky

The grandiose figure skater has a grandiose goal: to embody the image of a man who could dance the scent of a flower on ice; a genius whose mind fell in an unequal battle with a great gift ...

There is something otherworldly, sacred in this program. Something that undoubtedly took place a century earlier, when an ungainly slowed-down phlegmatic young man with a half-open mouth and an absent glance, when he stepped onto the stage, suddenly turned into the Eighth Wonder of the World, into a graceful God of dance, who could wrap into darkness.

“The favor of fate to the hero, among other things, is manifested through contact with great ancestors. The predecessor gives the hero a key or points him on the way. ”

William Indyk Tandem of the Two Kings of the Air allowed us to see the new Eugene - the figure skater, who fought not only with rivals and with himself, but also with unprecedented power in an artistic way.

The most surprising thing about this story is how timely Mishin and his pupil visited the idea of ​​devoting the program to Nijinsky. After all, if it is necessary to choose a certain Plushenko for the House of Weights and Measures, Plushenko will be 2004. That Eugene combined technical perfection in himself (his health allowed him to jump two quadruple and make a Billman) with a meaningful and more serious approach to programs than at the dawn of his career. Charisma and the merits of Eugene have not yet drowned out the images embodied in the productions.

If Nizhinsky had “come” earlier, he would not have been so deep and mystical. If he came later, there would be a disproportionate amount in the program from Evgeni Plushenko himself. But he appeared on time - figure skating is not often so lucky.

By the way, Plushenko himself is also well aware of how lucky he is with this production - not without reason over time “Dedication to Nijinsky” more and more often rides on various shows and demonstrations. Not without reason for the key part in the Sochi arbitrary “Best of Plushenko” was chosen “Scheherazade”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=SEJXkfMYTX4 - the Nijinsky at Rus Nat

feat number 9. Winning the Olympic Games in Turin with an incredible margin

“The ease with which the main feat is accomplished proves that the hero is above the common man, he is of royal blood. Many tales and all the legends describing the feats of the incarnate gods describe this lightness. Where an ordinary hero would have encountered difficulties, the chosen one does not encounter any obstacles and does not make any mistakes. ”

Joseph Campbell "The Thousand-Years Hero"

“He is untouchable. The rest can forget about gold. ”

British Eurosport commentator a minute and a half after the start of a free program

For the ease with which the Games ’gold was won, there was a most difficult period in Plushenko’s career: less than a year before the Turin Games, Eugene again failed his health - withdrawing from the Moscow World Championship, an operation. And the beginning of the Olympic season, even if it was “golden” from and to, left, nevertheless, a number of questions concerning readiness for the main start of the four-year period.

All the more striking is the final table of the Games, in which Eugene brought the silver medalist Lambiel twenty-seven points (twenty-seven, Karl! It's just like two flawless fours! Or one well-worn out double Axel of Jason Brown!).

The feat here lies precisely in how correctly the peak of the form of Eugene was brought to the Games. At the Olympiad itself, the sensation of heroism did not arise - the unconditional best skater of the world took what was rightfully his and waited for him for four years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajp5xglwb0k - The Godfather 2006 with ES commentary ( I have changed ;) )

Eugene left figure skating winner. As it seemed then - left completely.

feat number 10. Brilliantly returned to the big sport after a four-year absence

“When the hero has completed his journey, he, an adventurer, has yet to return to everyday life with the priceless treasure that he has acquired and which brings life to all things. But it so happens that the hero refuses to return. ”

Joseph Campbell "The Thousand-Years Hero"

"If at first the hero refuses to hear the call of the world of adventure, now he does not want to return to the world of everyday life."

William Indyk "Psychology for Scriptwriters"

Michael Jordan, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Ali, Evgeni Plushenko and many other great athletes returned to the “world of adventure” after leaving. Such is the character of genuine champions, such is their mentality - the eternal thirst for victories, in the name of which health is invariably sacrificed (Ali here, of course, is the most obvious example). And each such return, regardless of its outcome, always contains a bit of incredibly dreary awareness of the transience of sports life ...

A lot was said about Plushenko’s return to sport, including critical things. But it was the very case when the motives faded before the results of re-entering the river.

The fact that Plushenko returned incredibly strong was superimposed by one more amusing fact - in four years a new king did not appear in the men's single. Someone, like Lambiel and Takahashi, was prevented by serious health problems, someone, like Joubert, was unable to count and deficit in the second assessment ... Moreover, there was a clear regress in men's figure skating: in 2006 Lambiel became the world champion by performing two quadruple in an arbitrary one; Joubert had only one in a year, and Battle and Lysacek won their titles in 2008 and 2009, respectively, without using the fourths at all.

Against this background, the 4-3 cascade became, if not fundamental, then an extremely weighty argument in the fight for the gold of the Games in Vancouver. The victory at the European Championships confirmed the seriousness of Plushenko's intentions - he went to the Olympiad in the status of a favorite. It seemed that there was no absence at all for four years.

So, I rested for a week, winning Eurovision on the way, and back to the Games ...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6vml3Nicr8 ECH 2010

What comes to mind when you hear the words "Plushenko" and "Vancouver"? Scandalous results of the Games? Purest 4-3 in both programs from Eugene? His peerless demonstration number, which he skated as if someone's life depended on it? Or maybe the same episode at the Award Ceremony, when Plushenko first stood on the top step of the pedestal and only then moved on to the second ..?

For me, Plushenko in Vancouver is his view after the completion of an arbitrary program. The look of an insanely tired man who gave all of himself to his beloved work.

The look of a wounded beast who will forgive himself and injustice, and meanness, but never forgive pity.

I have nothing more to say on this topic.

feat number 11. Became a link for several generations of skaters

“The hero becomes the lord of two worlds. He is honored for his accomplishments, and the legend about him should inspire future generations to exploits. ”

William Indyk "Psychology for Scriptwriters"

Do you know what unites Todd Eldridge, who turned 47 this year, and twenty-year-old Yulia Lipnitskaya? That's right - they competed on the same ice with Plushenko.

Eugene's sporty longevity for some became a true delight and joy, and for others - a nightmare. Someone thoughtlessly copied Plushenko, someone (for example, Hania) took over his mind wisely, adding his own ... I sent Plushenko to retire (and then left the sport before Eugene himself).

Nobody inspired skaters like Plushenko. And no one was annoyed. Yes, in recent years, Eugene’s career has been criticized for taking someone else’s place, not giving way to young people, and in general is becoming obsolete. But there are facts, and the facts show that Plushenko came to figure skating, when any clean quadruple toe loop was for “wow!”, And left him when people started jumping quadruple lutz.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOIDCHO-V3Y - Evgeni Plushenko vs. Boyang Jin【Tango Amore 】@ Amazing on Ice 2016

Took Rome brick, and left marble.

feat number 12. Four Olympics - four medals

“The path changed the hero. What he wanted was done, but that is why much more serious dangers fell to him on the way home. Since his entire personality now corresponded to the forces and the forms of measurement, where time did not exist, the forces and forms of time fell devastatingly upon him. ”

Joseph Campbell "The Thousand-Years Hero"

“The journey must end with a return home. The hero is helped to return back - often he is literally brought home on his hands. Returning home, the hero loses divine power and becomes mortal again. ”

William Indyk "Psychology for Scriptwriters"

After Eugene took the seventh European gold in 2012, it became clear that “Plushenko at the Games in Sochi” is not a utopia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBJtNXvyWbg - ECH 2012 LP

According to all the laws of the genre, the hero must complete his journey, returning home. It was embarrassing that at the end of the journey the hero had to become a mere mortal ...

Conversations that Plushenko occupies someone else’s place (let's be honest, not unreasonable conversations) broke out with a new force. And again, Plushenko silenced everyone. In the short program, he yielded only to the young Japanese prince Yuzuru Hania - he passed, as it were, to that power and scepter. The rest, young and modern, were left behind. Among them was Patrick Chan - he never beat Plushenko. Neither the Quad, nor with them.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhUR3yGFrLc - Evgeni Plushenko Sochi 2014 team SP - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajaY90WZG_E - 2014 Olympics Team Men SP 10 JPN Yuzuru HANYU

And now a minute of author vanity =)

Long before the Games in Sochi, I guessed that the latest program Plushenko would be a variation on the theme “The best I've done”. It would be strange if a figure skater with a career so rich in events and programs neglected such an opportunity.

In general, there was no other way out for Eugene - he became a living legend in sports. Any acting mask on his face would simply crumble - in any image he was doomed to remain himself. Therefore, "Plushenko in the image of Plushenko" is the right decision. And very symbolic.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeMoig-AJzk - Evgeny Plyushchenko Wows His Home Crowd - Figure Skating Team Event | Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics

Team competitions were won brilliantly. Plushenko in both programs beat direct competitors from Canada. And won the fourth medal at the Olympics. Moreover, Eugene - just think about it - won victories at the main starts in three (!!!) different decades. It is not even space. This is a different dimension.

And then ... Then the hero appeared before his compatriots as a mere mortal, losing superpower, holding on to iron will and titanium screws.

Great power always implies great pay.

The hero of the myth is obliged to sacrifice himself for the cause for which he fought, and he is also the hero of the myth. Happy ends were invented much later ...

However, the final of this story is still ahead. Do you know why?

The whole career of Eugene is easily divided into four Olympic cycles. And in each of these four years he appeared before us in a new incarnation: Plushenko-wunderkind replaced Plushenko-champion, and he, in turn, was replaced after 2006 by Plushenko, a cultural phenomenon. The latter eventually grew into a Plushenko myth ...

So here. There is another hypostasis to which Eugene has been trying on for several years. Attempts are perceived by the figurative world in different ways, but they all agree on one thing: Plushenko, a mentor, sounds very, very intriguing.


“Now that his journey has almost come to an end, he must give up his place to a new hero, instructing and supporting his pupil. At the end of the journey, every great hero must become a teacher, the character with whom he identified himself first. ”

William Indyk "Psychology for Scriptwriters"


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
Awesome videos. Swan Lake!

two comments:

@matsujang : I miss him in the championships ��

@insomnwmbula to @matsujang : Of course. But when you have won everything--often more than once--it is time to let artistry lead, not points on a scoreboard. How else could such a wonderful production be accomplished? And to be able to not only skate, but dance, in the same production, as well as to offer other Olympic champions--plus legendary dancers--roles? What a wonderful time this is!

@insomnwmbula : Congratulaions on this wonderful collaboration! Such interesting ideas are developing. I know there is much to do, but I hope the next 2 large goals will be to film the production for distribution outside Russia (with Russian/English titles where necessary) and a documentary on "The Making of Evgeni Plushenko's 'Swan Lake'." Such historic documents are rare and important. I think of the rare photos of Balanchine working on choreography with Edward Villella ("Prodigal Son") in the past... There are simply not enough of such inspiring records. Often these productions start small and fly up to great heights--and are suddenly gone. I hope to see this process preserved, instead. I have many other hopes for this production (as well as for documentation of "The Nutcracker") but our basic joy is to see you dancing, as well as skating and choreographing. This is only the beginning...


After these videos we can talking about skating skills, artistry, etc.. Don't get me wrong he doesn't have best SS but very good! Probably those who criticised him have never seen such videos..


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Sorry got busy this week so haven't been able to keep up on the Plushy news! Thanks for posting the second part of that blog post Plushyfan, it was very interesting! Although Google Translate did cause me some confusion - at least no sheepskins showed up.

The author paints a very vivid picture though, Plushy the knight of men's skating on a journey to epiciness :biggrin:

Awesome videos. Swan Lake!


Oh man, this thing is gonna be epic! So jealous of all the people who get to go and see it!

two comments:

@matsujang : I miss him in the championships ��

:laugh: Funny someone should say that, I was just thinking today watching Liza and Med at Skate Canada that Plushy fans had the best of both worlds, a skater with textbook technique and amazing consistency! I really do wonder if Plushy could teach his mindset to the other Russian skaters...

@insomnwmbula to @matsujang : Of course. But when you have won everything--often more than once--it is time to let artistry lead, not points on a scoreboard. How else could such a wonderful production be accomplished? And to be able to not only skate, but dance, in the same production, as well as to offer other Olympic champions--plus legendary dancers--roles? What a wonderful time this is!

And of course this is true too! And very exciting for Plushy who as we know loves ballet as well, another dream met! :biggrin:

@insomnwmbula : Congratulaions on this wonderful collaboration! Such interesting ideas are developing. I know there is much to do, but I hope the next 2 large goals will be to film the production for distribution outside Russia (with Russian/English titles where necessary) and a documentary on "The Making of Evgeni Plushenko's 'Swan Lake'." Such historic documents are rare and important. I think of the rare photos of Balanchine working on choreography with Edward Villella ("Prodigal Son") in the past... There are simply not enough of such inspiring records. Often these productions start small and fly up to great heights--and are suddenly gone. I hope to see this process preserved, instead. I have many other hopes for this production (as well as for documentation of "The Nutcracker") but our basic joy is to see you dancing, as well as skating and choreographing. This is only the beginning...

These are fantastic ideas! Whoever this is I can totally get behind the idea of a film! I'd buy and/or go see that in a theatre!


After these videos we can talking about skating skills, artistry, etc.. Don't get me wrong he doesn't have best SS but very good! Probably those who criticised him have never seen such videos..

Ha ha true, plus there's the fact there's like twenty kids on that rink, so Plushy probably can't go all out :) Speaking of the kids I would be so distracted if Plushy was learning choreo near me and forget to skate :laugh2:

Also I came across this on Twitter which amused me: https://twitter.com/_ST4RROVlNG/status/1055950708850155520

Young!Plushy working the all velvet look, what a fashion plate!


Final Flight
Oct 21, 2017
:laugh: Funny someone should say that, I was just thinking today watching Liza and Med at Skate Canada that Plushy fans had the best of both worlds, a skater with textbook technique and amazing consistency! I really do wonder if Plushy could teach his mindset to the other Russian skaters...

I think he showed with both Serafima and Samoilov that he can give his students confidence and joy to skate. Both were making progress again and showing fighting spirit. I regret that Serafima went back to Sankt Petersburg, one year more with Plushi would have been good for her.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
Sorry got busy this week so haven't been able to keep up on the Plushy news! Thanks for posting the second part of that blog post Plushyfan, it was very interesting! Although Google Translate did cause me some confusion - at least no sheepskins showed up.

The author paints a very vivid picture though, Plushy the knight of men's skating on a journey to epiciness :biggrin:

Yes it was interesting even I know these details. But I'm happy if I read such opinions, thoughts wich are same as mine.


Oh man, this thing is gonna be epic! So jealous of all the people who get to go and see it!

I'm living much closer to Moscow as you but I couldn't go there..A lots of money for my hobby....I hope some years time we can visit in Russia as tourists

:laugh: Funny someone should say that, I was just thinking today watching Liza and Med at Skate Canada that Plushy fans had the best of both worlds, a skater with textbook technique and amazing consistency! I really do wonder if Plushy could teach his mindset to the other Russian skaters...

I hope so..

These are fantastic ideas! Whoever this is I can totally get behind the idea of a film! I'd buy and/or go see that in a theatre!

I like that poster on Plushy's IG. She/ he is a relatively new poster..

Ha ha true, plus there's the fact there's like twenty kids on that rink, so Plushy probably can't go all out :) Speaking of the kids I would be so distracted if Plushy was learning choreo near me and forget to skate :laugh2:

When I have met with him personally at first I was incredible excited.. look at these girls from Iran. They were at the academy some days ago and they could laugh only..

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMZOzKFzzX/? https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMZOzKFzzX/?

Also I came across this on Twitter which amused me: https://twitter.com/_ST4RROVlNG/status/1055950708850155520

Young!Plushy working the all velvet look, what a fashion plate!

I remember that ridiculous exhibition at GPF in 1997/98 season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxBRhEzcwR0 He was in the GP Final at his very young age! I like how some posters here can ignore these things...:drama: They don't mention him among the 5 best skaters...:laugh: BTW That was a huge 3A-3T in the exhibition!

I want to be celebrity! Do you want to receive a Porsche Cayan car? https://www.instagram.com/p/BpcHyGjDwZj/? - what I understand his Russian he received it because he will be the ambassador of the Porsche....hmmmm :drama::laugh: he recommends for us







https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpd_bB2l3x_/? amazing!

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpbkiLjghV0/? :biggrin: https://www.instagram.com/p/BpcHZE6AOxy/?

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpZ4G7VFPPa/? they are so cute!

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpbofQiFaKt/? incredible cute video! it seems the girls are stronger as Sasha :laugh:


Record Breaker
Nov 13, 2012
Never mind what people say or don't say. Plushy has and always had incredible charisma, presence and personality on ice. Anyone who fails to notice or mention his showmanship and how he can hold an audience in the palm of his hand (whether they personally enjoy his style or not - we've all got our individual tastes, and that's perfectly fine, of course) is not being fair or just in their analysis.

Just forget about it. We and many with us enjoy his skating. That's all that matters.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
Never mind what people say or don't say. Plushy has and always had incredible charisma, presence and personality on ice. Anyone who fails to notice or mention his showmanship and how he can hold an audience in the palm of his hand (whether they personally enjoy his style or not - we've all got our individual tastes, and that's perfectly fine, of course) is not being fair or just in their analysis.

Just forget about it. We and many with us enjoy his skating. That's all that matters.

Probably I like to argue..:laugh:


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
I'm living much closer to Moscow as you but I couldn't go there..A lots of money for my hobby....I hope some years time we can visit in Russia as tourists

Indeed! Although that would also require me to get over my fear of travelling alone.

When I have met with him personally at first I was incredible excited.. look at these girls from Iran. They were at the academy some days ago and they could laugh only..

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMZOzKFzzX/? https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMZOzKFzzX/?

I saw that! Heh I gotta say I'm sure I'll do the same, which would be so embarrassing!

I remember that ridiculous exhibition at GPF in 1997/98 season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxBRhEzcwR0 He was in the GP Final at his very young age! I like how some posters here can ignore these things...:drama: They don't mention him among the 5 best skaters...:laugh: BTW That was a huge 3A-3T in the exhibition!

Oh yeah is that the Engima Ex, I can't ever get over that sweatband...it wasn't the 80s then, Plushy! :laugh2:

I want to be celebrity! Do you want to receive a Porsche Cayan car? https://www.instagram.com/p/BpcHyGjDwZj/? - what I understand his Russian he received it because he will be the ambassador of the Porsche....hmmmm :drama::laugh: he recommends for us

Aren't you already a celebrity, Plushy? Or is that Google Translate being tricky again? But Plushy has had so many car sponsorships, nice work if you can get I suppose! ;)

Ahmahgawd, too awesooome!

Wooow Alexander G looks really good! He's got the drama arms going on! I wonder which competition he'll be in? 'Cause I wanna watch!

OMG, that's adorable!

Learning from the Master, I see!

Oh wow! I gotta say my hips hurt just looking at these! Sasha seems to be OK though! Must be nice to be so flexible, I groan like an old man just bending down to pick up things!

OMG they so are! I look forward to their performance in Swan Lake!

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpbofQiFaKt/? incredible cute video! it seems the girls are stronger as Sasha :laugh:

:laugh2: Although seeing this...maybe Sasha should be the one getting thrown in jumps!

Never mind what people say or don't say. Plushy has and always had incredible charisma, presence and personality on ice. Anyone who fails to notice or mention his showmanship and how he can hold an audience in the palm of his hand (whether they personally enjoy his style or not - we've all got our individual tastes, and that's perfectly fine, of course) is not being fair or just in their analysis.

Just forget about it. We and many with us enjoy his skating. That's all that matters.

Wise words LRK! Although it's a good thing I wasn't a Plushy fan on this forum when he was actually competing because while I try to keep from taking stuff to heart every so often I do get annoyed and bite back :laugh: But it's not really worth it, I suppose, people don't change their minds all that often!


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
Aren't you already a celebrity, Plushy? Or is that Google Translate being tricky again? But Plushy has had so many car sponsorships, nice work if you can get I suppose! ;)

You misunderstood me..;)

I want to be celebrity! Do you want to receive a Porsche Cayan car?
these are my words..I asked you do you want to be celebrity? Becuase if you are celebrity you are going to receive cars as Plushy did..

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpcHyGjDwZj/? - what I understand his Russian he received it because he will be the ambassador of the Porsche....hmmmm he recommends for us

I translated his Russian speach..I understood it :eek::


On the Ice
Mar 5, 2017
Remembering the titans. Twelve feats of Evgeny Plushenko. Part 2

It`s a very good post! I was very glad to read it. It`s full of love and respect, and Plushy really looks like a hero of the myth there. :)


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
You misunderstood me..;)

So I did! Sorry my brain must have been running on empty :laugh2: Plushy's had good luck with cars: Mercedes, BMW (I think) and now Porsche!

BTW I should thank you for replacing thel Torino FS video with the British Eurosport one as the NBC one has Dick and company saying my most hated sentence right now "It's not a program" :p


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
It`s a very good post! I was very glad to read it. It`s full of love and respect, and Plushy really looks like a hero of the myth there. :)

Because he is..a hero and a special human being. One of the greatest athletes ever.. That bulgarian woman who translated his autobiography to english said he is a chosen man.. Can you imagine if his coaching career will be succesful? I really believe he has chance to be..

So I did! Sorry my brain must have been running on empty :laugh2: Plushy's had good luck with cars: Mercedes, BMW (I think) and now Porsche!

I believe he had a Lada ( Russin car). He bought it for his father from his first income, if you remember. And later he has only Mercedes. That was his favorite brand from his very early age. He could buy it ;) . And in 2011 the Mercedes invited him to the solemn demonstration of the new MB car in Germany https://www.facebook.com/teamberlin1/photos/a.10150371345483155/10150371349193155/?type=3&theater. Since that he is the ambassador of the brand in Russia. It seems the Porsche had means to seduce him..:laugh:

some old advertising pics



https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ7bNgbDJLP/?taken-by=vegasmall - at the final day of the Moscow International car showroom Plushy had autograph session for visitors - https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ8QE4rAG0a/

his Mercedeses

the black one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2841lVtRMQ&t=23m5s after his Nijnsky performance at Rus Nat..with his first girlfriend

https://twitter.com/Vitalsonych/status/339388069885120513/photo/1 Vitaly wrote Zhenya's sponsor..

https://www.instagram.com/p/BXpZKBfl-Bw/?taken-by=plushenkoofficial one year ago

and in August https://www.instagram.com/p/BmfegCOFhMu/?

and the latest one the Cayan is for the winter..:drama:

He had BMW motobike. He received after Sochi a white Mercedes car, and after Torino also. After Vancouver he received Audi but I didn't see a pic on it.

BTW I should thank you for replacing thel Torino FS video with the British Eurosport one as the NBC one has Dick and company saying my most hated sentence right now "It's not a program" :p
This is the reason why I changed it..:laugh: the commentators of ES sound like they would have watched other program..:thumbsup:


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Because he is..a hero and a special human being. One of the greatest athletes ever.. That bulgarian woman who translated his autobiography to english said he is a chosen man.. Can you imagine if his coaching career will be succesful? I really believe he has chance to be..

I've got that translated biography, it's a great read!

And yes! I have faith Plushy can be a successful coach and we'll see him in Kiss and Cry's for many years to come.

I believe he had a Lada ( Russin car). He bought it for his father from his first income, if you remember.

I do remember reading about it in his biography, he was too young to drive it himself.

And later he has only Mercedes. That was his favorite brand from his very early age. He could buy it . And in 2011 the Mercedes invited him to the solemn demonstration of the new MB car in Germany https://www.facebook.com/teamberlin1/photos/a.10150371345483155/10150371349193155/?type=3&theater. Since that he is the ambassador of the brand in Russia. It seems the Porsche had means to seduce him..:laugh:

Ooo, that's cool! And also shows off the car's traction I guess.

I like this one! Plushy looks good in suits! :biggrin:

Bit more casual here though, car looks the same.

https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ7bNgbDJLP/?taken-by=vegasmall - at the final day of the Moscow International car showroom Plushy had autograph session for visitors - https://www.instagram.com/p/BJ8QE4rAG0a/

Wow! I'd totally go to a car show to get Plushy's autograph! Despite not been able to afford a Mercedes!

his Mercedeses

the black one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2841lVtRMQ&t=23m5s after his Nijnsky performance at Rus Nat..with his first girlfriend

Neat! Although not opening the door for your girlfriend, Plushy? Bad form! ;)

Oh wow! I really like that colour! You could see Plushy coming a mile away in that!

Well red is the standard colour for a fancy car it must be said!

and the latest one the Cayan is for the winter..

Well Russia would be the kind of place where you'd need a winter car I suppose!

He had BMW motobike. He received after Sochi a white Mercedes car, and after Torino also. After Vancouver he received Audi but I didn't see a pic on it.

Soooo many cars!

This is the reason why I changed it..:laugh: the commentators of ES sound like they would have watched other program..:thumbsup:

Good choice! They were in awe of him there! I remember Chris or was it Simon? saying about half way through "Let's sit back and watch the master at work"

OMG! https://www.instagram.com/p/BpnK1DfAfLe/? I could watch him all day.. I can't wait this show!.....should I go to Moscow in December? :drama:

Yeeees if you can! It sounds like it'll be the most epic show ever! And you'd get to see Plushy dance actually ballet!

I agree I'd totally watch that all day, Plushy's footwork is so amazing to watch.

:laugh2: OMG, I remember that! The questions still remain, why are you in that sleeping bag Plushy?! And why are you bouncing down the stairs wearing it?

I love those! Especially this one Plushy and Yags have the same coat?! What would happen if they both wore it to the same place! Who'd end up going home to change? :laugh:

Aww what a lovely gift for Plushy! It looks super yummy!

Sasha also thanked his coach, Amir! https://www.instagram.com/p/BpkLqPng7jv

And he and Plushy met some famous coach guy, I have no idea who it is, but he seems to be a big deal :biggrin: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpmsc2Ml17s I wonder what they're saying?


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
Isn't he Viktor Kudriavtsev, the coach of Ilya Kulik?

His name is Kudryavtsev. But I didn't know he was Kulik's coach. thanks.

I've got that translated biography, it's a great read!

And yes! I have faith Plushy can be a successful coach and we'll see him in Kiss and Cry's for many years to come.

We must wait 2-3 years. He is going to be a fulltime coach he won't skate on so much shows he want to be ice show producer only.

Neat! Although not opening the door for your girlfriend, Plushy? Bad form! ;)

I just hope he was tired on that day after that amazing performance and he used to do it...;) But we know how polite he is with the women!!!:yes:

Well Russia would be the kind of place where you'd need a winter car I suppose!

undoubtedly!! :laugh:

Good choice! They were in awe of him there! I remember Chris or was it Simon? saying about half way through "Let's sit back and watch the master at work"

and "the best ever"

:laugh2: OMG, I remember that! The questions still remain, why are you in that sleeping bag Plushy?! And why are you bouncing down the stairs wearing it?

We can't understand since that :laugh: probably because he was in good modd and he wanted Sasha to laugh!

I love those! Especially this one Plushy and Yags have the same coat?! What would happen if they both wore it to the same place! Who'd end up going home to change? :laugh:

Yagudin has such coat..Same coat on Plushy is just Lilyshenka's work ;)

It started! https://twitter.com/tamayura_yura/status/1058224628064112641 #HappyBirthdayZhenya #СДнемРожденияЖеня

I like this comparison https://twitter.com/yokotanpeshenko/status/1056910040123101186

nice fan arts https://twitter.com/_ST4RROVlNG/status/1056454209434873857

https://twitter.com/Lily_shenka/status/1056199974415814657 gift for him

one week ago https://twitter.com/Lily_shenka/status/1056197782208372736

WOW! https://www.instagram.com/p/BpoSSbpgJiB/ :luv17:


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2012
https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsGvP3DPSG/ - Everyone is busy with his own business ... Lump ( seriously? :laugh: the google translated to this the "Комочка" name ) -bought for Sanya, and dad plays and is moved, I can not believe that dad will be 36 years old tomorrow) ��

How many dogs they have??? :biggrin:

Yes, Evgeni Victorovich tomorrow will be 36! I can't believe it!

When I saw him at first. "I felt in love wit him "immediately..:laugh: OMG! This was almost 21 years ago!!!



Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
Firstly - Happy Birthday to Plushy!!! :hb:

My most favourite of all skaters and the Tsar of the Ice! To a fabulous 36th year on this planet and much success in the upcoming shows and with the Angels.

https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsGvP3DPSG/ - Everyone is busy with his own business ... Lump ( seriously? :laugh: the google translated to this the "Комочка" name ) -bought for Sanya, and dad plays and is moved, I can not believe that dad will be 36 years old tomorrow) ��

How many dogs they have??? :biggrin:

Ahmahgawd that's adorable!!! Plushy loves animals doesn't he? He must have more dogs then some petshops do by now though!

Also Sasha's getting his haircut! I wonder how many comments on that post have to do with that. :laugh:

When I saw him at first. "I felt in love wit him "immediately..:laugh: OMG! This was almost 21 years ago!!!


The Michel Jean Jarre Melody! How I love that program, so ridiculously 80s and the costume!

I wonder what I would have thought had I seen this program back in the day like you, Plushyfan? I only saw it back in 2014 after Sochi when I started fangirling.

And what a boss, the look he gives when the wrong music starts to play. I'd have been intimidated!

And how impressed were Chris and Simon? They were so judging the Romanian and German? judge for their scores as I was too!

I should go on a Plushy Program rewatch to honour this day. :biggrin: