Ksenia Stolbova & Fedor Klimov | Page 83 | Golden Skate

Ksenia Stolbova & Fedor Klimov


Team Gorgeous Cacti!
Record Breaker
May 2, 2015
I've already resigned to the fact.
Lena Pavlova was practicing with Fedya in Italy, Ksenia removed all her skating pics from Insta and doesn't even follow hashtags at the mo. One part of me is very sad of course, but if I'm honest, I didn't see a glorious future for them anymore. I saw them up close at Euros and they definitely were not a happy pair. I can actually imagine a Pavlova/Klimov combination. What an opportunity for that young girl to skate with not just an amazing and seasoned pair skater, but also with the most gorgeous guy on the ice :love:
I'll always love my Ksu, though. No skater girl will ever get close. :noshake:

Well. I still haven't accepted. I doubt any of their new partnerships wil be beter than what they had. I may be wrong of course, but I seriously doubt any of the partnerships, that are roumored to be, wlll be World medal class. I'm mourning the loss of the skating beauty :(


Record Breaker
Jan 7, 2016
Well. I still haven't accepted. I doubt any of their new partnerships wil be beter than what they had. I may be wrong of course, but I seriously doubt any of the partnerships, that are roumored to be, wlll be World medal class. I'm mourning the loss of the skating beauty :(

I agree that no new partnership combination will ever match what S/K had. I certainly agree, it goes without saying.
But I also think they couldn’t revive it anymore for various reasons. It’s been too long. If there was a way to give them a new lease of pair life, strong health and take all injuries away, I would do anything to make that happen.


On the Ice
Apr 11, 2017
I've already resigned to the fact.
Lena Pavlova was practicing with Fedya in Italy, Ksenia removed all her skating pics from Insta and doesn't even follow hashtags at the mo. One part of me is very sad of course, but if I'm honest, I didn't see a glorious future for them anymore. I saw them up close at Euros and they definitely were not a happy pair. I can actually imagine a Pavlova/Klimov combination. What an opportunity for that young girl to skate with not just an amazing and seasoned pair skater, but also with the most gorgeous guy on the ice :love:
I'll always love my Ksu, though. No skater girl will ever get close. :noshake:

Beautiful words! As upset as I am that this is the end of a wonderful partnership, I agree that this is what has to happen. They've been struggling so long, trying to make it work, but there's something that isn't working. I don't know if switching partners is going to help, but something has to change, and it doesn't hurt to try.
Gosh, I would kill to be this Lena Pavlova right now! (Hey Fedor, I can do swizzles and crossovers on my skates if you're interested!) Does anyone have links to any info about her? (Instagram page, videos of her skating, maybe even a photo?) She will have some big skates to fill, but I am trying to stay optimistic.

I too will always love Ksenia - she was very inspirational to me during some tough times in my life a few years ago. It breaks my heart to see them split because they honestly had such a great friendship/partnership (I want a boyfriend who treats me the way Fedya treats Ksu, does anyone know where I can find one lol?) but if this is the end of the road for them together, I guess I'll go watch 2015 GPF for the thousandth time and remember all the good times. They were truly one of the best pairs of their time and I won't forget the impact they've had on my life since I first saw them at the Sochi Olympics.


Team Gorgeous Cacti!
Record Breaker
May 2, 2015
So I read Ksenia and Fedor are officially done... RIP this thread and my heart.


Record Breaker
Jan 7, 2016
Confirmation of what we've known for a while. When it gets real, it's still very sad.
I'll support both of them whatever their future plans are...and I hope Fedor is not done as a competitive skater yet.
I'm very grateful that I've seen them live and on the podium. I'm fairly composed right now, but I think it'll hit me when I watch competitions that they usually would be at...
Anyway, Fedi seems happy at the mo, he's clearly got a Plan B. Hope the same goes for Ksu.


On the Ice
Apr 11, 2017
Well, I guess this is the end! I'm going to miss them like crazy, but we will always have the memories of their beautiful programs, and they will continue skating with other people which makes me so happy. I just want to thank them for the influence they've had on my life these past few years, they really pulled me through some tough times and I'll always be grateful for their wide range of programs that I can watch over and over again on YouTube.

The Finn

Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2015
At the moment I do not continue sports activities, but I reserve the right to return to figure skating after a while, if such a desire arises.

He is 28 years old, so, I am hoping that he will make his comeback next season, or maybe season after that. He most likely will not though.


Record Breaker
Sep 23, 2008
He is 28 years old, so, I am hoping that he will make his comeback next season, or maybe season after that. He most likely will not though.
If he decided to retire, his shoulder injury must be pretty bad. Maybe not in day-to-day life, but probably not enough to be able to work on twist, lifts and throws every day. I can’t see how it would get better. He was trying out with Pavlova. If he could, he would have kept her.


Team Gorgeous Cacti!
Record Breaker
May 2, 2015
Pair skating has lost a great pairs skater :cry: If not for injuries, he could easily do another olympic cycle...


On the Ice
Apr 11, 2017
I will miss him so much but I understand. He’s been skating for 25 years now and maybe he just wants a break. With all that he’s been through these past couple years, he deserves a break. I’m sure he’ll make an amazing coach if that’s what he chooses to do. He was a gift to this sport and I hope he will continue to pass along his talent as a coach. Love you Fedor 😘

Now I can shamelessly root for Ksenia without worrying they’ll have a Kirsten/Dylan fight for the last spot to the Olympics haha.