Oh Wow, Yretha has such big huge powerful jumps, lovely to see! And she's costumed nice & elegantly, whereas her countrywoman Mae is once again wearing a bright neon color (this time pink) and the baby amongst them looks to have an interesting costume per usual for the French.
And Sonia LaFuente's gorgeous dress reminds me of the one that Nancy Kerrigan wore for her LP at the 1994 Olympics.
I like the concept & costuming of this program for Lena. You can tell she's supposed to be Quasi Modo's love interest in Notre Dame, however she looks more like a child than a woman.
Lena M. is a very good skater but it seems she just doesn't quite have the jumps yet. She keeps your attention, though. The music and program are attractive - Notre Dame de Paris, a nice combo of lyricism and drama that suits her youth.
Just when I was thinking how Yretha reminded me of a more advanced version of Surya Bonaly (better leg line, toe point, et al), she goes down on a couple of the jumps. It was easy to see her axis was off on the 3L, and unlike Evgeni Plushenko she doesn't have cat feet.
Still, I ENJOY Yretha's skating.
ps: and I love the unique position & fast rotation she gets on that one spin, all her own.