Lyrics in programs: Yay or Nay? Now the Season is Over | Page 3 | Golden Skate

Lyrics in programs: Yay or Nay? Now the Season is Over


Record Breaker
Jun 11, 2012
How many times do you think we're going to hear "Time To Say Goodbye" with Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman?


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
Has anyone thought of the impact lyrics AND an announcer might have for watching broadcast coverage. I was watching some Rythmic Gymnastic performances with lyrics and when the lyrics were pumping,the announcer talking, and the performance happening...well at times it felt like my brain was in a blender.


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
Argh, I didn't even think of that. Because the only places where lyrics are used now are exhibition and ice dance, and (sensible) announcers usually shut up in those cases.


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Has anyone thought of the impact lyrics AND an announcer might have for watching broadcast coverage. I was watching some Rythmic Gymnastic performances with lyrics and when the lyrics were pumping,the announcer talking, and the performance happening...well at times it felt like my brain was in a blender.

I hadn't thought of this either. Christ, watching US Nationals is going to be unbearable this year if Josh and Max both go for lyrics as is rumoured. Mind you, I'm sure Scott Hamilton will do his best to ruin Tristan and Iseult too, so...


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
Scott talks way too much. Say what you want about the B. Eurosport guys (and their name-butchering), but at least they usually just identify jumps during the performance (what a commentator is supposed to do, imo). Leave the context/opinions 'til after the performance.


v Yuki Ishikawa v
Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
I hadn't thought about the narrating either. I usually prefer and watch the ESP streams anyway, but now I am really not looking forward to US Nationals.. :scowl:


in Emergency Backup Mode
Record Breaker
Jan 1, 2013
Scott talks way too much. Say what you want about the B. Eurosport guys (and their name-butchering), but at least they usually just identify jumps during the performance (what a commentator is supposed to do, imo). Leave the context/opinions 'til after the performance.

I love British Eurosport. Okay, sometimes they make cringe-worthy blunders. But the thing I love most is that they are always so overwhelmingly positive. About EVERYONE. Russian/American/Australian/Chinese/whatever, they'll talk about the positives of the skating. They don't make snarky petty comments like Hamilton or Bezic. They won't talk negatively about skaters not from their country. I enjoy listening to them. Most of the time.


Record Breaker
Oct 22, 2005
I thought I was going to be a NAY on lyrics, and then...I saw the new SP from Eladj Balde'. If you can pull off programs like that, then I am perfectly OK with this new rule and I have not ever really been a fan of his before!!


Feb 18, 2014
Scott does talk too much and he's gotten worse in recent years, IMO. I like the British Eurosport guys, too -- at least, what I've heard of them on YouTube. As karne says, they're always positive and polite about skaters from all countries. :yay:

Lyrics + too much commentary sounds like a nightmare waiting to happen!


Record Breaker
Dec 25, 2012
So far I don't like the lyrics in the programs I've seen. But I may change my mind in the future...just waiting for the right music and lyrics and performance to blow me away.


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
I think SUPER YAY! Though I've only been a diehard fan of figure skating since the Olympics, I've always wondered why no lyrics. Now that they're finally allowed, I'm super excited. Well sometimes it depends on the song and if you're doing a mix of songs. IMO, lyrics bring more power into the performance. Now I'll admit, I'm a cheerleader and not a skater so I'm used to cheer routines with lyrics. But I always feel like there are songs with lyrics that would work great. I have a whole list of possibilities. Like maybe at least 20.


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
Don't give up hopes guys! It's only the beginning of the season! Not to be rude, but times are changing, we need open minds!


Record Breaker
Jul 31, 2014
I prefer it to be allowed because I am not a fan of restrictions. . . they seem silly. If the lyrics are a bad choice, or overwhelm the program, or any number of complaints. . . than the problem to me is with the selection, not the fact that is has lyrics. Lyrics should not restrict song choices but give more options and variety. It just has to be done tastefully. Dornbush's Coldplay is a good example of doing them well. I like how the lyrics don't come in till the end. It gives something nice to the tail end of the program. Lyrics are not all or nothing.


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
I don't particularly like Ed Sheeran(sp? and far to lazy to look it up) but Josh Farris has a wonderful SP using his music. It can be done right and laughably it will be done wrong for sure. :popcorn: It's like bad costumes.....we see them coming and know they exist but nothing can be done to prevent them. I like the idea of lyrics being used I just know I won't like a lot of the choices. The way I see it. Anything to get these people from doing the same pieces that get used over and over again.


Match Penalty
Feb 13, 2014
I don't particularly like Ed Sheeran(sp? and far to lazy to look it up) but Josh Farris has a wonderful SP using his music. It can be done right and laughably it will be done wrong for sure. :popcorn: It's like bad costumes.....we see them coming and know they exist but nothing can be done to prevent them. I like the idea of lyrics being used I just know I won't like a lot of the choices. The way I see it. Anything to get these people from doing the same pieces that get used over and over again.
my nightmares :bang:
The thing is I haven't seen any skater with great vocal choice. The song might be great but to make it into a competitive program it's extremely difficult.


Record Breaker
Jun 11, 2012
I don't care for lyrics in any discipline of figure skating. I think it's distracting unless it's an exhibition and then anything goes. I just feel choreographers and/or coaches are being lazy these days. The same hackneyed music is used over and over and over and over to the point that pieces I used to love just give me ear worms now. One of the many things I liked about Michelle Kwan is the times "she" found new music - Red Violin, Dante's Prayer, etc. There is so much beautiful music out there and just needs to be found. Please no more Carmen (I loathe Carmen now no matter who does it) no more Tangoes (wayyyyyyyyyyyy overused) Phantom, Les Mis, Otonal, Four Seasons, Schindler's List, and the list goes on. Use a little creativity people.