Mao Asada plans comeback | Golden Skate

Mao Asada plans comeback


On the Ice
Feb 22, 2015
It sounds like it isn't official but she is leaning towards coming back! could someone translate this???


Back to the forest you go.
Record Breaker
Jun 9, 2014
Omg!! First the men's now the womens.....Next season will be :jaw::popcorn::drama:


Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2015
Yay! I'm so happy she decided to compete again! I hope she is very successful next season :cheer:


Record Breaker
Mar 17, 2015
MAO MY LOVE :love::yay::cheer::cheer2::party:
this makes me so happy and excited!!!!! (i hope it is true)

Sai Bon

Final Flight
Dec 28, 2013
It sounds like it isn't official but she is leaning towards coming back! could someone translate this???

Summary translation: 24-year-old Mao Asada has started training again under coaches Nobuo & Kumiko Sato with a view to returning to competition. She will hold a press conference on 18 May. Although she originally planned to retire after the Sochi Olympics season, she became unsure after finishing 6th. The Japanese Fed will ask Asada to confirm her intentions in May before the Grand Prix assignments are announced in June.

Reading between the lines, Mao has resumed training after her year off and is intending to return to competition, but she will confirm only after making sure that her body can cope with the training regime. It's unclear whether she has to do regionals to enter Japanese Nationals or whether she gets a bye.


Record Breaker
Mar 27, 2014
It doesn't seem official? Just that she'll have a press conference soon and there is speculation that she could return, until I hear it come from her mouth I'm still going to assume it's not official


Feb 28, 2012
According to a Japanese TV show this morning, she is already doing 3A.
Since she needs to do regional competitions next season, I thought she might not take part in GPS.
Anyway, I'm so happy she decided to continue!
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Oct 30, 2014

I'm sure I'm the only one who feels this way.

Not me... and I usually stan for the Russian ladies. If you want skating to be as popular as possible you need as many good skaters as possible who can put on a good show. The sad part of this is that it narrows the window for Ashley and Gracie to medal at Worlds in Boston.


Record Breaker
Mar 17, 2015
Does Mao really have to do regionals to qualify for nationals?!! I mean she is a three time world champion and still ranked 19th in the world without having competed at all last season! That sounds a bit silly to make her do regional competitions especially if it prevents her to go to GPs, that are by far gonna be a better training for her if she wants to be competitive internationally or even nationally!


Aug 19, 2014
I hope Mao does come back. She's still got a lot to offer the sport and I think she's got a lot of great skates left in her.