MATRIX RELOADED-- Contains some spoiler info | Golden Skate

MATRIX RELOADED-- Contains some spoiler info



MATRIX RELOADED-- Contains some spoiler info

<span style="color:navy;font-family:georgia;font-size:small;">I am such a good wife. :lol: I absolutely hated the original "Matrix" movie, but I agreed to see "Matrix Reloaded" with my husband because he REALLY wanted to see it and there wasn't a single other movie I wanted to see. Well, truth is, I didn't hate it! Ironically, Mr. RGal was bored to tears. Well, tough, now I'm going to make him come with me to the third movie because now I just have to know how it ends. Yes, some things were boring--like Keanu Reeves REPEATED fight scenes with the duplicate Mr. Smiths--they went on and on and on and on... WE GOT IT ALREADY! NOW MOVE ON!

The reason I hated the first movie is ... I didn't have the slightest idea what was going on half the time. At least this time, I understood more.

I still don't understand how they plug themselves into the matrix, are sitting in a chair somewhere else, yet can exist simultaneously in the matrix. Also, why does Neo have superpowers like the ability to fly and pull out bullets? Also, in the age of high tech, they need KEYS? What's up with that?


What was that whole thing about there having been six matrix machines? And why does this egomaniac want to eliminate humankind in the first place? Also, if the whole world is living in some kind of virtual reality (except those in Zion), where is everyone else?</span>


Re: MATRIX RELOADED-- Contains some spoiler info

I didn't see the first Matrix because from the trailers I knew I wouldn't understand it. But my wife saw it on TV just recently, so when we went to the second one, at the theater, she could keep whispering in my ear all the relevant stuff about what's going on.

Let's see. Why can Keanu Reeves do all that stuff? Because he's "the one." So that part is perfectly clear. Obviously, if you're "the one" you can do all kinds of cool stuff.

The reason Neo had to fight all those Mr. Smiths is because kids in the audience like to see fights. BTW, if you have seen the scene in the first Matrix where our guy comes striding in with all guns blazing, it seems clear that this is where the kids who shot up their classmates at Columbine High School got the idea.

"Everybody else" is in the real world, in their pods, hooked up to the Matrix. The Matrix (i.e., the machines that control the real world) somehow derive their energy by sucking up the life force of all these billions of people. Meanwhile the people themselves are living in a dream world where they think that they are going about their ordinary lives, posting on Golden Skate, etc.

I think that the keys, as well as the Karate fights, etc., are symbolic of the computer programs that are trying to delete each other, gain access to realms of greater power, etc. Something like that.

About the six cycles of the world, what I got out of that was something like this. The "architech" didn't really care about humanity or anything else, he just wanted to build the Matrix to be a perfect mathematical entity, working in perfect symmetry between men and machines, both of which need each other to survive. But no mathematical equation is absolutely perfect (this was proved in the 1940s by Goedel, BTW), especially if it involves the human spirit, so there is an "anomaly" -- a rogue imperfection that is destined to become more and more unruly until it threatens the whole system. This is personified in "The One," but also allows the existence of other weird programs such as the Oracle.

So every so often this inbred chaos comes to a head, everybody has to be destroyed, and, with the co-operation of
The One, a new cycle is established with a handful of survivors.

So The One has a choice, will he go along with this and allow a new cycle to begin, or will he choose to save his sweetheart and risk the total destuction of humankind, with no new cycle. Evidently all the the previous five "Ones" weren't so much in love and went along with the Architect's plan. But this "One" chose to save his girl friend and doom eveybody. Sort of like when Fetal Attraction asked, how many people would you let die to save Michelle Kwan?

Actually, I think this movie is about Michelle.

Mathman:p :lol:

PS. To ThizfyaVietGrl, our resident movie critic from the young person's point of view: How'd I do? Do you want to chime in and help me out here?:lol:


Re: MATRIX RELOADED-- Contains some spoiler info

Go ahead and yell at me, (my spouse and son are) but I thought the whole thing was nothing but insipid eye candy.
I tried to like it, but there was just so much show and no go.