Men - Free Program | Golden Skate

Men - Free Program


Nov 22, 2003
The 1st group is on the for warm-up with 41 seconds left. Here's hoping for a night of great skating (and let the chips fall where they may)

As usual, I'm typing this in real time as they skate so they could be mistakes


Nov 22, 2003
Music: latin Medley by Perez Prado / purple shirt and black pants
Some dancing to drums to start and around the rink for big 2a / music changes and picks up and the crowd is clapping z3t / more clapping for flying sit spin and he's playing to them a bit / split jump and into 3s / now we have the slow sax and some nice body language from him / now a 3a - nice one too / deathdrop to fly sit / and the music picks up again and he's doing his strt steps that capture the character well - maybe a little slow and simple but I enjoyed them / 3z2t2l / 3l that was abit tight on landing but he pulled it out / 3f2t / 2a that he slipped off landing edge and fell - think he might have been too casual into it / camel spin that I didn't really see / O ftwrk flows and interprets the upbeat nature of the music right now very well / a good flycam starts the final combo spin /

PB 127.46 TES 67.02 PCS 60.00 ded 1.00 tot 126.02 gr tot 188.90 1st in free 1st overall right now of course


Nov 22, 2003
Music: Beethoven's last night / black with white design on front and down one arms
Soft chor to the opening piano notes / big ea but landed on both feet / 3f3t is nice / he's flowing quite weel with the music if a little slow I think / 3z landed pitched forward but no problem tacking on the 2t / loop went up crooked and he bailed it to a double / big chords start the music building for the flysit that is quite good / O ftwrk goes with the music but doesn't have the power the music is demanding / music slows again and a bit of chor and down the ice for 3z / now electric guitar dominates and a 3l bit shaky on landing bu clean / 3sal with both hands down / sit ch sit - didn't really see it / strt steps as music changes and speed up and he's moving with it and much more connected than in the O ftwrk / 2a / flycam is fast into sit then leg in front ch sit - spin was going great until the sit after the change when he went to mushroom and it slowed to a crawl / sit ch sit that had good speed ends the program /

PB 117.82 TES 53.52 PCS 54.14 Tot 107.66 gr tot 169.27 2nd in free 2nd overall


Nov 22, 2003
Music: Pearl harbour soundtrack by H Zimmer / black with silver design on top and over shoulder /
The sombre opening notes set the mood / 3f although planned shows 4t / 3a with a turnout as the driving beat of the music / 3z2t or 3t didn't see it with the people in front moving around / O ftwrk - didn't see that either / death drop is good / music changes to softer slower melody and some chor and into as series of very nice spread eagles that weave back & forth / 3a step out 2t / 3l leaning way out of the circle step out - he did well not to fall on it / flying upright spin was unusual and nice / then into a sit ch sit that I again didn't really see / strt steps move quite well but not dynamic enough for the music - he's not projecting enough / 2a I think / 2s / 3t2t / combo spin has good pos & ok speed /

PB 120.91 TES 59.57 PCS 5.50 tot 116.07 gr tot 176.57 2nd in free 2nd overall


Nov 22, 2003
4 Gregor URBAS SLO
Music : Mask of Zorro / black with red Z on his back and red belt both edged in silver
3z2t to open the program / 3a / 2a / strt steps as the flamenco starts steps go quite well with the music but didn't grab me / deathdrop is good - nice spin / music picks up / 3f bit wild on landing but clean / back camel start a combo spin on one foot with also sit & upright pos / soft flute? Now and some chor but also some just skating around / 2a (mean to be 3a2t) / 2z / back to flamenco for the O ftwrk this one is better a bit more connection to music but still not as much as I'd like to see / 3l in combo I think / 3s2t I think / sit ch sit spin and then into a combo spin to end the program /

PB 119.37 TES 59.94 PCS 54.52 tot 114.46 gr tot 174.39 3rd in free 3rd overall


Nov 22, 2003
Music: The Rock soundtrack / white shirt under black vest & pants /
3a bit forward on landing 3t flipped off edge / 3f pushed the free leg through was supposed to be a combo with 2t ) 3a - not forward on the landing so much a very deep knee bend - same as 1st one / 3z / he's got lovely tight fast air pos and nice knees on his landing / sit ch sit is fast & centered with good pos / up til now there's been really no chor - just skating around doing jumps / music changes and slows and now we have some chor / 3l / back cam with quite good extension starts the combo spin with nice sit ch sit pos / music picks up again and into O ftwrk - a little slow and simple and not quite with the music / 2a / flysit spin / 2s and some 3turns out of the landing / stret ftwrk goes better with the music and more connect / 3s2t2l / back cam starts a combo spin - pos are quite good and nice speed / finished 2 secs overtime

PB 110.04 TES 64.19 PCS 50.50 ded 1.00 tot 113.69 new PB gr tot 174.94 4th in free 3rd overall


Nov 22, 2003
6 Andrei LUTAI RUS
Music: Four Seasons (modern) black with lots of silver on one side of top and silver belt /
3a bailed after about 2 revs and landed on 2 feet / 4t turnout / 3z3t I think - didn't adjust from ice to monitor quick enough / 3l / butterfly fly cam (I love that move) nicely done to donut / some chor now as music slows - nicely done - interpreted it well / 3z both hand down / 3f / O ftwrk - think a bit of a slip near the start - interprets the weird (to my eyes) music very well / sit ch sit with variations / but stops & changes to slow vilin (/) and guitar / 3s2t I'm guessing - right in front of me and that's what was planned / 2a / strt steps as we get electric guitar - steps don't seem to go with music somehow / flysit that I din't see the fly of / combo spin to end is ok /

PB 133.57 TES 56.97 PCS 59.12 tot 116.09 gr tot 175.46 2nd in free 3rd overall


Nov 22, 2003
7 Jialiang WU CHN
Music: A world without thieves soundtrack / mostly grey velous with one white sleeve /
Music starts with ahhhhhs / stroking around for huge 3a that he slid off the landing edge fall falling on his side / 3a step out / music picks up for 3z2t I think / flysit spin / music is now guitar picking for O ftwrk that interprets it quite nicely if a little slow / 2a and his landing leg collapsed under him / smooth & slow music now for some chor / 3z / 3l / a bit more chor / 3f2t bit unsteady on toe / combo spin that I only saw the mushroom pos of / music picks up with drum beats for strt ftwrk - kind of slow / 3s / back cam starts combo spin with good pos and centered but slow / back sit ch sit is not near as good as his sit pos in the combo spin /

PB 121.17 TES 54.48 PCS 50.92 ded 3.00 tot 102.40 gr tot 170.10 7th in free 6th overall


Nov 22, 2003
8 Kristoffer BERNTSSON SWE
Music: Saturday night fever, boogie wonderland / shiny pink & purple paisley like design shirt /
Some disco dancing to get us started and the crowd is clapping right of the bat / 3z3t / 3z2t / some a bit of mugging for the crowd and pointing at the judges / 3z is nice / 3l to burn baby burn / 3f2t2l to big cheers - the crowd is right into it / butterfly sit is excellent - nice speed & pos / camel with good speed - ok extension starts a very nice combo spin / now we have soft piano that I can't think of the name of and some chor / 3f / and the music is flowing and so are his O ftwrk - nice interpretation / back sit twisted edge spin / back to disco and the crowd is clapping again / 3s / 2a / with cheers for both / strt steps are energetic and right with the music and he's having a blast out there / back camel to start the combo spin that is ok - maybe could be better but that was a fantastic skate for him and he's got the 1st standing O of the night (by the way the place is pretty well packed )

PB 119.22 TES 75.36 PCS 64.84 tot 140.20 new pb gr tot 206.29 1st in free 1st overall


Nov 22, 2003
Music: yamato soundtrack black with some dark blue sequin veritcale designs /
Moody kind of music to start with appropriate chor / 3f / 3a / music picks up and the crowd is clapping / 3a 2t / flycam spin / music goes back to being kind of sombre and a little chor/ 3z / 3l / butterfly back sit is fast with good pos until the mushroom when it dies / 3s / music is flowing now for O ftwrk that flows nicely with it if a bit empty in my eye / back sit to edge to twist ch sit tuck - nice spin fast - good pos / 3t bent way forward on landing 2t / strt steps again seem somewhat empty to me / 2a2t2t / back cam to sit where I think something went wrong because he seemed to change to the other foot awfully quick and the change looked awkward to me /

PB 132.79 TES 68.62 PCS 64.76 Tot 133.38 new pb gr tot 198.78 2nd in free 2nd overall


Nov 22, 2003
Music: Alexander soundtrack red with wide black belt with studs /
A bit of opening chor to the heavyish slow music / 2a / now music starts to building 3f3t leaning on toe but saved it / spread eagle / lutz went up bad and he landed on 2 feet not sure if he even got in 2 revs / 3s2t2l / sit ch sit is fast & low with good pos / music change and the crowd is clapping as he does his O ftwrk - moves quite well and with music / slow music that’s going to build I think and some very nice chor with the flow / 3l / huge death drop to ok spin / fast ftwrk into 3z step out (the kind of ftwrk you'd expect in a short pgm) 3f / strt steps use body and deep edges and reflect the music quite well I think / back spiral into 2a / back sit ch sit is good / back sit A upright spin to end the program /

PB 127.20 TES 57.43 PCS 58.86 tot 116.29 gr tot 180.10 4th in free 4th overalll


Nov 22, 2003
Music lunatico by gotan project / black shiny top with a sheen /
3z3t / 2a / O ftwrk has crowd clapping to music - it's ok but I missed the 1st part / 3f I think 2ft / back upright combo spin with some great unusual pos including a sideway sor of layback 3l fell out / just some drums beat for music and then a little guitar I think joins in and some chor and into a back sit with great pos and then upright with catch-foot / 3f / 3z / jump seq that was too close to my side and I forgot to look at the monitor / combo spin - usual excellence / 2a / strt ftwrk moves fairly well with music and the arm flailing has been reduced / flying combo spin to end that I didn't really see / I really like him but for some reason I found it very difficult to get 'into' his program today /

PB 119.32 TES 56.42 PCS 59.26 ded 1.00 tot 114.68 gr tot 178.39 7th in free 5th overall


Nov 22, 2003
12 Nobunari ODA JPN
Mission impossible soundtrack / shiny from head to food with big silver zigzag across chest /
What an opening 3a3t3l (yes 333)/ 2a / deathdrop with nice big air - good spin / 3s2t / upright chg foot combo spin with some nice pos variations / O ftwrk and the crowd has found some music to clap to for a second but the music change part way through - the steps were great changed when the music changed / soft & melodic now 2a3t (3a was planned) / 3z2t / he now has 4 combinations if I'm looking at my notes right and checking that made me miss the spin he just did / familiar theme for strt ftwrk that matches it very well and has the crowd cheering / 3z 2ft and hand down and a bit of chor / 2a / combo spin to end the program is fast with great pos ending in scratch and then pointing a 'gun' at the judges /

He got zero for the 3z2t combo because it was the 4th combo

PB 161.01 TES 74.63 PCS 68.14 tot 142.77 gr tot 209.94 1st in free 1st overall


Jul 27, 2003
There is a rumor, according to Eurosport, that Davydov broke his leg ?!?!

If true, poor guy....this is been a successful season for him, and perhaps a top ten finish here. : (


Mar 21, 2007
Thanks so much for your play by play Rosaleen. Doesn't seem to be anyone else in the forum but I'm avidly reading all your posts here in BC at 2:20 in the morning! Do you have any idea when the top tier is going to skate? Am I going to be pulling an all nighter here to see how Jeff does? :p

eta: Oops I see Kasey is here too!!