Here is the world's coolest fraction. Expand it as a decimal to 185 decimal places and you will see why.
(71x389x2190521) / (5x81x121x10000000)
I enjoy the people I work with (most days), enjoy the challenge (most days) and am payed what I deserve (most days).
Lately, it's been murder. We did a major implementation about 3 weeks ago and it has been a mess. Before the project, I was arriving by 9:10 AM and leaving no later than 5:15pm most days. Since the implementation, I've been getting to work at 7:30AM and not leaving til close to 7PM AND been getting 3am wake up calls from the computer room about various problems. Definitely feeling sleep deprived. Everytime one of our users comes with something, I practically feel like crying. However, we are a team and are commiserating with each other.
My boss has got it much worse. He's got to deal with the politics and his 6 year old is having lots of problems right now and his wife is high-strung. So, he's getting hit from all sides.
Fortunately, the issues are starting to subside towards the end of this week. Surprisingly, my boss is going to be taking his 2 week vacation, which actually says how much he trusts us to work things through - although he will be checking in from home.
???60499999499/490050000000???(71x389x2190521) / (5x81x121x10000000)
Here is the world's coolest fraction. Expand it as a decimal to 185 decimal places and you will see why.
(71x389x2190521) / (5x81x121x10000000)