Savchenko/Massot take "indefinite break" | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Savchenko/Massot take "indefinite break"


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2017
Figure skaters know when it is time to move on. Of course Massot is young and has not the skating pedigree of his partner. He could always find a new partner if he wishes to continue. Savchenko is a skating legend and really doesn't need to compete, unless she chooses to! Meagan Duhamel says that Alonia will skate forever. Who knows? I wish them the best and hope they enjoy their "indefinite break"!

Have you seen Aljona’s Instagram account?
It just cracks me up to see that after, like, one day of rest she’s “ready for new challenges”...and making her husband learn how to throw and lift her whilst on their beach vacation ;p
Meanwhile, Bruno, the younger of the two, is just recovering on his beach vacation like any mere mortal (congratulations to him and his wife to be on their little one’s impending arrival, btw!!).

Whilst they’ve certainly both earned the “right” to retire with pride, even Bruno, especially given his back pain and his new responsibilities, I too see Aljona doing whatever she chooses, and I can’t quite picture that being anything less than an extremely challenging pursuit.
...who knows, maybe she is grooming her husband to be her next partner? He IS very fit!

Long live the Queen!!


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2017
Well, „using this year to have babies“ would be a bit easier for Massot than Savchenko, I guess. Try being pregnant for nine months and then just going back on ice, being lifted and doing jumps like it was nothing... :D

But who am I kidding, I‘m also secretely hoping that they‘ll come back and surprise us all. I just love watching them. Especially their FP from this season was a true masterpiece. Aaah, the feels. :(

Well, Aljona technically doesn’t have enough time left this year to get that baby made from start to finish ;p so as awesome as she is, o think I’ll agree with you and give Bruno the advantage here lol.
That being said, if anyone can give birth and then be back into their sport as though nothing happened, it’d be her. Aliya Mustafina is back in gymnastics already, and I know some Olympic hurdlers have been at the track running within hours of giving, I bet I couldn’t even manage to do a Princess Kate and walk in heels! 😂

Even if she couldn’t continue in pairs (like, she will turn 55 one day, after all ;) ), is a transition to dance a possibility?
I know young girls are told to pursue that instead of singles if they aren’t thought to have the jumps, are tall etc, and since she and Bruno do enjoy incorporating dance elements into their programs, maybe it would be a good pathway for her? (Please correct me if I’m wrong xx)

Another pathway I’d love to see her take in retirement is choreography, I think she and Bruno could craft incredible programs for future teams!


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Speaking of babies, ladies can have kids in their forties if Savchenko wants kids if she competes for another quadrennial her clock may run out. But that is a personal decision. I just hope she and Bruno can feel satisfied. They have it all. Whereas a skater like Chan he never won OGM individually; I am not sure he can really say he was totally satisfied. Likewise for Evgenia if she retired which at 17 or 18 I hope not. I mean come on at least skate until your 19. (sarcasm).

FYI : patrick is satisfied... end of the story :)


Feb 26, 2018
Have you seen Aljona’s Instagram account?
It just cracks me up to see that after, like, one day of rest she’s “ready for new challenges”...and making her husband learn how to throw and lift her whilst on their beach vacation ;p
Meanwhile, Bruno, the younger of the two, is just recovering on his beach vacation like any mere mortal (congratulations to him and his wife to be on their little one’s impending arrival, btw!!).

Whilst they’ve certainly both earned the “right” to retire with pride, even Bruno, especially given his back pain and his new responsibilities, I too see Aljona doing whatever she chooses, and I can’t quite picture that being anything less than an extremely challenging pursuit.
...who knows, maybe she is grooming her husband to be her next partner? He IS very fit!

Long live the Queen!!

This is kind of a non sequitur -- but it amazes me how well-balanced Bruno seems to be. You get the feeling from all his interviews and decisions that he's a very well-grounded guy who is ambitious, but still has a level head on his shoulders and knows how to relax.

Not saying anyone is not well-balanced -- just that Bruno is exceptionally so.


~ Figure Skating Is My Passion ~
Record Breaker
Jul 28, 2003
I won't be surprised to see Aljona involved in skating in some way or another. What a great pair coach she could be.


Feb 7, 2014
i think they are 50/50 in continuing. they will see how next season shapes up. if their goal is to get olympic gold though, with the olympics in china, it will not be an easy one. if their goal is for the love of skating, they should by all means continue.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
For the sake of the Knerims if not a possible conflict of interest, I hope or wonder if Aliona has made her decision to retire. It seems odd the Knerims would go to an unproven coach for just a year. Going to Aliona for coaching for someone who hasn't coached/just finished OGM season and expecting a quick fix doesn't seem like a great plan


Record Breaker
Jun 11, 2012
I hope they retire! They were beyond awesome and at this point why risk not living up to their Olympic performance. Aliona wanted that OGM and she got it. Now it's time to move on to something else with new challenges. I think she has a lot to offer a pairs team as a coach. Bruno, on the other hand, is still young and could certainly find another pairs partner if he chose to. The exhilaration of winning an OGM is probably followed closely by "what now?" Especially after you've been after it for as many years as Aliona.


Record Breaker
Feb 25, 2006
I hope they retire! They were beyond awesome and at this point why risk not living up to their Olympic performance. Aliona wanted that OGM and she got it. Now it's time to move on to something else with new challenges. I think she has a lot to offer a pairs team as a coach. Bruno, on the other hand, is still young and could certainly find another pairs partner if he chose to. The exhilaration of winning an OGM is probably followed closely by "what now?" Especially after you've been after it for as many years as Aliona.

After skating with Aliona, it might be difficult for him to skate with someone else with a lesser skill level, although of course another top-level pairs woman could come along who had broken up with their partner.


On the Ice
Feb 12, 2014
Speaking of babies, ladies can have kids in their forties if Savchenko wants kids if she competes for another quadrennial her clock may run out. But that is a personal decision. I just hope she and Bruno can feel satisfied. They have it all. Whereas a skater like Chan he never won OGM individually; I am not sure he can really say he was totally satisfied. Likewise for Evgenia if she retired which at 17 or 18 I hope not. I mean come on at least skate until your 19. (sarcasm).

G&G managed an OGM in 1994 after having Daria in September 1992. IIRC Katia was back on the ice a few months after giving birth, though she was much younger than Aljona which probably helped her recovery.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
G&G managed an OGM in 1994 after having Daria in September 1992. IIRC Katia was back on the ice a few months after giving birth, though she was much younger than Aljona which probably helped her recovery.

I think we were talking about biological clock rather than recovery. She is a true athlete and competitor and like Irina Rodina her fortitude would server her well but the biological clock may be a bit out of her control.


May 1, 2009
Aljona is 34 and married. She may want to have a baby sooner or later. I remember Savchenko saying shows are boring for her. I guess it's not her path for a long term.