Sofia Muravieva | Page 7 | Golden Skate

Sofia Muravieva


Ecclesiastes 7:1-2 / KJV
Record Breaker
Aug 8, 2023

Muravieva's free skate for 2023/24. Not as impressive as her short program, more was expected, but still a good and enjoyable skate by all means.
Not sure why I was so hard on this earlier when I first saw it. On reflection I actually love it now like a typical Muravieva skate.

Definitely my #1 overall from these test skates. Although my favourite sole program still must go to Petrosian's FS.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
A huge congratulations to Sofia on her silver medal 🥈at Nats!

And perhaps as important she landed all her 3As!! :cheer:

And overcame a most unfortunate fall in the SP which left her in 3rd going into the free skate.

This was on at like 1:30am in the morning for me, although I wasn't able to get to sleep so I ended up catching half her program which was practically flawless!

It was also clear that Sofia reeeeeallly wanted to win, but I hope she's still super proud of herself!


SP (Can't find this on YouTube at the moment I'm afraid!):


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Record Breaker
Jan 17, 2022
Translation of Sofia's interview directly after the Free Skate at Test Skates: