Sota Yamamoto | Page 77 | Golden Skate

Sota Yamamoto


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I've been woefully remiss in updating this thread. Time to fix it!
- There have been a few articles about Sota in the meantime, but most of them are paywalled, so not much new info.
- Sota's still assigned to Challenge Cup, and from what I can read, he's looking forward to it. The entry lists haven't changed since February 10, so the field remains tough. I suppose he'll fly on Monday or Tuesday to have enough time to cope with jet lag.
- Sota also had an Unlim chat with fans earlier this week, and from what we can read, he greeted a foreign fan who joined the talkshow in English. (nope, not me :p )
- last but not least, congrats to Sota on landing two shows so far - Stars On Ice and Prince Ice World, as mentioned by Kirara! May more opportunities follow 🍀


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I'm going to leave this thread for a few days. CC was a heartbreak for me. I managed to give my present and letter to Sota as he was exercising above the audience seats, and that's the one thing that made me glad. He smiled politely and thanked me. When I came back a few minutes later to get my banner signed, all I heard from him, who was leaving already, was 'after the competition' in Japanese. Which competition, I had no idea. Men's SP? Men's FS? All of CC? I was leaving on Sunday. The stay was getting expensive, and I had to work on Monday.

Now I see fans posting smiley photos with Sota on social media. When that lucky moment came for them, I do not know. I didn't catch a glimpse of Sota at the venue again other than during the men's programs, and practices weren't accessible. I had previously been to four competitions where Sota competed, got lucky to get an autograph and three photos, but to be honest, this is the first time I felt like a bothersome bug.

The irony - this was by far the most expensive competition of them all for me (the entry was free, but the hotel and the travel was very costly), and my budget will recover from it for a long time. And I failed in most I hoped for:
Apart from giving my present, all I wanted was to get my banner signed, maybe get a photo if possible, get Hongo sensei's autograph next to my photo with Rika, and get Sota's autograph for my dear friend who cannot attend any skating competitions due to living in a far away country. My chances to get any of those things are growing thin. There are possibly 3-4 years max when Sota remains competitive. I cannot travel beyond Europe, and currently I cannot afford GP. JSF didn't assign Challengers this year to most of its men, and they might do the same next year. I have a feeling Sota won't be chosen for Challenge Cup for the fourth time. I'm starting to think I won't get any more photos or autographs from him.

I now wonder if other fans also experience this kind of disappointment and sadness, or if Sota has an issue with me specifically. When I met him at the previous Challenge Cup, all he spoke of in the interviews afterwards were 'many Japanese fans'. The cynical side of me is willing to bet his words will be different now that I wasn't the only foreigner openly cheering for him. The only time my friend, who speaks Japanese and supports Sota on Unlim, posted my question - what kind of coach he aspires to be - it wasn't picked. I do write letters of support, but am polite but honest, and don't praise choreos and music I feel is not suited to his strengths. Maybe that's too cheeky for his liking. I doubt it would help if I was supporting him on Unlim. Wouldn't make one iota of a difference, I suspect.

Anyways, who knows when my next chance comes, and if I gather the mood and courage to try and walk up to Sota again, after this fiasco. I'm going to fall silent for some time to absorb this, though I will keep supporting Sota, and update the opening post. Thanks for your understanding, fellow Sota fans.
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Record Breaker
Jun 21, 2003
I managed to give my present and letter to Sota as he was exercising above the audience seats, and that's the one thing that made me glad. He smiled politely and thanked me.
You interrupted him in the middle of exercising?


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
You interrupted him in the middle of exercising?

I guess - he was wearing his earphones and walking this way and that right above the audience seats. I didn't storm towards him, I approached slowly and wordlessly, waiting until his coach nodded at me and spoke to him, after which he acknowledged me as well. I would have given the gift to his coach without any issues, like I did in Warsaw, if he wasn't between me and the coach.
Was that impolite of me? I suppose it could be. But in retrospect, it was my only chance.
Is any skater in any way obligated to go out of their way to sign and take pictures with fans? Of course not. But when running short of opportunities and disappointed at not obtaining a gift for a friend I'm indebted to, I do hope I am free to whine a bit as I find it cathartic. And as is my wont when writing my impressions, I did so in a wordy way. I should hope there's nothing offensive there.
I enjoyed the rest of the competition, and as I've already written elsewhere, I am happy to have seen Sota's graceful skating and him doing so well, so it's not like this part is my only impression of Challenge Cup.


On the Ice
Oct 22, 2018
Was that impolite of me?
Nah, don't worry about it. You were considerate and polite. You waited until his coach nodded at you and spoke to hin, then he recognized you. After that you handed him a gift with your letter. You didn't bother him nor interrupt his exercise. Too bad you didn't have a chance to get his autograph this time. I'm wondering if he meant the gala day by "after the competition," and it's a pity you had to go back home before the gala. Hopefully, you'll get luckier next time.


Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
Could "Japanese fans" mean "skating fans who cheer for Japan"? So lots of people hold JPN flags or support Japanese skaters because of their (successful) way of skating. Or is it really only about the passport (how could he know?)?


May 5, 2018
@surimi I'm really sorry this happened to you. I know how much you were looking forward to this; and how much effort you put into being there to support Sota. It's totally understandable if you feel frustrated 🫂 I'd say it's probably not worth thinking too much about why this happened; could be just an issue of schedule, or something related to Sota himself.

I do think Challenge Cup was probably a stressful competition for him. Worlds is coming up, which brings a lot of pressure, and the field was tough. In particular, facing Shun directly at this point was probably really hard, given all the discourse that has been going on about who deserve and doesn't deserve spots, and the fact that Shun was coming from a high at 4CC and skating under less pressure.

Kazuki said he chose not to do a challenger abroad while preparing for Worlds, and while I disagreed with this decision in the beginning, now I wonder if it was a wise choice...


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Thank you, everyone. It's appreciated. I'm going to mull this thing over for a while yet, but I'll be fine in a few days. Reading my yesterday's post, I am most regretful of one thing: that I let my frustration from the event and my unfulfilled 'mission' (and a few unrelated mishaps over those days, and a stressful time in RL before the competition) spill over into wondering about Sota himself.
I want to make one thing clear: Sota and his coaches have always been nothing but kind to me. The previous coach, Naruse sensei, was super gracious and friendly to me, going as far as kindly reading my letter that I quickly penned for Team Howa at Finlandia 2019, and motioning for me to come downstairs to her while attending early morning women's practice to see Rika. I haven't yet exchanged any words with Rika's mum and Sota's present coach, Hongo sensei, but she was smiling at me, and also seems kind. Sota was always polite to me, always smiled, and always accepted my presents with words of thanks, even when I gave some ridiculous nonsense along with a more normal small gift, due to lack of inspiration.
Looking back, I suspect he could have practiced in a more remote/closed off section of the rink if he wanted to distance himself from fans who would surely spot him, and sidle over to him like I did. Of course, it's possible my presence does not put him quite at his ease: after all, it's not every day that a very tall girl peers at you from above, and starts talking something in halting Japanese. And it's quite possible that my letters seem cheeky to him, as I doubt anyone else dares suggest at times, no matter how mildly, that they're not impressed with some things about his programs. I have yet to see that. After all, Ryuju himself, who knows Sota well, said he's a stubborn man (and I'm not sure, but he might have said 'proud' as well)
But, as one who prides oneself on having empathy, I really should have known better. Sota was scheduled to compete second in his category, and had to start preparing instead of interacting with fans. That I couldn't stay until the end of CC was my problem, and nothing he could have known, especially considering I stayed for the entire duration of all previous 3 events I attended, and took a photo with Sota after 2019 CC gala. And like me, he's introverted. He's passionate about skating, and he's at his most relaxed when his competition is (successfully) over. Of course he would not be grinning and chatting *before* skating. I am aware of that... under normal circumstances. :shrug:
That's what I now feel remorseful for, but what's done is done, I am not going back to edit posts that are already out there. But I want folks to know that Sota himself is a kind boy, and his coaches are kind as well.

Could "Japanese fans" mean "skating fans who cheer for Japan"? So lots of people hold JPN flags or support Japanese skaters because of their (successful) way of skating. Or is it really only about the passport (how could he know?)?
I am not sure as I don't know where the original version of that interview is. But since Kaori said something similar now, I think they might have used the word 'Japanese', as in nationality. It could be a thing that's interesting for the JPN media.

I do think Challenge Cup was probably a stressful competition for him. Worlds is coming up, which brings a lot of pressure, and the field was tough. In particular, facing Shun directly at this point was probably really hard, given all the discourse that has been going on about who deserve and doesn't deserve spots, and the fact that Shun was coming from a high at 4CC and skating under less pressure.
I believe you're right. Even an acquaintance I met there said he was uncharacteristically tense. It could have been anything, as Sota's not really the type that's forthcoming with information when there are issues, health ones or other.

Oh dear, what a wall of text I have written again. Okay, slinking back into my hole to wait for better Sota-watching times...


Record Breaker
Apr 23, 2018
As someone who has been in various fandoms over the years and has seen both large and smaller stars and their fans interacting, the good and the bad, I have read through your posts and I really don't think you have anything to beat yourself up about (I speak as someone who nearly accidentally headbutted a TV star at a con, promptly avoided him for the rest of the week! - and therefore missed out on chances for autographs/photos/even general talk sessions with the cast). Sounds like you were extremely respectful and a terrific fan, and things just didn't work out the best way on the day, and not though your fault. And letting it out a little here -? That's what fan places are for after all.

I hope you get the chance to see him again and get the precious souvenirs you want.