I think Ashley and Grace are friendly rivals pushing each other. I truly just think the statement that Gracie lack artistry is unfounded. She has it all, beautiful movements elegant a jumper. She should be winning big championships.minor errors. Wagner has shown she is world class on the. Gp circuit. Her performance was lovely and to get to the final and place 3rd is amazing with the judges preference for Radionova, the Russians in general and now Satoko is being prematurely rewarded because of politics. Can anyone say other than ladies skating belongs tomJapan second and Russia first.
Both Gracie and Ashley are beautiful skaters. However, there is a reason why they are not winning the big championships--and it is not because of "minor errors". Radionova, the other Russian girls and Satoko are delivering when it counts and are being rewarded for it--it is not because of politics.