1. FD Gilles Poirier
2. SD Gilles Poirier
3. SP Shoma Uno (though my fav program is LP Menshov, but well, SA was not the greatest example of it)
ETA: Actually 3. SP Julia Lipnistkaya, how could I have forgotten! (thank you fanofyuuna! I know it probably was far from what Julia can do with it, but it still was the best program in terms of entertainment value for me.)
1. Shoma Uno FS
2. Sui/Han FS
3. Seguin/Bilodeau SP
Honorable mentions to Jason Brown FS, Max Aaron SP, Gracie Gold FS, Cannuscio/MacManus FD, and Sinitsina/Katsalapov SD (did not expect to see myself writing that!)
By the way, I love that you asked for our top 3 and I ended up naming 7. Oops.
I haven't watched the males or Ice dancing vids yet.
So from the pairs and the ladies :
1/ Sui & Han's SP (even with the mistake on the spin)
2/ Gracie Gold's FS (I was so surprised she didn't bomb!!)
3/ Mariah Bell's FS (Okay, I found the music too repetitive, but I really liked how she fought after the fall on the combo. She came back strong. I like that.)