Unpopular Opinions | Page 8 | Golden Skate

Unpopular Opinions


Nov 3, 2013
Yuzuru Hanyu looks like my 18 yo son, according to my mother:unsure:
(please forgive her, she is an old woman in her 80.)

To be serious,
I think live camera should stop focusing on skaters' face during their performance, and should shoot them from distance.
I do want to see their body expression, rather than their facial expression, which I think much less important.


Final Flight
Oct 20, 2017
Team medals in figure skating are worthless in my book, especially if your only contribution was showing up.

Last year's mens' Worlds competition was terrible and I wish I could erase it from my mind forever. Saddest podium ever.

Most skaters and choreographers have awful taste in music.

I'm just going to assume you meant last season and not 2017, in which case I agree :/

>It's quite often really hard to tell the difference between a quad and a good triple, so I don't think they should be such a big deal.
>They should just refer to a flip/lutz as a flutz permanently and count it as one jump, I guarantee the casual viewer wouldn't notice the difference
>A really good spin should be able to outscore a bad quad.
>The free program should be more free. Jumps, spins, step and choreo sequences should be more even in worth so skaters can decide to, say, lose a jumping pass and add an extra spin. I don't know if that's actually unpopular or not.
>Javi's Chaplin costume was terrible. It looked like a jumpsuit with a coat printed on it. Possibly, it was. Why, Javi? :(
>Juniors should be banned from the most dangerous and demanding elements, to prevent risk of injury and long term damage, otherwise what is the point of having an age restriction at all. This applies to all sports. You should not have to train intensively from early childhood.
>Kazuki Tomono is the cutest little button cinnamon roll ramen eating robo-bb in the world. This is not an unpopular opinion, it's just a not-popular-enough opinion. And he should have been on the podium at Worlds, because watching him didn't make me wince. Sorry, Shoma and Misha.
>I don't like the Toy Story films, they freak me out


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
3. I think figure skating fan are some of the most passionate fans which is great, but I also think we can be some of the meanest- which is not so great.

Hmm, let me introduce you to Thanksgiving football. Let me introduce you to Thanksgiving Football games with people who root for different teams. Let me introduce you to Thanksgiving Football games with people who root for different teams...which are playing against each other!

I think Mother Nature invented turkey -- and tryptophan! -- to insure there will be a Thanksgiving next year.

Note to self: remember to hide the remote control the day before Thanksgiving.

"Uh, I've looked and looked and looked for it and it's simply NOWHERE TO BE FOUND! More turkey?"


On the Ice
Jun 3, 2018
Every critique of Gracie Gold doesn't have to be sandwiched in between two pandering compliments; this seems to be the prevailing trend.

Just treat your critiques of her like you would any other skater; no one wants to be treated like they have special needs.


Jun 15, 2016
Thankfully Australia doesn't have a Thanksgiving as a whole turkey is a nightmare to cook just right!


Final Flight
Jan 6, 2018
And of course my big one:

- If you only show up for the last group/your skater because you think no-one else is worth your time you are a snob and I look down on you because the EARLY SKATERS DESERVE LOVE TOO.

I actually like the first groups. It makes you appreciate how hard sport figure skating is. And most of these first group skaters do have lots of charisma, talent, entertaiment value too. Be forgiving, less demanding and you can enjoy them too for what they are.


On the Ice
Dec 1, 2010
Every critique of Gracie Gold doesn't have to be sandwiched in between two pandering compliments; this seems to be the prevailing trend.

Just treat your critiques of her like you would any other skater; no one wants to be treated like they have special needs.

Haven’t you heard of the compliment sandwich? I’ll have to agree with you too, I especially hate the compliment-request-compliment sandwich and will say “No” to those whenever possible. Unless the requester has been in the habit of complimenting me every day already (without requests).


Piper and Paul are made of magic dust and unicorns
Final Flight
Dec 7, 2014
Every critique of Gracie Gold doesn't have to be sandwiched in between two pandering compliments; this seems to be the prevailing trend.

Just treat your critiques of her like you would any other skater; no one wants to be treated like they have special needs.

I don't know that there is even a point in critiquing Gracie (and to an extent Zhenya) at this point. It's like stating the obvious: she's working, it's not ready. What more is there to say?


Piper and Paul are made of magic dust and unicorns
Final Flight
Dec 7, 2014
Most skaters and choreographers have awful taste in music.

Haha, my sister points this out whenever she sees me watching skating.
I'd say they don't have awful taste but more like limited exposure to music, at least generally, and when they try to go for something new and interesting it most often blows because of the small pool of possibilities.


On the Ice
Oct 29, 2018
The pair category is the best.
I don't like Alina Zagitova's Tomb Raider program, she looks uncomfortable and this program doesn' fit her.
I think Evgenia Medvedeva does too many facial expressions, it is sometimes really embarrassing.
I don't understand "love" towards Yuzuru Hanyu. I mean he's a very good skater but I don't understand why so many women seem so in love with him.


Record Breaker
Mar 11, 2016
Brian Orser is not a better coach than Eteri Tutberidze.
David Wilson is not that good as choreographer
Nanami Abe made the best free skate of Yuzuru
Yuna Kim and Carolina Kostner are the most overscored skaters of their era.
Yuna Kim is not the best technician of all time or of her era.
Kostner doesn't deserve most of her medals since her comeback and half of her world medals.
Satoko shouldn't have won last nationals.
The only girls in history who deserved to break 150 and be near 160 are Trusova and Kihira.
Javier Fernandez was overscored because he was the only European hope to rival the Asian domination (well Asia + North America but they are all Asians)
Girls under 18 are too sexualized (just look at the costumes and programs of Eunsoo Lim since juniors or Zagitova's last season EX)
Pogorilaya is the 2016 world champion


Apr 7, 2018
I don't like Alina Zagitova's Tomb Raider program, she looks uncomfortable and this program doesn' fit her
I don't like it either but I think she enjoys it a lot and doesn't actually feel uncomfortable. I just think it's boring.


Record Breaker
Apr 26, 2018
-Neither Yuna nor Adelina should have won the Gold in Sochi. Carolina should!

Now fight me. :biggrin:


If I risk it all, could you break my fall?~
On the Ice
May 27, 2018
Half over the boots tights should be BANNED from every skating competition. :biggrin:

Ooh no, I feel the opposite: I love the half-tights that just go over the top hooks, but I HATE the full over-the-boot tights! It looks clunky and ugly, not lengthening.


On the Ice
May 4, 2018
Evgeni Plushenko is overrated, I'm glad he didn't win the Olympics in 2010, he really didn't deserve it...


Piper and Paul are made of magic dust and unicorns
Final Flight
Dec 7, 2014
I don't like it either but I think she enjoys it a lot and doesn't actually feel uncomfortable. I just think it's boring.

I don't think it's that boring even, I just hate the music. The original version of the song is way less annoying :D


On the Ice
Nov 25, 2006
I don't think there is a one singular "greatest of all time." It's like comparing cars from other eras against each other. I do believe there are GOATs for each era of skating.

P/C are overscored. :slink: