Wagner "furious" on scores | Page 10 | Golden Skate

Wagner "furious" on scores

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On the Ice
Jun 6, 2014
She was a stronger skater imo in 2016. I understand her frustration, but I don’t think the outrage is completely justified.

This right here. Ashley has clearly regressed recently and it shows. Don't complain when your artistry clearly was not as strong as in the past.

Miss Ice

Let the sky fall~
Apr 16, 2006
Wow, I wonder what kinds of headlines we would see if Yuna and Ashley's personalities were swapped temporarily right after the last FS in Sochi. I feel like we would hear a lot worse things than "furious". :biggrin:


Final Flight
Nov 23, 2014
Wagner opened with a triple flip-triple toeloop, but she under-rotated a late triple Lutz. She also only received a level three on her footwork and final spin. The 26-year-old admitted she was not satisfied with her score of 196.19 (130.25 long program).


What are your thoughts?

The step sequence was not level 4, I noticed it even on the livestream.
The lutz was downgraded fairly too.

I can understand that her components were lower than usual due to slowness, and program being not quite polished yet. However, I think they should be higher than Karen's especially in Interpretation and Performance. Relatively to Karen, Ashley was underscored both in long and short.

However... if Ashley wanted to go to OG she should have aimed for the first or second place. Which means, she had to skate clean, and that popped Salchow should not have happened. The third spot was mainly earned by Karen: in which case, it makes sense that she got it, since both of them were good but not quite clean.


On the Ice
Nov 4, 2017
Honestly, as much as I think Wagner has had a lacklustre season this year, I do think the judges hosed her down. Mirai was overscored and so was Bradie. If she was Russian, the outrage over her components would be more pronounced because there is no way a program like that should be scoring nearly 70 on components. Ashley was solid and fine and should have been higher in points.

However saying that, I think the only one who was judges fairly was Karen. The placements are correct, but the points between 1st and 4th should have been spread out.

As for who should be sent to the Olympics, I think Karen defending three spots for the US should account for her to go. Just like Japanese Nationals- it didn't matter that Wakaba performed the best in the Grand Prix- they obviously took into account that it was her fault Japan lost a third spot. Likewise with the US, Ashley bombed last year and her bronze in the GP series was a fluke.

I agree completely. They hosed Ashley by not giving her the kind of boost that Mirai and Bradie got. Bradie’s GOE and PCS were unreal. Some posters say Ashley doesn’t deserve higher PCS because she doesn’t have great SS and real musical interpretation, only dramatic facemaking. But she’s still ahead of Mirai and Bradie in all PSC categories except loosing transitions to Bradie. Why didn’t they give Ashley a boost like they did for the others and treat her worse than international panels?
Actually, I agree with sending Bradie, Mirai and Karen to the Olympics. But seeing how the USFSA dropped Ashley like a hot potato is sad, especially after she delivered a fresh and engaging new LP. Sending her to 4 continents (like she ever would go) instead of worlds seems like a mockery to me. I hope we get the chance to see the new LP in a competition again at all.


On the Ice
Mar 19, 2004
Wow, I wonder what kinds of headlines we would see if Yuna and Ashley's personalities were swapped temporarily right after the last FS in Sochi. I feel like we would hear a lot worse things than "furious". :biggrin:

We did hear worse things. Even without the swap. See my post with links just upthread.
Jun 21, 2003
Years invested in establishing relevance, credibility, and respect can be wiped away in an instant, and she may have done it in the eyes of the general public. I hope she's got a trusted adviser to help her through this. Maybe she can repair the damage.

I don't know. This is an emotional sport and a judged one. Ashley has been around long enough to know that sometimes you win when you should have lost, sometimes you lose when should have won.

Here Ashley lost when she thought she should have won. She got mad and let off some steam. She didn't bad-mouth the other competitors, she just gave the judges a piece of her mind. I think she has had enough successes in her long career that she will get over this disappointment and get on with it, whatever "it" turns out to be. I don't think that anyone will hold her outburst against for very long.
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On the Ice
Mar 19, 2004
Please be constructive with criticism. Persistent, repetitive, unrelenting and pugnacious denunciation of skaters is not welcome.

I agree. I’m seeing a lot of Bradie Tennell getting unrelentingly trashed in this thread (and other threads in this form), no constructive criticism offered.


Jan 12, 2014
Does anyone think Ashley will take the 4CC assignment this year? I’m really thinking she should and show us what scores she deserves on the ice. I’d love to see the aftermath :popcorn:

Me, too! Go put that LaLa Land out there. There's alot of time between now and Worlds or even Olympics. No bad luck to anyone but stuff happens. Be ready, Ashley! And if no one but for yourself go skate LaLa Land at 4 CCs!


Hot Tonto
Record Breaker
Jan 28, 2013
I don't know. This is an emotional sport and a judged one. Ashley has been around long enough to know that sometimes you win when you should have lost, sometimes you lose when should have won.

Here Ashley lost when she thought she should have won. She got mad and let off some steam. She didn't bad-mouth the other competitors, she just gave the judges a piece of her mind. I think she has had enough successes in her long career that she will get over this disappointment and get on with it, whatever "it" turns out to be. I don't think that anyone will hold her outburst against for very long.

Maybe you are right, but he immediate reaction online suggests that she's dug herself quite a hole with the general public. This isn't just a figure skating squabble, it's gone to a wider community. Part of the problem is that when she says she should be on the Olympic team, that means someone else should be left off. So now she's being trolled/goaded into saying just who should be kicked off the team to make room for her.

It's really quite a mess. "Letting off steam" to a bunch of TV reporters even before the medals are awarded is a rookie move, not what you'd expect from a mature champion.


Jan 12, 2014
Wonder what Raf is saying/thinking? Today his attention is focused to Nathan and Adam but it will be interesting if he cares to later comment on Ashley's situation.


Hot Tonto
Record Breaker
Jan 28, 2013
I dont think this has been posted, the Washington post wrote about Ashley if anyone is interested : www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news...al-judging-ends-her-hopes-of-winter-olympics/

I advise against reading the comments, which is mostly the usual ignorant crowd

I'll take your advice and not read the comments, as I read the ones on the Yahoo article, and I don't need to see more.

But, "the usual ignorant crowd" might also be referred to as "the broader public consumers" and they have turned against her HARD.

I think she knows she's got to put this fire out, and the tweet she sent that is linked right below you original comment might be the first steps in doing that.


Jan 12, 2014
I wonder if Ashley had scored 3 points higher and placed third at Nationals, would that have impacted the team selection? Hypothetical, of course, but I wonder..... Was it the body of work that skewed toward Karen or did Ashley and Karen come into Nationals as pretty much a tie and, however close, the committee was going with the higher placement at this event? I think the latter.


Match Penalty
Nov 12, 2012
you were saying that her words were taken out of context, like you know what she really said. That is the reason why I am asking you, what she said? I don´t speak korean or japanese. I just remember from years ago that it was clear that she complained about it.

This video is probably what you're looking for. Yuna said "I thought it was a bit too much" What's important is that she did not name any skater (or nation), rather it was the media who "blamed" it on Japanese skater. You'll see they went to ask people in Korea and Japan about this issue (to make a claim i guess...idk), and frankly speaking, it was pretty dumb. They also called KSU and KSU even confirmed that Yuna never complained about a skater or a specific nation, and scolded SBS(the Korean media) for making a false claim that Yuna "complained" about a Japanese skater.

On to the topic....Wagner seems very vocal with her opinion, and I don't blame her for it. But sometimes....somethings are better left unsaid....


Jul 26, 2003
I don't know. This is an emotional sport and a judged one. Ashley has been around long enough to know that sometimes you win when you should have lost, sometimes you lose when should have won.

Here Ashley lost when she thought she should have won. She got mad and let off some steam. She didn't bad-mouth the other competitors, she just gave the judges a piece of her mind. I think she has had enough successes in her long career that she will get over this disappointment and get on with it, whatever "it" turns out to be. I don't think that anyone will hold her outburst against for very long.

Totally agree with this MM. Actually I think the right three are going. I think Ashley for whatever reason compromised her chances throughout the season. I think that Skate America pullout might have really soured the US judges on her. I absolutely think Bradie and Mirai should go. Bradie has been the best US competitor this season and Mirai has worked her butt off and made significant enough progress. If it were not for Karen there might not be a third spot anyway and she got the one she earned from last year. I love Ashley warts and all but she sort of blew it. I really did think her LLL showed a lot of promise. Well that's show biz.

In the end I doubt any of the US women will be on or near the podium and I doubt Ashley would have been either.


On the Ice
Jan 1, 2017
Maybe close this thread before it becomes a Yuna debate thread because those never end well


Jul 26, 2003
I agree with the poster who said Mariah was the one who really missed out. I think she is the best US female skater when she is on but nerves nerves nerves. She has the technical goods and performs the hell out of her programs on Ashley's level. I wish she could have gone but I don't think the judges are that enamored of her.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Ashley has sacrificed a lot, training to the age of 26, damaging her body and in particular her memory in ways she may never repair. If she had not pushed through her health issues to skate the past few years, it is very possible the U.S. might not have a third spot at this Olympic games for Karen to take.

Let's not forget, though, that Chen did her part too in KEEPING that 3rd spot available with her 4th place last year.
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