Wagner "furious" on scores | Page 35 | Golden Skate

Wagner "furious" on scores

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Nov 1, 2004
"The squeaky wheel always get the most oil"! Although Ashley did not place in the top three, she is getting the most attention and coverage. There is not much coverage about the three girls that worked so hard to get where they are instead taking it for granted. Ashley is a sore loser and in order for her to go to the Olympics, it means that someone that earned the right to go, has to stay home. Figure Skating is a judged sport and you have to rely on the judges scores. If everyone started to be furious and kick up Old he-- over their scores, it's over for everyone. Ashley is 26 years old and a grown woman, I don't think anybody owes her anything with regards to figure skating. There have been more talented skaters that had to face reality and accept the fact that it's over when it's over. Just saying..


Record Breaker
Dec 6, 2013
Going by the responses of some posters here, it seems that the proper reaction to life giving you lemons is to bend over, take it, and say thank you.


Nov 1, 2004
Going by the responses of some posters here, it seems that the proper reaction to life giving you lemons is to bend over, take it, and say thank you.

My response to "life giving young lemons" is not to accept it but to try to make changes that you won't be given lemons anymore but a nice glass of sweet lemonade.


Record Breaker
Jul 26, 2003
Look at the flip side: Every day that Wagner is in the spotlight instead of the Olympians = another quiet training day for them


Final Flight
Mar 7, 2011
Ashley said she agreed with the selection criteria. So I don't get what the purpose of this was, other than whining.


Record Breaker
Nov 9, 2013
Look at the flip side: Every day that Wagner is in the spotlight instead of the Olympians = another quiet training day for them

I think this sounds closer to the truth. At least from appearances it seems like those ladies are more than willing to give Ashley all the media attention as long as they have their Olympic spots.

However, given the short window figure skaters have and this being probably the most lucrative part of their careers, I'm surprised they don't have agents pounding the pavement more.


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
Ashley is right that her PCS was not in line with her previous scores. Why the judges decided to score her lower at Nationals is very strange. I think Ashley had a right to speak out in the moment. It is nothing compared to Plushenko getting on the gold step on the podium in Vancouver or Irina's protest of her silver medal in SLC or Sale and Pelletier's obvious disagreement with the results in SLC. She just said what a lot of other skaters are probably feeling when a low score comes up. Even a sainted skater like Michelle Kwan showed displeasure in the Kiss and Cry after her short program scores came up in SLC.


Final Flight
Mar 7, 2011
If only every "wuzrobbed" skater got such a platform...will we be seeing more tantrums now that she has made it acceptable and even something to be congratulated for?
Ross on tomorrow- "I don't agree with the decision either. I have been skating for over twenty years..." Actually no, he's too classy for that.

As expected she handled it like a pro. She is a piece of work and that is why she stays relevant. ;)

She: 1) focused on her heartbreak and 22 years of skating, 2) stood by her comments because they were in the moment (stayed true to her brand), 3) kept it to the PCS comparison between past comps and this one, 4) congratulated the other ladies and said they deserved their spots.

Eh, I don't think it was very pro. She should have used this chance to say, "I didn't make the team. I'm disappointed but that's all I'm going to say about it. Here's what I am doing next" and talk about all her positive projects. It just came off so mopey and negative. She's still trying to convince the committee.

At the very end, Wagner said she was training for a competition - confirmation that she’s doing 4CC, no? Some were wondering about that.


Jan 24, 2016
I was impressed with how she spoke up for the women on the team and said she did not want to delegitimize their spots because people had tried to do that to her. Honestly, I think most of the people who criticize her are still obsessed with how she "stole" Mirai's spot in 2014.

It was exciting to hear she is training for 4CC. I will admit that a part of me was worried she was going to announce her retirement.
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Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2017
She did a great job. Twice she stated that she does not question anyone else's scores or even her own in comparison to anyone else. She knows how to conduct herself in an interview, she's eloquent, she sounds mature. Good for her.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Ross on tomorrow- "I don't agree with the decision either. I have been skating for over twenty years..." Actually no, he's too classy for that.

Eh, I don't think it was very pro. She should have used this chance to say, "I didn't make the team. I'm disappointed but that's all I'm going to say about it. Here's what I am doing next" and talk about all her positive projects. It just came off so mopey and negative. She's still trying to convince the committee.

Well, Ross has said he doesn't agree with the decision he has alluded to it being politicized and even used the term "back-room deal", which of course is his opinion. (https://www.nbcboston.com/news/loca...Miner-Shocked-by-Olympics-Snub-468535473.html)

But nobody's raking him over the coals for suggesting that things are political or even implying that some shady deal was struck, because that's him calling a spade a spade and giving his opinion. It's the same reason people are supporting Wagner. Frustration or injustice is something that should be expressed and addressed... not internalized while you put on a smiley veneer, because that almost makes it seem like you're cool with it. These are humans, not just athletes. They work hard and have earned the right to call people out (as people have the right to criticize or support them for doing so).

Also, I think Wagner knows the decision is finalized and isn't trying to convince the committee. As far as using it as a chance to dismiss the bad judging or apologize for a genuine (and justifiable) reaction, that's just not Ashley.


Match Penalty
Jan 8, 2018
The message was clear to me about Ashley last year when they put Karen over her for the title. That was when I knew the judges weren't extending any kind of favors to her. Nearly everyone else got favors (especially Bradie and Karen) but b/c Ashley has been on thin ice for so long, it was up to her to make it impossible for them to leave her off of the team. She made mistakes...mistakes that were no more egregious than anyone else's except for the fact that she made them.

Ashley did herself no favors with her approach to this season. I do agree I got the sense she was just planning on coasting by to the Olympics...until Bradie showed. That's when everything got turned on its head and she realized she'd have to really push to get on the team. She had to scramble to get a new program and was even talking about doing a new SP (had she made it to the Olympics). It was almost too little, too late.

I agree. It was clear to most rational and knowledgeable people, who were non Ashley haters, that Ashley clearly and undisputably deserved to win the title last year. So when she was wrongfully deprived the U.S title last year, when champions like her if anything usually get the benefit of the doubt and are the ones robbing others and not vice versa, it was crystal clear she was now on the outs with an ungrateful USFSA for whatever reason. And she had to be letter perfect and have everyone else mess up badly to hope to make the U.S Olympic team this year. Her couple errors were just the excuse they needed to achieve their strongest desire, bumping her off the team, even with Chen skating horribly and far worse.


Match Penalty
Jan 8, 2018
Well, Ross has said he doesn't agree with the decision he has alluded to it being politicized and even used the term "back-room deal", which of course is his opinion. (https://www.nbcboston.com/news/loca...Miner-Shocked-by-Olympics-Snub-468535473.html)

But nobody's raking him over the coals for suggesting that things are political or even implying that some shady deal was struck, because that's him calling a spade a spade and giving his opinion. It's the same reason people are supporting Wagner. Frustration or injustice is something that should be expressed and addressed... not internalized while you put on a smiley veneer, because that almost makes it seem like you're cool with it. These are humans, not just athletes. They work hard and have earned the right to call people out (as people have the right to criticize or support them for doing so).

Also, I think Wagner knows the decision is finalized and isn't trying to convince the committee. As far as using it as a chance to dismiss the bad judging or apologize for a genuine (and justifiable) reaction, that's just not Ashley.

People have loved to hate on Ashley ever since she was rightfully placed on an Olympic Team she fully merited being on despite her correct 4th place finish at the 2014 Nationals. Which is even the more laughable seeing Rippon, a far less accomplished skater, and even to some extent Zhou (considering while he did place top 3 he is still now in effect bypassing the higher placed 2nd place finisher), an even less accomplished skater than Rippon, are being bypassed from any scrutiny whatsoever.

Furthermore many Americans especialy say they want their skaters to be more vocal and determined to reach their goals, yet when a strong, independent, and confident women like Ashley speaks her mind, and says things that in this instance are in fact the exact truth, she gets raked over the coals for it. Go figure. There is no winning with some people.


Final Flight
Nov 20, 2015
Has Mirai always sounded and talked so much like Gracie? I never noticed it before!

Thats a little odd, because Gracie is a midwesterner (Kansas City, Chicago area), not originally So-Cal, only lived there from what 18-21. Its funny that she sounds so much like she is from there.
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