Who is retiring /might retire after 2018 ? | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Who is retiring /might retire after 2018 ?


Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2015
Nathan's statements could also be a subtle hint to USFS that he would like a little more support from them. Raf has said in previous interviews that he wanted them to provide his skaters with a staff of trainers and physios so it might be worth the cost if they could keep Nathan around for another 4 years.


Feb 16, 2014
Other possibilities not yet mentioned:



Adam Rippon

Will Zhang Hao ever retire?
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Sydney Rose

Final Flight
Feb 21, 2014
To be honest, it sounds like a plan. Go in, snag the Gold and leave. You surely won't become the greatest of all time like this, but it worked for a a lot of Ladies skaters in the past. I think that's the reason why Aratunian looked so displeased at Nathan's PCS. They had a plan on where they wanted to be at the end of this season, and it didn't quite work out. I wouldn't worry too much, though. Nathan won 4CC which was the Olympic Test event and in February. If he's having another season like this, it can become reality. Worlds 2018 simply won't be that important.

It's Go in, snag the Gold, CASH IN, and leave.


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
canadian boys...

kevin reynolds, elladj balde, liam firus, keegan messing... they are all 24-26...

with Patrick, (and I am crazy but sometimes I feel he continue because he has now found what he came back for and he is healthy)

but Canada may get worlds in 2020 and that could be a factor... I could see any of these 5 skaters retiring or taking it easy after the O games.... but preparing back for worlds 2020... but i wouldn't be surprised if they all retired instantly, some after Nationals, some after OG and some after WC.

We will miss them... but we have young kids pushing in...

I have a feeling it's the last year for Denis Ten.


Jan 11, 2014
I don't know if this is his plan or not, but I can't get invested in a skater who does that. Why should I care about someone who's here today, gone tomorrow?

Well, gee, how long is long enough? Really, it has been only fairly recently that elite skaters have had the opportunity to earn money while remaining Olympic-eligible.
Few could afford to stay in beyond one quad; it was rare to see skaters in their 20s (and some were criticized for "not moving on and giving younger ones a chance").

In the case of Nathan, I'm hoping for one more great year, with health intact. And then for him to do whatever else in life that he wishes.


Feb 24, 2014
Well, gee, how long is long enough? Really, it has been only fairly recently that elite skaters have had the opportunity to earn money while remaining Olympic-eligible.
Few could afford to stay in beyond one quad; it was rare to see skaters in their 20s (and some were criticized for "not moving on and giving younger ones a chance").

In the case of Nathan, I'm hoping for one more great year, with health intact. And then for him to do whatever else in life that he wishes.

Maybe what's best from the fan's perspective isn't the same as from the athlete's perspective. That's an interesting question. :shrug:

As a fan, longevity is important to me building a connection with someone. Do I love Tara, or do I love Michelle? It's a personal preference—I'm not a fan of the blazing comet that burns out quickly. Winning is winning, but not every win touches the heart the same way. I thank Mao, Carolina and Yuna for giving us years of beautiful programs. Will he reach his full potential in one year? He's only been around for half a quad. (I don't doubt he can succeed in school and his other life goals.)


Record Breaker
Mar 23, 2014
with Patrick, (and I am crazy but sometimes I feel he continue because he has now found what he came back for and he is healthy)

Patrick really does seem so happy and content since he moved to Marina. I don't imagine that shows are as fulfilling - if only there was a real pro circuit....


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015
Patrick really does seem so happy and content since he moved to Marina. I don't imagine that shows are as fulfilling - if only there was a real pro circuit....

i think the sports psy has helped a lot too... patrick realized he is doing the sport for himself first and foremost and not for results like medals... he is doing it to better himself each time he gets out... when considering he did a 1 quad 1 3a at SCI upon returning and now has landed a 3 quad 1 3a or a 2 quad 2 3a (still hasn't managed the whole layout yet) program, it's a huge improvement in a short time... he is now planning on a 2 quad SP... I never thought I would see that from him. And he is having lots of fun, arguably, more fun than those on the podium ;)
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Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
Potential skaters :

Savchenko/Massot (if they have the gold)

You think they won't retire if they don't win?

I find it hard to imagine that Aliona will go for another Olympic cycle only to end up pushing 40 at her next Olympic Games which would be in China, meaning her chances are almost non-existant for Gold. No, I think they're probably done. Maybe Bruno will get another partner.

Everyone is going on about how quads will destroy the bodies of the men. But you know who really is getting punished when it comes to landing jumps? Female pairs skater. But no one shows concern for these tough ladies. Weird.


Jan 11, 2014
Maybe what's best from the fan's perspective isn't the same as from the athlete's perspective. That's an interesting question. :shrug:

As a fan, longevity is important to me building a connection with someone. Do I love Tara, or do I love Michelle? It's a personal preference—I'm not a fan of the blazing comet that burns out quickly. Winning is winning, but not every win touches the heart the same way. I thank Mao, Carolina and Yuna for giving us years of beautiful programs. Will he reach his full potential in one year? He's only been around for half a quad. (I don't doubt he can succeed in school and his other life goals.)

Maybe I feel differently about Nathan because I've been following him since his Novice days & through his Junior titles. So it doesn't seem like "half a quad" for me.

As for Michelle and Tara: Would you love Tara more if she had done 2 quads and Michelle less if she had retired after her first World gold?


Record Breaker
Nov 13, 2012
You think they won't retire if they don't win?

I find it hard to imagine that Aliona will go for another Olympic cycle only to end up pushing 40 at her next Olympic Games which would be in China, meaning her chances are almost non-existant for Gold. No, I think they're probably done. Maybe Bruno will get another partner.

Everyone is going on about how quads will destroy the bodies of the men. But you know who really is getting punished when it comes to landing jumps? Female pairs skater. But no one shows concern for these tough ladies. Weird.

Actually, I recall seeing a good deal of discussion of how dangerous pairs is - or is becoming.

Conversely, though, pairs is the oldest slanting discipline. In which other discipline do we have so many skaters who are 30+ still competing?


On the Ice
Mar 26, 2017
Yuzuru is gonna retire after Pyeongchang? Didn't know that...So as Nathan (who will be just 19 y/o by that time)? Too early talking about this things but I imagine it's going to be really difficult to get used to with this discipline without Top6, for a while.

Everyone is going on about how quads will destroy the bodies of the men. But you know who really is getting punished when it comes to landing jumps? Female pairs skater. But no one shows concern for these tough ladies. Weird.

Yes, these ladies are brave and strong indeed. You could just heard "she was injured", "she had surgery" all the time watching Pairs.
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Feb 24, 2014
As for Michelle and Tara: Would you love Tara more if she had done 2 quads and Michelle less if she had retired after her first World gold?

If I had seen Tara grow and change and Michelle vanish, quite possibly! Admittedly it's hard to imagine that alternate reality. But I remember Michelle as a jumping bean, and it wasn't instant love for me at that point. I do know that if Yuzu had retired after Sochi, my admiration for him would be nowhere near what it is. Not even close.

And Aliona Savchenko—she's a legend. I now think of her more highly than Tatiana Volosozhar. And Virtue and Moir—they may put themselves as the greatest of all time without a doubt.

The key to my heart is not retiring. Please stay forever, unless you are in pain :sad4:
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On the Ice
Dec 8, 2015
Yuzuru is gonna retire after Pyeongchang? Don't know that...So as Nathan (who will be just 19 y/o by that time)? Too early talking about this things but I imagine it's going to be really difficult to get used to with this discipline without Top6, for a while.

yuzu has been saying he is gonna retire after 2018 for years. but he also said he won't do 4lo in competition before;) so we'll see.


Back to the forest you go.
Record Breaker
Jun 9, 2014
yuzu has been saying he is gonna retire after 2018 for years. but he also said he won't do 4lo in competition before;) so we'll see.

The last 2-3 seasons hes been saying he hasn't made a decision yet and he'll see how he feels when the time comes.


Record Breaker
Nov 29, 2015
yuzu has been saying he is gonna retire after 2018 for years. but he also said he won't do 4lo in competition before;) so we'll see.

No, he hasn't. That was a while ago and since then most of his statements seem to indicate a change of heart. Not to mention his desire for a 4A in a competition which has to come post 2018. I think we'll see him at least in 2018/19 season, then who knows.

I was wondering about Javier, didn't he hint he may not leave post PC 2018? I think I read that somewhere. Probably depends on whether he'll medal or not.