Who is retiring /might retire after 2018 ? | Page 3 | Golden Skate

Who is retiring /might retire after 2018 ?


On the Ice
Dec 8, 2015
No, he hasn't. That was a while ago and since then most of his statements seem to indicate a change of heart. Not to mention his desire for a 4A in a competition which has to come post 2018. I think we'll see him at least in 2018/19 season, then who knows.

I was wondering about Javier, didn't he hint he may not leave post PC 2018? I think I read that somewhere. Probably depends on whether he'll medal or not.

I'm pretty sure from pre-sochi to last season his statement was winning 2OG and retire right after. He just stop saying it only for this season.


Back to the forest you go.
Record Breaker
Jun 9, 2014
^ Post sochi he mentioned he was 50/50 on retiring after PC. The seasons after that it was all up in the air whenever they asked him about it.

He's only 22, so it wouldn't be odd if he wanted to continue even to Beijing.


Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
No, he hasn't. That was a while ago and since then most of his statements seem to indicate a change of heart. Not to mention his desire for a 4A in a competition which has to come post 2018. I think we'll see him at least in 2018/19 season, then who knows.

I was wondering about Javier, didn't he hint he may not leave post PC 2018? I think I read that somewhere. Probably depends on whether he'll medal or not.

I think Javi might retire. He just turned 26 and he's discussed the toll the sport takes on his body. But we'll see.


Jan 20, 2017
It would make me sad to see Patrick retire, I think he's really enjoying the progress that he's made so far...so I think he'll stay for another year post-Pyeongchang. As for Yuzuru, I really doubt it. He wants to attempt a 4A and seemed really keen on accomplishing that. Both of them have a lot more on their sleeve, and I love watching them skate :love:

I think there's a high possibility that Nathan's going to retire, I feel like his body won't hold up for another quad if he continues with these types of programs. But I'd like to see him, Shoma and Boyang tear it up in 2022!

I'd like to see Tessa and Scott stay past 2018. I wanna see them do the tango rhythm dance for the 18/19 season so bad :love:
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Back to the forest you go.
Record Breaker
Jun 9, 2014
You think they won't retire if they don't win?

I find it hard to imagine that Aliona will go for another Olympic cycle only to end up pushing 40 at her next Olympic Games which would be in China, meaning her chances are almost non-existant for Gold. No, I think they're probably done. Maybe Bruno will get another partner.

Everyone is going on about how quads will destroy the bodies of the men. But you know who really is getting punished when it comes to landing jumps? Female pairs skater. But no one shows concern for these tough ladies. Weird.

I'll never count Aliona out without her word. Women's a warrior :rock:


Record Breaker
Apr 1, 2014
I'm almost certain Javi would retire, especially if he gets a medal. He's been talking about this sport from a rather bittersweet stance for a while, like about how old he is, how he feels he's been doing this for a long, long time (which he has), joking about how it is a sport of suffering. I wouldn't be surprised if his body is aching; falls look more painful than before.

He has two world titles and will have - fingers crossed - an Olympic medal, the first one for Spain. He's not thinking about adding new quads, even for next season. He's gotten more popular and well-loved than he ever expected coming from a tiny federation and placing 35th at his first Worlds. He'd have been to 3 Olympics. I think there isn't much else missing in his career.


Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2016
Other possibilities not yet mentioned:



Adam Rippon

Will Zhang Hao ever retire?

Alper Ucar announced retirement after 2018. Maybe Alisa can continue with someone else though, she's only 26 which is young for Ice Dance, Alper is 6 years older.


Apr 23, 2014
Denis Ten will almost certainly retire next season (he hinted at that many times even right after Sochi)

I think that's the reason why Aratunian looked so displeased at Nathan's PCS. They had a plan on where they wanted to be at the end of this season, and it didn't quite work out. I wouldn't worry too much, though.

I love Nathan, but his PCS are already way too high, considering 85% of his programs are: go to one side of the rink, jump, go the other side of the rink, jump, beautiful but random balletic arm movement, repeat.
Poor kid, he is doing 7623 quads per program and changing layouts constantly, so he is super justified, but giving him high PCS would be disrespectful toward those who at least try to have a program and perform it.

I wouldn't be surprised if he retires soon, still it would be a pleasure to see him mature as a skater, and I would miss those beautiful quads!


Record Breaker
Apr 1, 2014
Denis Ten will almost certainly retire next season (he hinted at that many times even right after Sochi)

I love Nathan, but his PCS are already way too high, considering 85% of his programs are: go to one side of the rink, jump, go the other side of the rink, jump, beautiful but random balletic arm movement, repeat.
Poor kid, he is doing 7623 quads per program and changing layouts constantly, so he is super justified, but giving him high PCS would be disrespectful toward those who at least try to have a program and perform it.

I wouldn't be surprised if he retires soon, still it would be a pleasure to see him mature as a skater, and I would miss those beautiful quads!

His FP music consisted of one dramatic climax after another, but he skates right through them. He needs to pick music that disguises that a little bit more.


Back to the forest you go.
Record Breaker
Jun 9, 2014
Other "maybe's" : Carolina Kostner (!), Denis Ten, Takahito Mura, Daisuke Murakami. How about Jason Brown and Max Aaron? Did they mention anything about their plans post PC? :think:


Record Breaker
Jan 23, 2015
I was wondering about Javier, didn't he hint he may not leave post PC 2018? I think I read that somewhere. Probably depends on whether he'll medal or not.

I think it's very very likely Javi will retire after the Olympics (or the 2018 season, if he goes to Worlds) regardless of the outcome. He's said that everything after the World Titles was a plus, and I've heard him more than once say (this season alone) that he is old in terms of figure skating.


Record Breaker
Nov 29, 2015
Other "maybe's" : Carolina Kostner (!), Denis Ten, Takahito Mura, Daisuke Murakami. How about Jason Brown and Max Aaron? Did they mention anything about their plans post PC? :think:

Jason is staying, I asked about this recently in his FF.


Record Breaker
Mar 23, 2014
Everyone is going on about how quads will destroy the bodies of the men. But you know who really is getting punished when it comes to landing jumps? Female pairs skater. But no one shows concern for these tough ladies. Weird.

Considering how many tough pairs ladies soldier on with much longer careers than in singles....injuries are bad, of course, but it seems like pairs ladies have bodies in much better condition/health than in singles.


Record Breaker
Mar 28, 2016
About Denis Ten : I never saw any interviews of him hinting anything, but even without them, I feel like he will. I definitely see him become involved with sports in his country, or even an IOC member. I think Yuna expressed the desire to become one too ?

I hope Bruno won't retire with Aljona. He's a very good, strong partner.

For Javi it seems unevitable.

The three US top Ice Dance teams didn't look like they wanted to stop competiting after 2018. Going into the 2018-2019 season, Shibsibs will be 24/27, C/B 26/29 and H/D 27/27. If they all go for another quad, it will mean that the other teams will have a HARD TIME going into 4cc, worlds, or even the next OG. And there is SO MANY teams waiting ! Just take Worlds 2018, I don't even see one of those 3 teams skipping it.


Final Flight
Nov 20, 2015
They had photos of some of the pairs girls showing midriffs and Ashley Cain is fit. I think pairs girls have to be insanely fit.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
... Max Aaron? Did they mention anything about their plans post PC? :think:

Max has not said anything about having a timetable in mind for when he will move on from competitive skating.

We do know that Max has talked about specific academic and career goals unrelated to skating.
And he is on the verge of completing his undergraduate degree this spring. [ETA: With an MBA as one of his stated goals for the future.]

But it is not clear (and perhaps not clear even to Max himself at this stage of the game) whether he will step away from skating after the Olympic season.
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Jan 11, 2014
Put Duhamel/Radford on the list of planning to retire. I just saw an announcement that he was diagnosed after Worlds with a herniated disc; he was quoted as saying that he needs to get/stay healthy for 10 more months and then that will be it for their skating. He will continue to get treatment while they do SOI.


Apr 23, 2014
His FP music consisted of one dramatic climax after another, but he skates right through them. He needs to pick music that disguises that a little bit more.
Exactly! Even Boyang (with all his limits), is at least trying to find programs that make him more engaging beside the jumps

Speaking of Boyang... I think most Chinese skaters will stay after 2018 since 1.next Olympics are in China 2.they don't have too much internal competition.... The biggest question mark is Zhang Hao obviously, but I kind of hope he continues because I have no idea what will happen to Xiaoyu then.


Record Breaker
Jul 9, 2014
Max has not said anything about having a timetable in mind for when he will move on from competitive skating.

We do know that Max has talked about specific academic and career goals unrelated to skating.
And he is on the verge of completing his undergraduate degree this spring.

But it is not clear (and perhaps not clear even to Max himself at this stage of the game) whether he will step away from skating after the Olympic season.

Max is in a difficult position along with all the 20 something year old men from the US. Nathan is a teenager and with multi quad Juniors like Vincent and Alexei coming up, their chances will not improve with time. Even with Max's big jumps and competitive spirit, he needs to bring it next season or I think he'll be ready to move on. He seems to be a very active person and I think his priorities will change if he doesn't make the team next year.