Worlds: Pairs FS | Golden Skate

Worlds: Pairs FS

GS Forum Staff

Final Flight
Jan 11, 2008
Wenjing Sui and Cong Han.jpg

The Pairs event concluded at the 2019 World Figure Skating Championships with the Free Skate on Thursday. China's Wenjing Sui and Cong Han moved up from second place after the short to win their second gold medal at this event after a record-breaking free skate. Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov of Russia earned their second consecutive silver, while teammates Natalia Zabiiako and Alexander Enbert moved up one spot to win the bronze—their first world medal.

More...(Quotes from top ten)

What were your stand out moments, Surprise performances and other impressions?
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Record Breaker
Jun 21, 2003
I so hope Sui and Han will keep that free skate for next season. They were magical.


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
Sui and Han were absolutely marvellous!!!!

I'm happy for Tarasova and Morozov but they had so many errors (nothing major but like 4 minor ones) and they just seemed to get through the program, so I'm glad Sui/Han did enough to win this time around.

Congrats to Z/E too! They really earned the bronze IMO though P/J were great themselves. Glad to see J/C have a strong skate to close the season... alas a medal was lost because of the SP but IMO even at their best they couldn't have caught S/H, IMO.


Nov 9, 2014
Two Russian teams on the world podium!!! :cheer: A few days ago did anyone think that possible? :biggrin:

I'm sad T/M couldn't hold on to the gold but after all the turmoil they went through this season I'd call it a victory. They ended it on a positive note and can now look forward to the next more confident. :clapper:

Congrats to Z/E! They took advantage of what they were given and didn't give it back :agree: Considering they were out with injury they were great. They skated with a lot of energy and authority.

And :hap10: for B/K!!!! 6th at their first worlds!!! Easily the breakout team of the season. They got a new LP personal best and even beat J/C and P/J in the TES mark! Hopefully they get a nice PCS increase next season :cool:


Record Breaker
Jun 21, 2003
I seriously relived a "Shen and Zhao" moment from 2003. That was just one of the most moving and inspiring performances I've seen in a long time from a pairs team.

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
Sui and Han have set the standard. The word mesmerizing can often be overused. Not here.

Mesmerizing. :luv17:

And also glad that Ashley and Tim met their goal for the top ten:clap:


did it spark joy?
On the Ice
Feb 23, 2018
What's with Chinese pairs teams and these narratives? Shen/Zhao's Turandot was the first program that really, really moved me, and I remember vividly the commentary from the version I always watched: "...I think we're looking at the gold medal performance if their luck continues to hold... and how impressive would that be. She's been a question mark through this entire championship because of the injury. And at one point, couldn't even practice, couldn't even get on the ice this week. (Other commentator: It just shows what determination and what courage she really has, how strong she is. And how much they want this title.) You know, they're skating with heart. And I think that's the most important thing we're seeing in comparison with the other pairs. (OC: But I also think this is a wonderful package for them, the music, the choreography. And, you know, the added element of skating well, and selling it.)"

... Wow that I typed all of that out I'm so struck by the similarities. Even down to the climax music moment and Shen/Sui skating their hearts out at that last moment. As much as I will always be sad that Sui/Han aren't Olympic Gold Medalists (and may never be), perhaps it is fate that the Turandot moment belonged to Shen/Zhao and this moment, right now, belongs to them.

... Now Sui/Han, please just win in 2022 to make up for everything! [I swear I am not biased or anything


Record Breaker
Nov 9, 2013
I seriously relived a "Shen and Zhao" moment from 2003. That was just one of the most moving and inspiring performances I've seen in a long time from a pairs team.

Agreed. Everything came together!

The competition was wonderful overall. Just take a moment and remember how pairs regressed under the IJS for a while. Only a couple top teams were watchable. Here we had so many good to great to amazing performances.

B/K made me happy, J/C enthralled me, P/J made me proud, and S/H moved me to tears. Oh and the US got two spots for next year. I couldn't ask for more :dance:


On the Ice
Feb 13, 2010
Peng/Jin are absolutely robbed. How on earth did they lose the bronze to Z/E? Are the judges blind? The GOEs are becoming the tools manipulating the ranks. Shame on you, judges!


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2014
Sui / Han were incredible. I was thrilled to see her land all jumps and throws, great job. Boikova / Kozlovskii did really well, too, as they have all season. I'm very happy for Peng / Jin, a very nice program by them. Tarasova / Morozov looked hesitating and had small problems with almost everything, and I still think they could perform more and not just do the elements. All in all , many very good performances today.


On the Ice
Feb 13, 2010
And are we really pretending T/M's programs deserve such scores? They are eye sores at least. I'm so glad S/H save the day. Can you imagine T/M become the WC with two programs like those and performance like that? Mercy, my lord!


On the Ice
Oct 31, 2004
And are we really pretending T/M's programs deserve such scores? They are eye sores at least. I'm so glad S/H save the day. Can you imagine T/M become the WC with two programs like those and performance like that? Mercy, my lord![/QUOTA

Actually T/M have great programs this season. Their Sp especially is beautiful with inccredible elements, some of the elements are even better than S/H....


Record Breaker
Feb 6, 2014
A well deserved world title for Sui/Han! They're truly special. I hope they stay healthy, it's all they need.


Wicked Yankee Girl
Jul 26, 2003
What a wonderful free skate, with so many wonderful performances, and Sui and Han's was even more, one for the ages.

Thank you so much for all the quotes!

Ashley Cain's is puzzling, that she does not know what to do now. Won't they be going to World Team Trophy?


On the Ice
May 21, 2009
I’m so proud of S/H and P/J. Congrats team china!! All the hard work has paid off.


sui holding a deep edge
On the Ice
Apr 24, 2018
And are we really pretending T/M's programs deserve such scores? They are eye sores at least. I'm so glad S/H save the day. Can you imagine T/M become the WC with two programs like those and performance like that? Mercy, my lord!

To be honest though, T/M does have really brilliant elements. And... I think I adjusted my vision after Candyman, but these programs weren't bad. It was a little bland, but everything connected well. S/H just blew everything out of the water.


Nov 9, 2014
T/M free skate would have been amazing with a pair who are more externally dynamic which they are not. It's interesting but it doesn't highlight their strength which is their basic skating skills and the power they get from it. The program is too subdue for them and their team were stupid for giving it to them.

And I'd like a special shout out for Z/E getting a world medal after both of them having like a thousand partners each over the last ten years! Talk about sticking around and never giving up.