2018 US Championships Sr. Ladies FS | Page 102 | Golden Skate

2018 US Championships Sr. Ladies FS


Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
I doubt Ashley will accept an assignment to 4CCs. She "doesn't do" 4CCs.

If Ashley says no, this might bump Angela up to a 4CCs spot. Even if not, they might want to give Angela an alternate spot because it'll give her more USFSA support $$$. I think they did this with Mirai, maybe last year or the year before?


Also, can Starr do 4CCs (senior) and junior worlds?

Yes Starr can do both, since she has the technical minimums for both. The sad part is, I don’t think Ting or Pooja will go with her to JWs. If they follow tradition, they offer Amber JW again. She just has to go to a competition to get her technical minimums again. Very sad for the two of them, they did so well.


1Lo <
Record Breaker
Jan 26, 2013
My live experience was surreal! The skating rink was so BRIGHT and WHITE unlike what you see on TV (the contrast is too dark). The skaters were absolutely beautiful gliding through the ice. It was such a treat. I was an HOUR late due to traffic. When i got there they were on the second group and Tessa Hong was getting ready to take the ice. My god, she is literally an ice princess. I was awed by her beautiful lines and dress. She was the most beautiful of the night for sure. Starr won the crowd over with her perfectly clean program and got a standing ovation. I got teary eyes for her at the end when she started crying. I know it was overwhelming in the best way for her. Last group took the ice and my heart was racing so fast and i start trembling so bad. My eyes were mostly on Mirai and she looked rock solid in the warm up except 1 fall on 3A which was after a perfect 3A. She nailed everything else in that warm up but a part of me was still scared knowing the kind of meltdown i might be in for. I was with Mirai with ever jumping element and was like "Yeeesssssss" for every landing. That final 3Lo I was praying really hard that she'd hit it and she did! Standing ovation and the crowd was pleased with her score. <3 I thought Ashley was held down a lot considering i saw only one pop. I was also surprised how low Karen was but then i didn't really pay attention to under-rotations. I knew Elsa won as soon as she landed her last element. I feel bad for this Ashley fan who was sitting next to me.

Violet Bliss

Record Breaker
Nov 19, 2010
Not sure if this has been raised before but based on what I see in the thread posts is winning the US nationals not a guaranteed spot in the Olympics?

I'm quite sure the champ is guaranteed the spot but the rest may be subject to other criteria or whims.


Record Breaker
Dec 13, 2016
Yes. She is FURIOUS x3 apparently.
Wow, not at all impressed with Ashley's interview. Go home, think it over, present the facts. Rolling her eyes and ranting ... wow.

Especially when her PCS score has been massively inflated internationally for the last three years.

And when she was given the benefit of the doubt four years ago.

Not a good look.


Feb 7, 2014
Karen didn't beat Ashley technically...Ashley won on TES, Karen beat her on PCS. Can you believe that? Even at Worlds last year, where Ashley did not skate well at all, PCS wise Ashley beat Karen by 6 points across two programs. This year at skate canada, both bombed but Ashley had 8 points higher PCS across both programs. how did Karen all of a second have more than a 2 points advantage over Ashley with messier programs??? And by the way, I actually do think the tech panel was to harsh with Karen, but even with 1-2 less UR calls, Ashley should have still pulled through with PCS (with 8 more points than Karen instead of 3 less).

Now the argument some may have is: international scores don't matter, only what they performed here does. But I trust the international judges certified to judge major events more than the nationals judges with their agenda on who to send...AND even if the performances being evaluated are different, we can compare the relative merits. PCS doesn't really vary across competition that much, and the trend just doesn't make any sense. Take skate canada. Let's be honest, if Ashley's PCS stayed the same here versus Skate Canada (it actually went down), Karen didn't deserve a WHOPPING 11 more points in PCS than canada. Skating skills, performance, interpretation, choreo, even transitions I would mark Ashley higher, and it wouldn't even be close--Ashley by at least one point per component in most categories. Based on recognized ISU PCS standards Ashley should have gotten around 69 PCS for her skate while Karen around 62. (Bradie probably 65 and Mirai 64)

Bradie (and to a lesser extend Mirai's) PCS were also inflated, but they didn't really affect the result, so I digress. But Ashley should have been a clear third here.


Dec 5, 2015
What’s wrong with critiquing a skater, for gosh sake?

Absolutely nothing. But, that particular poster has a strange chip on his/her shoulder about Ashley Wagner. (so many negative posts about Ashley today and yesterday-- most of which can be proven incorrect by merely looking at historical facts.) Saying Karen Chen's PCS should be higher is not crazy ( it is a matter of personal taste, I think) but this particular poster has made all kinds of crazy unsubstantiated claims about Ashley. He/she needs to get another hobby.


On the Ice
Feb 7, 2013
Okay seriously can we please have Tara, Johny and Terry talk less. Do they really need to point out under rotations so often during the skate and with so much detail only do do it again during the replays. Also what's with talking about other skaters when one person is skating. I am so glad I don't have to watch them for the Olympics


Oct 23, 2005
Yes Starr can do both, since she has the technical minimums for both. The sad part is, I don’t think Ting or Pooja will go with her to JWs. If they follow tradition, they offer Amber JW again. She just has to go to a competition to get her technical minimums again. Very sad for the two of them, they did so well.

I'd love to see Ting or Kaitlyn at JW. But maybe they won't send Kaitlyn because she doesn't get her jumps around. :(


On the Ice
Dec 30, 2017
i deeply understand the point that Ashley probably wont win a medal for USA in next Olympic with tonights kind of skating, but if someone think that Karen, Mirai or Bradie can, then send them to the Oly, i have no problem with that. But i really think thats hardly realistic consedering the competion in the world right now, and because of that i would send the skater who all the world love to see the most.

It's not realistic for any of them to medal in February, but Chen and Tenell are still young and have another Olympics in them and the experience will be invaluable. Wagner already went to the Olympics, so if they're going to send an "old" (relatively speaking) lady to the Olympics for sentimental reasons, let it me Nagasu rather than Wagner, especially now that Nagasu placed 2nd. I think the scoring has been weird this competition but sending the top 3 is the best choice.
Jun 21, 2003
Karen didn't beat Ashley technically...Ashley won on TES, Karen beat her on PCS. Can you believe that? Even at Worlds last year, where Ashley did not skate well at all, PCS wise Ashley beat Karen by 6 points across two programs....

That was then, This is now.


Feb 19, 2006
Absolutely nothing. But, that particular poster has a strange chip on his/her shoulder about Ashley Wagner. (so many negative posts about Ashley today and yesterday-- most of which can be proven incorrect by merely looking at historical facts.) Saying Karen Chen's PCS should be higher is not crazy ( it is a matter of personal taste, I think) but this particular poster has made all kinds of crazy unsubstantiated claims about Ashley. He/she needs to get another hobby.



Match Penalty
Jan 3, 2018
I'm just happy Mirai made the team. She is honestly so strong and dedicated. I like Ashley's skating more than Brandies or Karens, but what she put down tonight was not her best, subpar to be more blunt Those two performances were not Olympic team worthy. *shrugs* also I had tears in my eyes watching starr skate. beautiful music, beautiful choreo, beautiful skating! I hope i see her on the 2022 olympic team.


On the Ice
Feb 11, 2006
Karen didn't beat Ashley technically...Ashley won on TES, Karen beat her on PCS. Can you believe that? Even at Worlds last year, where Ashley did not skate well at all, PCS wise Ashley beat Karen by 6 points across two programs. This year at skate canada, both bombed but Ashley had 8 points higher PCS across both programs. how did Karen all of a second have more than a 2 points advantage over Ashley with messier programs??? And by the way, I actually do think the tech panel was to harsh with Karen, but even with 1-2 less UR calls, Ashley should have still pulled through with PCS (with 8 more points than Karen instead of 3 less).

Now the argument some may have is: international scores don't matter, only what they performed here does. But I trust the international judges certified to judge major events more than the nationals judges with their agenda on who to send...AND even if the performances being evaluated are different, we can compare the relative merits. PCS doesn't really vary across competition that much, and the trend just doesn't make any sense. Take skate canada. Let's be honest, if Ashley's PCS stayed the same here versus Skate Canada (it actually went down), Karen didn't deserve a WHOPPING 11 more points in PCS than canada. Skating skills, performance, interpretation, choreo, even transitions I would mark Ashley higher, and it wouldn't even be close--Ashley by at least one point per component in most categories. Based on recognized ISU PCS standards Ashley should have gotten around 69 PCS for her skate while Karen around 62. (Bradie probably 65 and Mirai 64)

Bradie (and to a lesser extend Mirai's) PCS were also inflated, but they didn't really affect the result, so I digress. But Ashley should have been a clear third here.

Ashley's international PCS were always inflated :shrug: Karen skates much faster than Ashley. Ashley's PCS are based on reputation and "selling" the program.


On the Ice
Feb 9, 2014
Okay seriously can we please have Tara, Johny and Terry talk less. Do they really need to point out under rotations so often during the skate and with so much detail only do do it again during the replays. Also what's with talking about other skaters when one person is skating. I am so glad I don't have to watch them for the Olympics

Their commentary is so annoying. I kind of think the NBC operatives require them to call jumps though for the common viewer to better understand. It still...doesn't help though. And they could call the jumps at the end. I was so annoyed of Terry talking about Olympic selection criteria as Bradie was performing. Just stop.