The Best Figure Skating Commentators (Singles Discipline) | Golden Skate

The Best Figure Skating Commentators (Singles Discipline)


On the Ice
Oct 30, 2014
The Best Figure Skating Commentators (All Disciplines)

Who are you're favorites or who would you say are the best Commentators to date? and why? :)
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On the Ice
Apr 7, 2012
Could you open this up to pairs and ice dance commentators as well, iceberg (because I'd like to mention Tanith Belbin)? :) I can mention Susie Wynne, though, because I know that she commentated on singles occasionally (for example, 2007 Skate Canada ladies' free skate on ESPN). Susie is so knowledgable and sympathetic to the skaters in her commentary. I wish she could return to commentating again.


Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
British Eurosport, specifically Nicky and Chris. I don't always agree with them but they are very fair, balancing criticism and compliments. They're very supportive and want all the skaters to do well. Joanne is unbearable.


On the Ice
Oct 30, 2014
As for me, ever since I have always been a huge huge fan of Sports Analyst Tracy Wilson of CBC. She is the most articulate commentator out there, her comments are very educational very knowledgeable and perfect timing. I love her voice so much its very pleasing. And TBH, I have never heard of her being unbiased, she gives superlatives to each worthy skater canadian or not in an equal and just manner. She started with ESPN if I;m not mistaken then went on to CBC. But sad though she was'nt on the Sochi. Where is she now? Is she still with CBC?


Match Penalty
Sep 10, 2013
British Eurosport, specifically Nicky and Chris. I don't always agree with them but they are very fair, balancing criticism and compliments. They're very supportive and want all the skaters to do well. Joanne is unbearable.

As for me, ever since I have always been a huge huge fan of Sports Analyst Tracy Wilson of CBC. She is the most articulate commentator out there, her comments are very educational very knowledgeable and perfect timing. I love her voice so much its very pleasing. And TBH, I have never heard of her being unbiased, she gives superlatives to each worthy skater canadian or not in an equal and just manner. She started with ESPN if I;m not mistaken then went on to CBC. But sad though she was'nt on the Sochi. Where is she now? Is she still with CBC?

I agree with both. Also, Michael Weiss and Ryan Bradley.

Edited to add: Tracey Wilson works for both CBC and NBC. She tends to provide the ice dance commentary for NBC during Nationals, etc.
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On the Ice
Feb 20, 2010
As for me, ever since I have always been a huge huge fan of Sports Analyst Tracy Wilson of CBC. She is the most articulate commentator out there, her comments are very educational very knowledgeable and perfect timing. I love her voice so much its very pleasing. And TBH, I have never heard of her being unbiased, she gives superlatives to each worthy skater canadian or not in an equal and just manner. She started with ESPN if I;m not mistaken then went on to CBC. But sad though she was'nt on the Sochi. Where is she now? Is she still with CBC?

I agree!


On the Ice
Mar 5, 2014
British Eurosport, specifically Nicky and Chris. I don't always agree with them but they are very fair, balancing criticism and compliments. They're very supportive and want all the skaters to do well. Joanne is unbearable.

I love British Eurosport commentators most of the time, but Joanne becomes very annoying to listen to with her bitterness. I'd rather tune into to Russian commentators than to listen to her.


Feb 8, 2014
Robin Cousins, and the man he used to commentate with on BBC. He's the least offending to the ear and I tend to agree with his observations (may be bias at work here, bc I also loved his skating).


Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
Robin Cousins, and the man he used to commentate with on BBC. He's the least offending to the ear and I tend to agree with his observations (may be bias at work here, bc I also loved his skating).

Oh, yes! Can't believe I forgot about him. I actually like him the best.


On the Ice
Oct 30, 2014
Could you open this up to pairs and ice dance commentators as well, iceberg (because I'd like to mention Tanith Belbin)? :) I can mention Susie Wynne, though, because I know that she commentated on singles occasionally (for example, 2007 Skate Canada ladies' free skate on ESPN). Susie is so knowledgable and sympathetic to the skaters in her commentary. I wish she could return to commentating again.

sure! but do you know if i can still edit the title? :confused:


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
I would say British Eurosport (Simon, Chris, and Nicky). I don't always agree with them, and they tend to butcher names/countries a good deal, but they are generally supportive of the skaters and I like listening to them most of the time.

Tracy Wilson is also quite good. I think I'd prefer listening to her over Browning/Lane. Tanith Belbin did a good job for ice dance at SA.


Record Breaker
Mar 27, 2014
I would say British Eurosport (Simon, Chris, and Nicky). I don't always agree with them, and they tend to butcher names/countries a good deal, but they are generally supportive of the skaters and I like listening to them most of the time.

Tracy Wilson is also quite good. I think I'd prefer listening to her over Browning/Lane. Tanith Belbin did a good job for ice dance at SA.

I like British Eurosport best too minus Joanne, I remember watching a competition without commentary a week after listening to Joanne, felt very peaceful

Tracy Wilson is really knowledgeable and explains things really well but since I'm familiar with the system and such I prefer commentators who talk a little less, I'd recommend Tracy to any beginner, Browning/Lane is ok, I like Browning as a person though, great person in real life


Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
I like British Eurosport best too minus Joanne, I remember watching a competition without commentary a week after listening to Joanne, felt very peaceful

Tracy Wilson is really knowledgeable and explains things really well but since I'm familiar with the system and such I prefer commentators who talk a little less, I'd recommend Tracy to any beginner, Browning/Lane is ok, I like Browning as a person though, great person in real life
Joanne was... not good. Hypercritical, often off-base (Gracie Gold will lay down a clean LP? All of Sergei Voronov's programs look the same?)... Mark Hanretty actually... wasn't too bad. His tastes are very different from mine, but he makes interesting observations (change of edge in spins), and he recognizes the strength and validity of even the styles he doesn't like.

Browning/Lane were good at the Olympics, but I found them too critical and repetitive on the GP circuit this year.

ice coverage

avatar credit: @miyan5605
Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2012
sure! but do you know if i can still edit the title? :confused:

I think it is still possible to edit the title. Click on Edit Post under the first post, then in the page that appears the second field is the title.

But GS has a time limit for the OP to change the title.
Only mods have the power to change the title once a few minutes have passed after the thread was started.

If iceberg tries to edit the thread title now, it will remain unchanged for all practical purposes. (The only place that the "new" title will appear is at the top of the OP itself, IIRC.)

A quick and easy way to get the attention of the mods to request a change to your thread title is to "report" your own OP, and to write out your request in the message box that pops ups.


Record Breaker
Feb 26, 2014
Who are you're favorites or who would you say are the best Commentators to date? and why? :)

Massimiliano Ambesi and Angelo Dolfini from Eurosport Italia, in single skating mostly and pairs also.
I love them, especially Ambesi, because they are extremely well prepared, zero bias, explanation is top notch.
They do not criticise, and they are never mean, but they do tell you the flaws of the skaters.
They also criticise judges when needed.
I also love the fact that they do not comment that much in terms of "artistry". They do not tell you: oh look at that, or this skater how beautiful and artistic he/she is. How better he/she is than the other one.
Nothing like that. They do say: that was a great skate and things like this, but nothing on how that skate "touched their soul" and things like this. They leave that to the viewers, which I think it's the best thing to do.

After them, I love Eurosport UK: Chris, Simon and Nick, and Paloma from Teledeporte.

As for me, ever since I have always been a huge huge fan of Sports Analyst Tracy Wilson of CBC. She is the most articulate commentator out there, her comments are very educational very knowledgeable and perfect timing. I love her voice so much its very pleasing. And TBH, I have never heard of her being unbiased, she gives superlatives to each worthy skater canadian or not in an equal and just manner. She started with ESPN if I;m not mistaken then went on to CBC. But sad though she was'nt on the Sochi. Where is she now? Is she still with CBC?

The problem with Wilson is that she is extremely biased.
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