2021 Worlds: Pairs Short Program | Page 43 | Golden Skate

2021 Worlds: Pairs Short Program


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2014
I loved the placecments. I would say the podium could still change, but unless the top 3 meltdown, it's going to be a bit hard for others to join in. Maybe T/M? But not anyone else.


Insert weird opinion here
Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2014
The paradox is that at Euro 2018 they delivered one of their best performances from technical angle precisely on this program.
Yeah it's almost like...they enjoyed that program.

They haven't been the same since.

It's almost like being told for months on end by figure skating fans that your program is disgusting and you're an embarrassment to society affects your self-esteem and makes you doubt your own abilities.

Wow! Who'd have thunk it!


Final Flight
Feb 19, 2018
If the pairs standings stayed identical after the free, Miura and Kihara would qualify two Olympic pairs spots for Japan despite being literally the only Japanese pairs team


On the Ice
Jul 28, 2003
I'm happy with how the two American teams skated, better than I was expecting. But it ain't over till it's over. I'll be crossing my fingers and hoping for the best skating of their lives for Ashley and Tim.


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2020
I love Mark but why say "you have to wonder how much is Moskvina"? Like, the same as any other coach? They can tell you what to do but you need the talent to do it.
Mark is right. Moskvina gave M/G a huge boost in confidence. Of that, there's no doubt. They are performing much better and connecting better than they ever have. And with confidence has come better consistency. That's a fact.

Everybody saying it's M/G who have to do it on the ice. Obviously, they do and that's true for all teams. Still, there's some kind of magic Moskvina exudes and transmits to her teams, and we've seen that over the course of her amazing coaching career. She pulls the talent out of her teams. Moskvina is responsible for Boikova/Koslovskii improving to where they are at too. Her inventive choreo and overall polishing of her teams makes a huge difference.

I even believe that T/M might have benefited earlier in their career from Moskvina's tutelage. It looks like T/M can't get over their hiccoughs. At least not yet. Maybe they'll pull something out in the fp. I know a lot of people root for T/M because they've been around for so long and haven't won Worlds yet.
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Final Flight
Sep 15, 2017
B/K were great .. I liked the previous but this program is a happy one. the music and the choreography wasn't 100 but can pass. When they skate like that they are very difficult to beat. And they took there time in the throw
T/M .. I really like this program.. I think they can medal if they skate like the russian championship
M/G .. I think they were a little bit nervous .. that sp was good but normally has more energy
S/H great program but wasn't perfect


Final Flight
Jan 27, 2012
The two USA teams in 6th and 7th! I mean, sure, anything could happen tomorrow and probably will. But I'm celebrating this.:dance3:

Well done, Ashley and Tim, and Alexa and Brandon!
I really think that KMT/MM are the only team with a realistic chsnce to overtake the Americans. Skating in the second group, it will be a challenge.


Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
Okay, my rant no one asked for.
Honestly, I feel like S/H's technique (obviously aside from sbs jumps) is just second to none. They don't have the highest twist (being under 170 cm as a pairs guy will probably do that), but they get the control so perfect that he has the right momentum going for a triple and quad twist (still curious that no other pair have done a quad for as long and consistently as they have). Hope they bring the quad back if they're healthy enough.
And the lifts. Do not get me started on the lifts. I feel like most of the pairs guys are always lacking a bit either in posture, speed, ice coverage, or a combination of those, but Han checks all the boxes. I'd say another example of a near perfect lifter would be Rylov (arguably even better than Han in this element).


Record Breaker
Sep 1, 2020
I'm happy with how the two American teams skated, better than I was expecting. But it ain't over till it's over. I'll be crossing my fingers and hoping for the best skating of their lives for Ashley and Tim.
As I said earlier, the difference for both American teams is the high quality skills they have in matching up with the best of this current field. In fact, even despite the relatively not too disastrous errors both U.S. teams made in comparison to similar errors of top teams ahead of them, both U.S. teams should have received higher GOE on some of their elements. K/F didn't get better GOE on some quality elements because they skated early and they are a new partnership.

C-G/LD didn't get better GOE on what they did well because of judges holding back. Quite clearly both U.S. teams are competitive with all of the top teams. C-G/LD even beat T/M early in 2019-20 season. It was the fact that Ash/Tim faltered when they could have won 2019 Skate America and perhaps also their second GP that Fall, which changed perceptions about them and slowed their momentum. They had to work on getting their confidence back.

Well, now's the time American teams. Give it your all. Give it your best. And please judges, be fair and give quality GOE points where they are due to U.S. teams, especially in view of all the rep GOE you gave some of the top flight teams who didn't skate lights out!

The U.S. have another top-notch team at home who absolutely deserve a chance to compete at the Olympics. Hands down, everyone knows that Calalang/ Johnson are a magical team with huge 3-twist, gorgeous, high quality lifts, superb speed and skating skills, with sbs jumps their major bugaboo, which I'm betting they are in the process of fixing.


Gazing at a Glorious Great Lakes sunset
Record Breaker
Aug 12, 2014
That was kinda rough from MT/M, everything was messy. I didn’t like the music, did they interpret it? I’m always worried when he lifts her, he looks so shaky and I think he’ll drop her.

I’d have them just ahead of the Americans.
You must not have really been watching, then.