2024 European Championships Men's Short Program | Page 45 | Golden Skate

2024 European Championships Men's Short Program


Record Breaker
Oct 20, 2017
I am tired of you thinking Kevin is somehow mentally unstable because of his recent performances. He had bad GPF and then less than week later he skated in his Nationals and it was worse. I always thought that he had no time process what had happened at GPF to ensure that it would be better next time. So I considered the events of that week a fluke which a lot skaters go through because almost every skater has events that they would rather forget. I do wonder if sending him to Europeans was a mistake though. it not an event that he done well in the past. In 2020 edition he did not make the free skate either. He has several weeks before worlds and I think he needs to do is take week or two off from skating and get his head in a better place, and something else that also makes him happy and after that come with a renewed purpose and fix the technical issues and prepare for worlds, if that means that he needs a minor competition to get there then he can do it. He was fourth in world last year so we know can do well at this he just needs to figure out what he needs to do to get there.
My only hope is that it's his decision to go to Worlds. If he feels he needs the rest of the season off, I think that is fine. If he goes to a senior B and skates confidently then that's great too. I just hope the French Federation doesn't put too much pressure on him either way.

Baron Vladimir

Record Breaker
Dec 18, 2014
I think, watching Kevin from his junior days, he somehow became a skater who wants to drag attention, by skating clean and giving a performance, or having a disaster... I presume he is aware he can never be on the top - with his jumping ability, and what is left to be in a center of attention is what we witnessed here... ;)
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el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
I think, watching Kevin from his junior days, he somehow became a skater who wants to drag attention, by skating clean and giving a performance, or having a disaster... I presume he is aware he can never be on the top - with his jumping ability, but he wants to be in a center of attention, and with this skating he obviously succeeded in it... ;)

I think, watching Kévin from the first days he entered juniors, he is a hard working and humble skater dedicated to his craft. Also based on listening to his interviews in French and English. (which I will admit, his accent is not the easiest to understand for an Anglophone) and reading all that I can, in English and French, he loves bringing pleasure to those who watch him.

All the folderol and fiddle dee dee about "seeking attention" requires the Vulcan mind meld. Which to my knowledge, no human has yet mastered.:laugh:

Baron Vladimir

Record Breaker
Dec 18, 2014
I think, watching Kévin from the first days he entered juniors, he is a hard working and humble skater dedicated to his craft. Also based on listening to his interviews in French and English. (which I will admit, his accent is not the easiest to understand for an Anglophone) and reading all that I can, in English and French, He loves bringing pleasure to those who watch him.

All the folderol and fiddle dee dee about "seeking attention" requires the Vulcan mind meld. Which to my knowledge, no human has yet mastered.:laugh:
It is not about seeking attention, but seeking popularity... By your sports ability, or otherwise... And he is not the first and the last for that matter, especially not in the figure skating or other sports where the athletes earn that kind of money for their sports achievements...

el henry

Go have some cake. And come back with jollity.
Record Breaker
Mar 3, 2014
It is not about seeking attention, but seeking popularity... By your sports ability, or otherwise... And he is not the first and the last for that matter...

You originally used the phrase "Seeking attention", which is not "Seeking popularity". And skating poorly has nothing to do with "seeking attention". Until or unless Mr. Spock and/or Tuvok meet Kévin and tell me differently, that is simply folderol:biggrin:

Every skater in the history of the sport seeks popularity that's true. ETA: By skating well and endearing themselves to fans,

Certainly not unique.


It's Oka ShinnosuSLAY Season!
Record Breaker
Dec 8, 2020
I think, watching Kevin from his junior days, he somehow became a skater who wants to drag attention, by skating clean and giving a performance, or having a disaster... He just wants attention, because he is aware he can never be on the top - with his jumping ability certainly not...
Not to call you out directly, but I've seen many a person flaunt this theory, and it really upsets me. If this is the case, why would he skip the mixed zone? Wouldn't he want to share a sob story to the media? No, in reality no athlete wants to have that kind of performance ever. No one's sitting around thinking "I know how to get attention! I'm going to completely bomb three skates in a row! That sounds fun!" Kevin is a fan favorite who has gotten good results. He medalled at two GP events this season and medalled at the Final in years previous. He doesn't need more attention or publicity or results - he has achieved all of those. And while some will say his skating through his program is a further cry for attention, competing is an indescribable beast. It's incredibly hard to manage competition nerves and turn around from a hard skate. I am upset that he did not commit to the rest of the program, but I also empathize with how hard his situation is and how he was probably feeling in the moment. There is so much that goes into competing and performing at this level, and no athlete will put in all of that work, money, time, and care to finish second-to-last at a major championship on purpose. No one.
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Baron Vladimir

Record Breaker
Dec 18, 2014
You originally used the phrase "Seeking attention", which is not "Seeking popularity". And skating poorly has nothing to do with "seeking attention". Until or unless Mr. Spock and/or Tuvok meet Kévin and tell me differently, that is simply folderol:biggrin:

Every skater in the history of the sport seeks popularity that's true. Certainly not unique.
I used the phrase to draw attention (instead of seeking attention), which for me, non Anglophone born speaker, means seeking popularity...


On the Ice
Jan 5, 2014
It is not about seeking attention, but seeking popularity... By your sports ability, or otherwise... And he is not the first and the last for that matter, especially not in the figure skating or other sports where the athletes earn that kind of money for their achievements...
It is only your interpretation. So that part is ok/fine- where else we are going to express our opinions after or during competition (and much more in the heat of competition) if not here? However, you are going too far taking your interpretation as a truth and defending it as a truth itself. It is not truth. It is your subjective opinion.

And thank you el henry for your post.

Baron Vladimir

Record Breaker
Dec 18, 2014
Kevin is already popular. He doesn't need or want a horrible skate to get attention.
Well, i watched his performance again, and it really looked to me as he purposely messed his spin to look even worse than it is, because i can even make a better spin than that... Whatever it is, my first and second impression by watching him is that he is trolling us... But maybe Im too optimistic :biggrin:
Edit - What you all suggesting is that he is in a much worse state of mind currently. But I am looking at him as Surya Bonaly type of a skater - lets play and make a noise, no matter what judges say and what the results are...
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Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
Not the best skated event. No surprise about Adam. And the also rans. Even in Russia's weakest even you can feel they are missed But I have to mention Kevin Aymoz. What a disaster. I am wondering what is wrong but he was given every opportunity and now he has lost his chance to go to worlds. Maybe he will retire and do shows but this was not good for him, for France or the world. What a nightmare. Adam does not have the huge lead I expected still the top few men are clearly above the rest.


Long live the Queen and her successors
Record Breaker
Mar 22, 2018
Well I fell asleep during Deniss's skate and now we have a dumpster fire... I had a sneaking suspicion that M. Aymoz may not make it to the free but did not expect a skate that leads to mental health/'attention-seeking' speculations. I will skip him when I catch up with the last group

Seven Sisters

Jul 17, 2018
Well I fell asleep during Deniss's skate and now we have a dumpster fire... I had a sneaking suspicion that M. Aymoz may not make it to the free but did not expect a skate that leads to mental health/'attention-seeking' speculations. I will skip him when I catch up with the last group
Do check out Lukas B, though, as he is In the Mood for Love :)


On the Ice
Apr 18, 2022
Not the best skated event. No surprise about Adam. And the also rans. Even in Russia's weakest even you can feel they are missed But I have to mention Kevin Aymoz. What a disaster. I am wondering what is wrong but he was given every opportunity and now he has lost his chance to go to worlds. Maybe he will retire and do shows but this was not good for him, for France or the world. What a nightmare. Adam does not have the huge lead I expected still the top few men are clearly above the rest.
Could we please stop the doom and gloom posts about the state Kevin Aymoz's career here. He has had a bad month pure and simple. There is nothing from the French Federation or anybody else for that matter about him losing his spot for worlds. I hope by worlds this is a bad memory. Kevin does not need to retire just because he has had this rough patch. Most skaters go though this at least once their career. He just needs to do what is best for him,I do not think retirement is in the picture yet, and if wants to skip worlds this year to focus on his issues that is his right. I do not think that he will skip but who knows. I think he needs to short break and deal with what is causing this and come back with his head in a better place than now. He has 8 weeks roughly to get ready for worlds i think by then he will do better because he will have enough time to process what happened this month and focus on being the best he can at worlds which is the most important competition of the year.


Jan 11, 2014
OK, a happier topic than Kevin … Deniss’ hair! I know he’s had it shorter for a couple competitions, but this latest cut is a work of art! It flies around through jumps and spins and then settles perfectly in place.

Though i must confess that i slightly miss his “messy bun” …


Record Breaker
Dec 7, 2022
Obviously I can't. But unappropriate? So what shall I do? Turn a blind eye on? I've seen a lot of mental health issues in my day, the worst thing to do is to NOT acknowledge it.
Mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed of. But in certain circles it seems to be 'unappropriate' to address them. Which is part of the problem.
We care about the skater here, not what is appropriate or not...

By not appropriate I meant the statement that it's the worst to have and there's nothing worse than having it in front of everyone to see. And now you say it's nothing to be ashamed of.

It's one thing to speculate he's having psychological issues which keep him from having a stable competition - it's still speculation, but that's fine for me, it looks like that and I also speculate. Forums are there for discussion. "Mental health issues" however, as far as I know English, has a different nuance and is also pretty out of place to speculate about imo.


Sep 16, 2023
I haven't read anything else just my thoughts.

Adam got a -1 from two judges for that 4Lz with two hands on the ground, and -2 almost across the board. Wow.

Nika for his popped 3S with the step out got a bigger deduction. It's better to maintain your balance by putting two hands to the ground than switching feet.

Adam a lot of prerotation on the 3A it's close to a backwards jump. 5/9 gave +3 :shrug:

Denis quite lucky with 42 for PCS, he cheated on every jump element. Thankfully they called the underrotation on the quad and combo, but should have got dinged with a q on the 3A. I don't know how they missed that. I don't agree with 42 when he effectively failed on every jump element.

I think Lukas should have got an unclear edge at the very least on the lutz, massive prerotation and and flat blade on the 3T. Overall a good performance compared to everything else I watched.

Aleksandr Selevko the star performer. Probably could have got dinged on the 3T, but the officials were quite lenient compared to the skating I usually watch. All is fair. Really memorable performance.

I hope Kevin is okay. I hope all is well in the locker room.

Skater Boy

Record Breaker
Feb 24, 2012
Could we please stop the doom and gloom posts about the state Kevin Aymoz's career here. He has had a bad month pure and simple. There is nothing from the French Federation or anybody else for that matter about him losing his spot for worlds. I hope by worlds this is a bad memory. Kevin does not need to retire just because he has had this rough patch. Most skaters go though this at least once their career. He just needs to do what is best for him,I do not think retirement is in the picture yet, and if wants to skip worlds this year to focus on his issues that is his right. I do not think that he will skip but who knows. I think he needs to short break and deal with what is causing this and come back with his head in a better place than now. He has 8 weeks roughly to get ready for worlds i think by then he will do better because he will have enough time to process what happened this month and focus on being the best he can at worlds which is the most important competition of the year.
Does this means France intends to send him to Worlds? Well I guess a cat has nine lives. I wish him well. And unlike some I do not think he is doing this for attention seeking reasons. I do hope whatever the issue is he can deal with it and move on.