there is a huge difference, IMO, from an individual Russian who skates with someone from that country for that particular country, and pairs imported whole cloth. Many of the individual "imports" end up staying and becoming citizens or residents. Only a few countries allow the whole cloth imports.TBH, without the recruited Russians the pairs discipline would be boring right now: Volodin, Golubeva, Efimova, Korovin, Parkman, the Hungarians, the Uzbeks, the Georgians...all challenging for spots and keeping everybody else on their toes.
I don't miss Russian pairs and I don't find the individual pairings to be "Russian", not that I know what that is.
But this event was messy. I found the Uzbekis to be less interesting with their FS, and I wish Deanna and Maxime would stop testing my patience by selecting the oddest music. I can put up with mistakes because I know Deanna will not put up with them for long.
Queen Deanna's costumes, however, are simply gorgeous