Are you willing to bet on E. Medvedeva? | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Are you willing to bet on E. Medvedeva?


Final Flight
Nov 23, 2014
I think Anna is amazing but I see very little emotion or expression. Scott Hamilton always said. Comp or exhibition get the crowd on their feet.
I like Anna's skating and she's stunning. I like her dresses. But she leaves me cold. Her skating is to be watched and admired. So far she doesn't draw me in the way Julia did or zhenya who seems so fresh at every skate. But a lot must be said for Anna. If she perhaps chooses music and choreography that lets her personality show maybe people - and judges are people -will like her more. It's so subjective- who ever knows what will grab us and make us really pay attention. She is already a world bronze medalist. She's surely in the top of the mix.

She has emotions and great presentation energy (Worlds SP for example), she just gets too tight to overcome the nervousness and stress. It will require more experience, but it is learnable, she just needs to get more consistent with clean skates, then she would be able to relax. When Anna is on she gets crowd on their feet better than let's say Gracie.
Btw. Anna's exhibitions are simply the best of Russian ladies. Here she is totally on the emotionally connected side.
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Record Breaker
Aug 31, 2014
Will she repeat next year barring injury with a growth spurt or more weight?

I really don't know. But Evgenia seems to be the most all-around skater (IMO) in the Russian team right now. And her reputation of being World Champion, GPF Champion, European Champion, National Champion, and WR holder will boost up her scores by quite a lot next season.

I think she could repeat as World Champion, but we will need to see if the technique and the tanos stay with her.

Do you think she deserves the best ever scores?

Big no here. People talk about her high PCS (which I agree with), but I also think her TES is too high at the moment. The lutz edge is not good, and some of the jumps look muscled throughout (some posture issues). As for PCS, I guess Evgenia should be getting a high score for transitions, but that's really all to it. My top 3 this past season in PCS were Mao, Ashley, and Satoko. For me, the first two are the only ones who really deserve to surpass 34.5 and 70 in PCS, while Satoko should be pretty close to that.

Is she already equal to Yuna Kim's pcs?

No. Evgenia is an artistic skater (and the most artistic out of the Russians), but her performance quality does not match Yuna's (yet, at least). Again, her transitions mark should be a bit higher, but that's it.

Will she win the Olympics?

I think she has a pretty good chance. If she can keep up the consistency then she'll continue to get even higher scores.

Only one question. Will Korea applaud the Russian ladies after their upset at Yuna winning silver? I'd like to hear from the Korean fans on board how they feel the Usually very nice Korean Audiences will respond to Russian dominance now in ladies- a fair question yes?

I think it depends on who the Russian is. I'll put my honest answers as a Korean myself:
Adelina - She is really well-known in Korea by now. I think they won't like it if she makes it onto the podium.
Evgenia - Based on comments I find on the internet, they don't seem to have a big amount of hate for her. I remember seeing a comment on Evgenia's 2016 Worlds video saying that it's better that she has the WR rather than Adelina. But she also beat Yuna's WR, and I don't know what they think of that.
Elena - She's popular in Korea since she skated in two shows there. If she makes it onto the podium they'll probably applaud for her very loudly. :cheer:
Yulia - I really don't know.
Liza - Same as above.
Anna - Same as above.

And lastly who is her biggest competition amongst the Russian ladies right now? Who can steal her thunder? And stop the tanoing please Evgenia even though I kinda love her already!!!

If Anna puts a bit more passion and soul (yes, I know it sounds cheesy :biggrin:) into her competitive performances and also becomes more consistent, I think she'll be able to have a chance against Evgenia. And Anna is capable of making a program exciting too. Look at 2016 Worlds SP, where she even got higher PCS than Evgenia. If she could perform like that more, it would be good.
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Record Breaker
Nov 2, 2013
Yuna's PCS have historically been rather overrated, mostly because she is very beautiful and also has a beautiful body.

Her skating for instance has been rather simple, Medvedeva's has been far more varied. Yuna has so, so many more simple crossovers, this isn't even a case of opinion. Just watch their performances and jot down the amount of seconds each skater has simple crossovers, I wouldn't be surprised if Yuna had 10x what Medvedeva does.

As for the other questions:

1. Not repeat but I'm predicting that she will improve. Repeating depends on others. She might not be as consistent throughout the entire season, however.

2. Yes.

3. Addressed.

4. Yes.
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Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
I'm putting my money on Evgenia. She has had two amazing seasons, junior and senior. If she experiences some physical changes, she has time to adjust before 2018. She should only get better on her p/e and i.


Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2016
I think she's bound to have some setbacks in the future but I am convinced that she will not have any major regress. As for those comparing her to another wonder kid - Lipnitskaya ... Zhenya was already older and more developed physically when made a splash. I think that judges overvalue her skating and those scores, especially PCS are over the top even despite her domination and being the strongest right now. 9,0 for SS feels nauseating. Vs Yuna? I think that she had her own inflation to her scores but she was much more complete skater than Medvedeva. As for Pyeongchang? I see her in Olympic team but there are too many variables that include new up-and-coming competitors like Tsurskaya to predict any placement. I would be surprised if Russian lady (whichever) won't win Olympics, it would not be any shock if they sweep that whole podium. In the last Olympic events there were very young ladies since Lillehammer - younger than Zhenya in 2018 who were winning there bar Torino. She did not win me over yet as I dislike excessive tano jumps with bent elbow and her style is not my cup of tea but talent, grit, good training and poise is there.
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All Hail the Queen
Record Breaker
Oct 31, 2014
Nope, not even a penny because she is not that good.
She is not even the best in the current field.

My money will go to Polina Tsurskaya, a true Russian phenom.


Record Breaker
Sep 8, 2014
Evgenia apparently has an overly talkative grandmother who mentioned that Evgenia has endocrine problems of some sort. This makes it that much harder to predict what would or wouldn't happen to her.
Oh my ... grandmothers. This might sound ugly, but some endocrine problems can be advantageous and athletes are allowed to take medication if they're not. She's still very thin and if she can maintain her weight easily it's clearly an advantage that she might have naturally.

I think that Evgenia will do very well next season if she's able to keep her weight down. If she gains weight she'll need a couple of season to adjust, but I think she will eventually come back strong at some point.
I don't really mind those scores, you can't compare them anyway. Her programs are a bit bland, but charming and I can see why she was the no. 1 skater this season.
But I don't think that we should compare Evgenia's to Yuna's programs, because we're talking about a different generation of skaters. Evgenia's programs are very busy and that's because she's grown up in the CoP era. That's what brings the points nowadays, but Evgenias SS, TR etc. really are very good. But it could be something more, like Yuna, but Yuna's programs weren't that busy. For me the question is: could a 17 year old Yuna set the standard nowdays? I think yes, she definitely could. Will Evgenia set the standard for years to come? We'll see. Most probably not, because it's so difficult but figure skating could need a new female superstar. And if I'd have to bet now I'd bet on Anna and on Evgenia.


Record Breaker
Apr 9, 2016
Yes, this is what Evgenia's grandmother implied, that her problem should help her cope with puberty better. It does sound a bit creepy coming from a close relative.


Record Breaker
Apr 9, 2016
Sure it's internet gossip, but the grandmother is the one who started it. She used to be active in skating-related Internet communities. Make what you want of it, anyway.


Apr 23, 2014
For what concerns the Korean audience I wouldn't worry: fans look so dedicated (in fact I expect excellent practice and boards coverage for next 4cc and OWG:yahoo:), and I'm sure there will be a lot of support for every skater since Koreans don't have any major contenders. I'm sure all the hate towards Adelina was from few people who didn't know how to better spend their time....2015 4cc had a small but perfectly okay audience, there was that small banner saying ''ISU needs reform'' or something similar, but that is honestly the truth and definitely not disrespectful towards skaters (and let's be real it was also hilarious)


Record Breaker
Aug 31, 2003
I had a female friend in college who had 'endocrine problems'. When I first met her in freshman year, she was 5'3" and really thin, and could eat anything she wanted without gaining an ounce of weight. Then, in the second half of sophomore year when she was 19, she gained 25 lbs in about a 2-month period and developed severe acne. No matter how she dieted or exercised, she couldn't get the weight off. It was almost as if she went through a second, late stage of puberty.

As for Medvedeva: She won't have to compete against a mature Tsurskaya until the Olympic year. If Medved does develop 'growing pains', she might find herself eclipsed by the new whiz kid.


The Last One Degree
Jan 28, 2014
Will she repeat next year barring injury with a growth spurt or more weight?
Too early to tell. But I wish her all the best.

Do you think she deserves the best ever scores?
No. Definitely not. Both her technical elements and presentation aren't significantly better than the others. And very far from Yuna. The best quality Evgenia has and what brought her BIG success is her consistency and nerves of steel, much like Yuna. And she seems to be enjoying what she does.

Is she already equal to Yuna Kim's pcs?
No. She has much to improve in several PCS categories. Her transition are great. But in other things like SS, Satoko stands out more (of course, Mao and Gracie). In Russian ladies, Anna has much better SS.

Will she win the Olympics?
Too early to tell. There are many other talented Russians. I think Mao and Gracie will come back strong in the Olympic season. Honestly, anything could happen. Maybe some other wonder kid who is unknown right now will win. No one knows.

Only one question. Will Korea applaud the Russian ladies after their upset at Yuna winning silver? I'd like to hear from the Korean fans on board how they feel the Usually very nice Korean Audiences will respond to Russian dominance now in ladies- a fair question yes?
Yes. Korean audience had shown much appreciation for Russian skaters at ATS shows. I would think that those who bash and cyberbully Russian skaters online won't be putting much effort into watching the Games live because Yuna won't compete and S. Korea doesn't have a strong contender as of the moment.

And lastly who is her biggest competition amongst the Russian ladies right now? Who can steal her thunder? And stop the tanoing please Evgenia even though I kinda love her already!!!
Polina Tsurskaya. Girl has huuuuuuge jumps. If she works on her PC, she'll be a big threat to anyone in the ladies field.


Apr 4, 2016
ill she repeat next year barring injury with a growth spurt or more weight?
I would be very surprised if she repeats next year. There was no pressure this year and we know how that's effected skaters in the past. Can't say about a growth spurt.

Do you think she deserves the best ever scores?
No I don't.

Is she already equal to Yuna Kim's pcs?
If she is, IMO she shouldn't be. Yuna Kim was far more graceful and was the whole package. I think Evgenia is very technical but her skating isn't nearly as polished.

Will she win the Olympics?
I don't think she'll win the Olympics. With the strength of women skaters right now I think it's going to be whoever skates the best. And that could be any of them

Only one question. Will Korea applaud the Russian ladies after their upset at Yuna winning silver? I'd like to hear from the Korean fans on board how they feel the Usually very nice Korean Audiences will respond to Russian dominance now in ladies- a fair question yes?

Sadly, who knows about other countries. I would like to think that any country would applaud a good skate - no matter who skates it or what country they're from. I believe that's called good sportsmanship

And lastly who is her biggest competition amongst the Russian ladies right now? Who can steal her thunder? And stop the tanoing please Evgenia even though I kinda love her already!!!
This may be heresy, but I would dearly love Lip to come back and smoke them all

I agree with everything you said! I am over here rooting for Lipintskaya as well. I don't think Evgenia is quite as polished as everyone seems to say, she doesn't feel the music like Yuna did, every facial expression seems coreographed to me.


Apr 4, 2016
The idea that she somehow has a fast metabolism is soothing (to me). She likes chocolate. ;) And no frightening Lipnitskaya-like stories ...

Endocrine problems are not ever good, overly fast metabolisms can cause backlash on your body in the future with your metabolism slowing to a turtle speed! Fast metabolisms due to endocrine disorders can also case havok in your body if you don't eat right, they suck protien from your muscles and calcium from your bones. While hers might be mild, you never know what could strike.

I've lived this stuff, it can seem cool but there comes a point where it is very negative.


Final Flight
May 4, 2015
Baring a huge growth spurt or a fast figure change, I see no reason why Evgenia wouldn't repeat in the coming season or the one after that.

I think that she had interesting and artistically demanding programs this season, and that she has expressed them marvelously. So, yes, IMO, she deserves 9s for interpretation, choreography and performance. TBH I also have strong suspicions that had she been American, this question wouldn't even have been asked on this forum.

Could some other Russian challenge her? In two seasons lots of things can happen. Russia has a very deep talent pool in ladies skating in both seniors and juniors who might be skating in seniors by 2018. I truly wish we could see them all at Olympics, and it wouldn't have upset me at all, if they placed 1-10. Or Japanese men. Or Chinese pairs. I hate quotas because they make WCs and OGs not truly representative of the best in the world. It can also make skaters retire from the sport before they've fulfilled their potential, thus making the sport poorer.


On the Ice
Nov 30, 2015
She has emotions and great presentation energy (Worlds SP for example), she just gets too tight to overcome the nervousness and stress. It will require more experience, but it is learnable, she just needs to get more consistent with clean skates, then she would be able to relax. When Anna is on she gets crowd on their feet better than let's say Gracie.
Btw. Anna's exhibitions are simply the best of Russian ladies. Here she is totally on the emotionally connected side.

I was so happy to see Anna pull herself together at Worlds. She's only 17, so she's still got a lot of years ahead of her to develop artistry. If feel like she's been largely ignored because of all the young Russian wonder kids. That being said, I did not like her exhibition, although it was certainly emotional. I loved Elena Radionova's exhibition at WTCC.

I like Gracie's skating and she can get a crowd going, but she also tends to be nervous and stiff and not let herself go.


Record Breaker
Aug 17, 2003
Evgenia has the most important thing of all--consistency. She also has that rare competitive "sang-froid." I recently re-watched her World's short program and was pretty impressed that, after she missed her 3F-3T combo, she was able to tack a 3T onto the end of her 3Loop, way at the end of the program. In fact, I found that pretty amazing. I first saw videos of her as a junior and was impressed from the start. I think she is the real deal. If betting is the issue, I sure wouldn't bet on anyone else.