camerawork at worlds | Golden Skate

camerawork at worlds


Feb 16, 2010
Hello everyone,

I'm a long-time lurker here on Golden Skate and I've been quietly reading along for many years, enjoying all the news, discussions and competition threads.

But there is one thing that's been annoying me greatly in the past year and I really would like to at least try and affect some change. If there is already a thread on this issue, I apologise for overlooking it but I couldn't find one.

The camerawork at this worlds is absolutely terrible in my eyes:

High angle shots throughout many sections of each programme, particularly in the step sequences but also a lot of times during jumping passses.
I feel like in these shots the skaters only make up 5% of the screen, keeping the audience from enjoying the details of the footwork and expression on the skaters' faces. It's not only the footwork, the height and distance of jumping passes is completely lost when we can only see the skaters from far and beyond. With this kind of camerawork it feels like I'm watching a low-quality fancam version of each programme and not a TV broadcast.

What's discomforting is the fact that this seems to some kind of artistic trend since worlds in Helsinki last year also had these terrible spidercam shots most of the time and we could observe the same camerawork at Pyeongchang (though luckily not as often as here in Milan).

I don't just want to rant, I would like to ask if any of you know who to adress about this kind of camerawork? I've been watching Eurosport throughout but I'm fairly certain that almost every channel broadcasting figure skating receives the same footage (with the exception of NBC perhaps). Is the ISU responsible for the broadcasted footage? Do they install the TV cameras and edit the live footage in some sort of ISU owned TV room?
Or is it actually Eurosport that is responsible for the filming and editing after all?

I would really appreciate some information on this whole procress because I would like to send an E-Mail (or at least some tweets or a facebook message) to those responsible and tell them to stop this nonsense at once and stick to good old-fashioned camera angles which show us the fullness of each programme and allow us to actually see what's happening on the ice.

(Apologies for any spelling mistakes or strange expressions. English is not my first language)


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
Hello everyone,

I'm a long-time lurker here on Golden Skate and I've been quietly reading along for many years, enjoying all the news, discussions and competition threads.

But there is one thing that's been annoying me greatly in the past year and I really would like to at least try and affect some change. If there is already a thread on this issue, I apologise for overlooking it but I couldn't find one.

The camerawork at this worlds is absolutely terrible in my eyes:

High angle shots throughout many sections of each programme, particularly in the step sequences but also a lot of times during jumping passses.
I feel like in these shots the skaters only make up 5% of the screen, keeping the audience from enjoying the details of the footwork and expression on the skaters' faces. It's not only the footwork, the height and distance of jumping passes is completely lost when we can only see the skaters from far and beyond. With this kind of camerawork it feels like I'm watching a low-quality fancam version of each programme and not a TV broadcast.

What's discomforting is the fact that this seems to some kind of artistic trend since worlds in Helsinki last year also had these terrible spidercam shots most of the time and we could observe the same camerawork at Pyeongchang (though luckily not as often as here in Milan).

I don't just want to rant, I would like to ask if any of you know who to adress about this kind of camerawork? I've been watching Eurosport throughout but I'm fairly certain that almost every channel broadcasting figure skating receives the same footage (with the exception of NBC perhaps). Is the ISU responsible for the broadcasted footage? Do they install the TV cameras and edit the live footage in some sort of ISU owned TV room?
Or is it actually Eurosport that is responsible for the filming and editing after all?

I would really appreciate some information on this whole procress because I would like to send an E-Mail (or at least some tweets or a facebook message) to those responsible and tell them to stop this nonsense at once and stick to good old-fashioned camera angles which show us the fullness of each programme and allow us to actually see what's happening on the ice.

(Apologies for any spelling mistakes or strange expressions. English is not my first language)

Well, I will stand up with you. I havent read a single thread because of time issues but I did get to watch the ladies short....was it last year's video switching that was sooooooo bad? Well, the person is back.
As many of you event attendees know, there are maybe 6 cameras at floor level, up high, flying foxes, etc. I am surprised there are not drones. Every camera person follows the skater. There is one person in a control room who watches
all the video screens for all the cameras, and determines which camera is used for the feed at any given moment. (This is simplistic but basically true)
Usually, this person is experienced with skating broadcasts and is chosen for their skill. Its not an easy job but we have all seen it done and done well.
This maniac is litterally making my wife and I sick.....For some reason, they think we need to see a view from row 25 about 10 percent of the time...and not at good times. I am looking into Italian law about self defense with tar and far I have found nothing against it. Can no one see what is going on and how bad it really is??????? Why dont they do something? Anyone here speak Italian????? If nothing else, Caro fans there should be making a stink.....:noshake:


On the Ice
Mar 30, 2016
The Russians always do the best camerawork, including brilliant shots of coaches, fans. watching competitors, etc.

Ice Diva

On the Ice
Sep 10, 2012
Well, I will stand up with you. I havent read a single thread because of time issues but I did get to watch the ladies short....was it last year's video switching that was sooooooo bad? Well, the person is back.
As many of you event attendees know, there are maybe 6 cameras at floor level, up high, flying foxes, etc. I am surprised there are not drones. Every camera person follows the skater. There is one person in a control room who watches
all the video screens for all the cameras, and determines which camera is used for the feed at any given moment. (This is simplistic but basically true)
Usually, this person is experienced with skating broadcasts and is chosen for their skill. Its not an easy job but we have all seen it done and done well.
This maniac is litterally making my wife and I sick.....For some reason, they think we need to see a view from row 25 about 10 percent of the time...and not at good times. I am looking into Italian law about self defense with tar and far I have found nothing against it. Can no one see what is going on and how bad it really is??????? Why dont they do something? Anyone here speak Italian????? If nothing else, Caro fans there should be making a stink.....:noshake:

Absolutely someone should make a stink. First it was the atrocious camera/video edits at the Olympics. Then, as if it couldn't get any worse, the Worlds - abysmal! Surely the ISU should have some input? What's the use of watching figure skating when the performer is like an ant on the ice! Certainly doesn't entice new fans. Russia, Canada & US are good as they are used to filming and editing hockey games. I think Helsinki was good too?


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
Absolutely someone should make a stink. First it was the atrocious camera/video edits at the Olympics. Then, as if it couldn't get any worse, the Worlds - abysmal! Surely the ISU should have some input? What's the use of watching figure skating when the performer is like an ant on the ice! Certainly doesn't entice new fans. Russia, Canada & US are good as they are used to filming and editing hockey games. I think Helsinki was good too?

It will be very interesting to see the NBC three hour recap on what? April 8th? Are they stuck with this garbage camera work and editing? Or are all the camera video feeds saved? Will they comment on this? Imagine if your network paid money for a feed so bad that it looks like a bunch of 8th graders did it. Watching the ladies FS tonight, I have to say that the individual camera work was very poor. Of course, I am not privy to what each camera saw at each moment but the zoom and framing of the skaters was just as poor as the camera selection. Maybe no one in Italia has an experience in this sport.... :confused2:


Record Breaker
Dec 4, 2004
The Russians always do the best camerawork, including brilliant shots of coaches, fans. watching competitors, etc.

I am beginning to think that in this type of broadcasting, experience is very important and Russia certainly has camera people with skating coverage experience.


Mar 23, 2018
it’s not easy choosing footages during a live event, but at least the contoller should have a cheat sheet of the expected moments when elements need to be zoomed into and from what angle.


Record Breaker
Jan 10, 2014
I didn't like the overhead view from the cheap seats we got during so many programs.

I want to watch videos so I can see the details of the skate on ice level.


Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2013
I am appalled by what I call "unprofessional" camera work. That birds's eye view in Helsinki worlds gets the first place for idiotic ideas. Recording in Olympics was uninspired and looked like the camera man had never watched figure skating, but was trying to do his best. Now in Milano, we, again have to struggle with bad video recording. The idea to zoom out in step sequence is so wrong. Camera angles for jumps is critical. May be use a perfect shot in replays, if not live. I notice this epidemic problem for a couple of years. Are we getting more stupid as time passes? Idiocracy live!


Record Breaker
Nov 2, 2013
Camera work in all the major competitions has been terrible. Just have one single camera, where the judges are. They always perform the most important things towards that direction. Then zoom in enough that the skater covers most of the screen but so that you still can see every single part of the skater. It's really not that hard. 0 budget Russian locals can do this without failure so why do these competitions feel the need to cut to a far away sky camera at the time of a jump? So annoying.


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I agree, the camera work looked OK at the beginning, then got gradually worse, or at least that's the impression I got - it could have just been my growing annoyance. An occasional view from above to see ice coverage - OK. But during lifts, jumps and spins?! SMH. The camera at the gala was the worst, as they also added way too many face shots during elements, and was it me or was there a deliberately shaky camera during some exhibitions, such as Misha's? If so, terrible idea. As if those flashing lights aren't enough. Are they aware there are people who are sensitive to this kind of jerky flashy images, because of health issues? Someone should stop these 'innovative' camera guys. This isn't a movie festival, it's a sport coverage.


Final Flight
Feb 1, 2004
I believe there was only one set of cameras at Worlds. Therefore we will see the world feed on the NBC broadcast. At Olympics there were at least 3 sets of cameras - one was NBC's. We talked to one of the camera people at Nationals and he was going to Korea.

It all depends on the director. Many years ago we used to watch Doug Wilson prepare at every practice session. He would plan his camera shots for all the skaters. Sometimes he even talked with a skater about small things (like which way to face when the program ended) so it appeared better on TV. He was a believer in the "Fred Astaire" school of camera work - hands and feet in every shot. We never see that attention to detail anymore. Of course Doug Wilson won Emmy awards for his work too.

This is my favorite commentary on camera work for this season - I hope it will be ok to post it. It's really good, but I never know on Goldenskate.

Ice Diva

On the Ice
Sep 10, 2012
I agree, the camera work looked OK at the beginning, then got gradually worse, or at least that's the impression I got - it could have just been my growing annoyance. An occasional view from above to see ice coverage - OK. But during lifts, jumps and spins?! SMH. The camera at the gala was the worst, as they also added way too many face shots during elements, and was it me or was there a deliberately shaky camera during some exhibitions, such as Misha's? If so, terrible idea. As if those flashing lights aren't enough. Are they aware there are people who are sensitive to this kind of jerky flashy images, because of health issues? Someone should stop these 'innovative' camera guys. This isn't a movie festival, it's a sport coverage.

Yes, the Gala was definitely the icing on the cake in terms of horrendous camera work. Those shots of a torso, a hand, head and shoulders, skates, out of focus, of the ceiling, of nothing at all :gaah: -- had that cameraman had one too many grappa before getting behind the camera or just a warped sense of humour? It's inexcusable. I wonder if various competitions are using inexperienced camera people, trying to cut costs or something? Not framing the skaters properly, shooting from the wrong angle, completely ruins the audience's experience of such a beautiful sport.

I'm writing to the ISU. I urge others to do so too.


Mar 29, 2009
Can we also complain about all the videos being pulled because of Fuji? tv copyright? In this day and age how is the sport supposed to attract new fans when they can't access performances on youtube? And how can one TV network pull video of another? I don't understand. Just know that I hate it.


Mar 6, 2004
Thank you Laure for starting this thread. I agree that the camerawork in the past few seasons has sadly been getting worse rather than better. I believe that it was Debbi Wilkes, Canadian Olympic medalist and long time broadcaster that said in her book that figure skating was first shown on tv over fifty years ago because it was so easy to film, especially in relation to the fast pace of hockey. My plea to the camera crew/ decision makers: Keep the entire skater centered in the screen from start to finish, done. It's not a video game. It's a judged sport where what the skater is doing with their feet is critical. Show us a ringside view- essentially, show us what the judges see. No overheads or 'back of the arena' views. Simple.


Feb 18, 2014
Good - something needs to be said. I would think with the amount they charge for tickets at Worlds, the powers that be could afford someone professional operating the camera.

Even though it didn't spoil my overall viewing of the event, it was during men's free and ice dance free that it struck me that this was unusually bad camerawork, really not acceptable.

I actually do not recall any bad camerawork during the Olympics, though. I can't commit on Helsinki because I was actually there and did not see many replays.

I recall in the past, the camerawork was so bad at one event that it kept doing close-ups of the skater's legs during spins. C'MON, that detracts so much from the overall effect, you need to SEE the entire body position!

Please note: I sent a complaint to Eurosport about the Australian woman who kept talking during the performances at the Olympics. They responded REALLY quickly and said that they hoped it hadn't spoiled my viewing. I thought that was good customer service. OK they weren't gonna replace her but the fact that they responded like that meant a lot.

Maybe if an email was sent to Eurosport it would be passed on to the responsible party?


Final Flight
Feb 1, 2004
Just so everyone is on the same page.

The fault for bad viewing/camera work/video - lies 100% with the director. He decides all the camera shots and what they will look like.

If you want to complain, write to the Italian network - I don't know who that is. You could also find out who the director was and complain directly to him. That would be the most likely way to effect change.

Next year World's are in Japan. I assume NHK will be the network that provides the world feed. Start sending emails and letters now about the quality of the video. I have seen things change if complaints get to the right person. Although, I will say that NHK usually does a pretty good job.


Record Breaker
Feb 22, 2016
Well, at least better than last year....:slink:

Last year there were moments in which they were losing skaters from their view ... completely and long time frames of skaters visible just from the torso up :slink: In Ice Dance it was the most infuriating.