Congratulations Canada!!! | Page 2 | Golden Skate

Congratulations Canada!!!


Feb 11, 2006
Congratulations to Canada from Sweden!

Congratulations to Jeffrey Buttle and Canada!!! What a skater, what a performance, what artistry, what a guy!!!!! Talk about having it all! The Swedish commentators were ecstatic and so was I - you people in Canada must be over the moon right now and I wish I could watch your TV and read your newspapers - this is HUGE!

And all of this from the guy who - in spite of his superb artistry - usually is the one wobbling when the heat is on - tonight the shoe (or skate!) was on the other foot, however, and it was the OTHER skaters wobbling while Jeffrey was solid as a rock! I am simply delighted and so happy for him - a true artist is world champion (and it doesn't hurt that he's simply adorable)!

And the rest of your skaters aren't exactly hay either........the delightful pair skaters, the lovely ice dancers and Joannie Rochette - come to think of it, Canada's got the best skating team in the world right now, isn't that so?!

Again, what a day (and week!) for Canada!


Final Flight
Sep 1, 2007
The Canadian team in Sweden was FANTASTIC!!!!! They surpased every expectation that I had for them. I guess I always knew this team of skaters had potential, but I never expected this.:clap: I've had a smile on my face all week. Jessica and Bryce were fantastic, having what were IMO the best skates of their career so far. Then Tessa and Scott came back from a messy OD to be absolutely brilliant in the FD and win the portion and the silver medal! And then Jeff! Wow! He blew away the field with two completely clean beautiful skates, something I haven't seen him do, ever. It was an amazing week. Congratulations to the AMAZING Canadian team! I can't wait for the gala.


Mar 17, 2008
A great championship for them, they seem to be ready for the hometown Olympics already.
By the way my favorite of Canadians was the medaled pair: Dube/Davison.


Final Flight
Dec 13, 2003
I think I congratulated Canada on the Men's FS thread, but I feel like saying it again: congratulations, Canada, on a brilliant Worlds! :rock:

The future of Canadian skating is looking very bright tonight. :biggrin:

Making this thread was a great idea :)


Jul 26, 2003
Thankyou hrmsk8ngnutt for starting this thread. What a wonderful thing to come and read. As a Canadian I am of course over the moon for Jeff. It could not happen to a nicer person. Our team did us proud.

But I want to congratulate the US. Johnny Weir had two great skates. Not bad at all for one that some called a has been just last year. He is a revitalized skater and he did the US proud. I hope the USFA is proud of him also.


Final Flight
Jan 18, 2007
And Thanks to you for thinking of that jfdw. Our US friends have to be so happy how Johnny skated. Still wee bit of work to focus on, but for once I think Johnny's finally found the right coaching team and environment that works for him. I look forward to seeing what happens w/Johnny next year.

And I've got to say...After the season, but especially US Nationals, she's had it was so wonderful to see Kimmie Meissner smiling again!! Couldn't believe that was the same Kimmie I watched on the US Nats coverage. It's looking like this move was the best thing in the world Kimmie could have made. I hope it keeps going in that direction.

Then there's Dance. It's sounding like you guys are just as scary deep in Ice Dancing as we are up here in Canada. That can only mean good things for the future.

So...Congratulations to our US friends on their own team's performances this week and thanks again to jfdw for thinking of returning the favour. :)


Jul 26, 2003
Hi Tigger
Thanks to you for continuing where I left off in contratulating the US on their team's effort.
I too was so happy to see Kimmie smiling again. She obviously has been working her heart out since the US Nationals and it showed.

It is wonderful to win a medal but any skater should be very proud to qulaify to represent their country at world's that is a great accomplisment in itself and means they are one of their best in their country to be chosen to skate there.

Let us hope this is only the beginning for good things to come for both our countries as the countdown to 2010 keeps going.


On the Ice
Sep 17, 2005
Congratulations Team Canada! You definitely surpassed my expectations and I hope this is just a preview of whats to come in 2010.

I am concerned about the ladies field beyond Joannie, however. Mira had so much promise when she burst onto the scene, but I think she has nearly maxed her potential and there is noone to fill in her shoes. I think if there is one alarming change in her this year is her lack of consistency. Does anyone feel the same way?


On the Ice
Aug 8, 2003
Congratulations to the entire Canadian team! I can't remember the last time not only the medalists, but every single member of the Canadian team, skated at or near their best at Worlds.

I'm thrilled for the Canadian skaters not only for their own sake, but I also hope their success will give skating's popularity the shot in the arm it desperately needs in this country...and better/more TV coverage for next season! I hope all the publicity Jeff's received during the past week or so is only the first step in the right direction.