Cypriot National Championships, 18–19 May 2019 | Golden Skate

Cypriot National Championships, 18–19 May 2019


Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
The re-scheduled Cypriot Championships were held in Zakaki this weekend.

Name: 2019 Cypriot Figure Skating Championships

Date: 18[SUP]th[/SUP] – 19[SUP]nd[/SUP] May 2019

Venue: My Mall, Zakaki, Limassol


Entries / Results Page:

Firstly a gripe.

After it was done with Basic Novice A Ladies last season, it now seems to be the norm that guest skaters compete separately from the regular skaters that are competing at the same level. And, as I said last season, I don’t like it being done like this – they should be competing together!

But, onto the results.

Senior Ladies

Having not competed all season, it was so good to see Polina Ustinova come back for Nationals and defend her Senior title. :cheer:

Polina USTINOVALEA125.25151.78177.03

Senior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols
Senior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Senior Ladies: Results

Junior Ladies

With Chryso and Daniella not competing this season, it was expected that Junior Ladies would be a straight fight between the two skaters that have been representing Cyprus at Junior level all season, Giorgia and Eliana. However, a couple of months ago, a new girl from Russia started competing for Cyprus. And she just dominated the Championships:

Ekaterina LUNEVAACH134.69163.64198.33
Eliana KALOGIROULEA324.27243.01267.28
Giorgia Isabella SECHIGLA226.05339.82365.87

Junior Ladies SP: Results; Protocols
Junior Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Junior Ladies: Results

Advanced Novice Ladies

Like last season, Christiana Afxentiou was the only entry:

Christiana AFXENTIOUAMA120.75137.54158.29

Advanced Novice Ladies SP: Results; Protocols
Advanced Novice Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Advanced Novice Ladies: Results

Basic Novice Ladies

This was very competitive, with all four of the clubs that we are used to seeing represented in the Top 4 positions.

Laura Farran and Varvara Chiplieva both moved up one place from last season, winning Gold and Silver medals respectively. Completing the podium was Katerina Skorikova, who will be delighted to win a Bronze medal this year after finishing last in Cubs last season. Vanessa Papas Toderenko retained her 4[SUP]th[/SUP] position, and the remaining positions were filled by skaters that were competing at Beginners level last season.

Laura FARRANSKA127.33127.33
Varvara CHIPLIEVAAMA222.57222.57
Katerina SKORIKOVALEA322.21322.21
Vanessa PAPAS TODORENKOGLA418.88418.88
Arina YATSEEVAAMA512.21512.21
Anna KOCHKAREVAAMA611.15611.15

Basic Novice Ladies FS: Results; Protocols
Basic Novice Ladies: Results

Advanced Novice Ice Dance

After Maria Miliukova / Nikita Vitryanyuk competed as guest skaters last season in the first Ice Dance competition to be held in the Cypriot Championships, we now have a full Ice Dance competition.

HOWEVER, we still have a separate competition for guest skaters.

The reason for having 2 competitions is that Maria and Nikita have now split up. Nikita is back with a new partner, Diana Lekhtman. However, as she has been competing for Russia this season, she is not currently eligible to compete for Cyprus. So, Diana and Nikita are competing as guest skaters.

The other partnership that was competing for Cyprus in Ice Dance this season, Angelina Kudryavtseva / Ilia Karankevich, are making their debut in the Cypriot Championships as the only entries in the full competition.


Advanced Novice Ice Dance FD: Results; Protocols
Advanced Novice Ice Dance: Results

Diana LEKHTMAN / Nikita VITRYANYUKLEA132.34132.34

Advanced Novice Ice Dance (Guests) FD: Results; Protocols
Advanced Novice Ice Dance (Guests): Results

I won’t go through the younger age levels, but it was very encouraging to see that there were loads of entries in Cubs Girls and Beginners Girls.

And it was also encouraging that, like last year, there were 3 Boys competitions. All three boys that competed last year were back, and there was also a new boy competing at Beginner level.

However, a thing that concerns me is the sheer number of competitions. Whilst this may sound like a positive thing, it was actually because there were a lot of split competitions. Which means that there were quite a few skaters competing that are not actually eligible to compete for Cyprus.

New skaters coming in from countries that are more established in the sport can be a good thing, as it gives the local skaters somebody to measure themselves against, and push them forwards. However, having these newcomers in separate competitions works against this, as the skaters are not competing directly against each other.

The thing that worries me is that over the past few years, we have seen a lot of the long-standing skaters in Cyprus stop competing. So, I really hope that these ineligible skaters coming in is not just a quick and easy way for the Fed to keep the numbers up, when they should instead be trying to encouraging local kids to take up the sport.

But, enough of that. Let’s concentrate on celebrating the achievements of all the skaters that were competing at the weekend.

