I have not read the book, but what did Gracie say?
Having lived with a kitten with FIP, who did not make it., Remsdevir is the drug of choice and needs to be acquired over the black market. Which we prepared to do. Because the drug company will not authorize its use in cats.
Or am I missing something? (which since I haven't read the book is completely possible. My heart of course goes out to Gracie and I just need to be in right frame of mind to read)
At the time of the writing of the book, this was still the case. It cost thousands and they borrowed the money as someone else said. Ironically I'm in the SAME FB GROUP she was in. I'm quite sure she used a pseudonym.
However, it seems to now be available since it was fully approved for humans. I am not a vet, so I could be wrong.
Confusion besets first legal FIP treatment in US (updated)
Veterinarians can use remdesivir to treat lethal cat disease — if they can get it