Grand Prix Predictions Game 2014-2015 Round 2: Skate Canada | Page 7 | Golden Skate

Grand Prix Predictions Game 2014-2015 Round 2: Skate Canada


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
It's fun to play but it also has its dastardly side: whilst watching the women, there was one skater about to perform and I thought--half-jokingly--well I now need you to FALL SIX TIMES and completely forget your step sequence or you will totally screw up my predictions...

I wish I was a better person than I apparently am at times. Sigh.

PS She didn't. Which is a mixed blessing! LOL!


v Yuki Ishikawa v
Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
Fixed it.

Thanks Doris :)

It's fun to play but it also has its dastardly side: whilst watching the women, there was one skater about to perform and I thought--half-jokingly--well I now need you to FALL SIX TIMES and completely forget your step sequence or you will totally screw up my predictions...

I wish I was a better person than I apparently am at times. Sigh.

PS She didn't. Which is a mixed blessing! LOL!

I'm similar, lol. But I start cursing the skaters after the competition, once I've gone back & checked my predictions, which I admittedly forget a lot of the time. :biggrin:


Jun 28, 2014
You are not the only one :biggrin: I keep watching and muttering: "Fall, flutz, UR, step out..." For CoC I'll just go with my guts, because clearly studying the skater's records and practices isn't helping. At least I know some of the skaters going to China.


Jan 11, 2014
I've checked the score sheet and I have a doubt about my ladies' score. In fact I've calculated 35 points (gasp.. so few! In details should be 5-15-5-5-5) while I have 40 points on the sheet. Maybe I won't benefit from it but I prefer to be fair :yes:


Record Breaker
Aug 1, 2011
I've checked the score sheet and I have a doubt about my ladies' score. In fact I've calculated 35 points (gasp.. so few! In details should be 5-15-5-5-5) while I have 40 points on the sheet. Maybe I won't benefit from it but I prefer to be fair :yes:

Well you'll never be an international figure skating judge! :)

(Just kidding! I couldn't resist).

It's a classy thing to do. Thank you!


Jan 11, 2014
LOL it's only because I'm a (too much) meticulous person :laugh:

I don't remember who's tallying the ladies' event because I think it's better if I send a PM to him/her


On the Ice
Oct 23, 2005
Hello Everybody :)

I have finished scoring for the Pairs of the Skate Canada portion of our GP Predictions Game! So just some house keeping before we get onto the scores.

Could everyone please check their entries for errors before they submit next time, because I got a few Cipres/Morgan's and Morgan Cipres is one half of the French Pair Team, so essentially Vanessa James has vanished from the entry.

I don't know if the pairs competition was really easy to predict, or that everyone just copied and pasted from the person before them, because most of you submitted the almost the exact same entries :laugh: To anyone that had entries that were outliers, I just want to give a huge shout out here, because they made calculating the scores much less boring. You'll understand when you see the results.


We had a 3-way tie for first place, with the perfect score of 75, :clap::clap::clap:

A huge congratulations to: breathesgelatin, coolboogie22 and NYscorp6

Congratulations everybody and I'll see you next time at the Cup of China~

Thank you elle_e!


Record Breaker
Nov 13, 2012
I totally suck at this, but I'm having a lot of fun! :p

Ditto! :)

I don't think I managed to scrape together many points with the men at all... But I blame it on them being so darned unreliable. And their best & worst being so... poles apart.


Tous les whiskys
Jan 9, 2014
I was so proud of myself after Skate America...and then Skate Canada happened. :bang: I don't know exactly what went wrong but it was a good reminder to not to doubt the majority opinion about skaters I don't know! My rebel side just has a problem with me copying someone else's predictions, even if they match what I think will happen :laugh:

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
I haven't posted the men yet (need to double check some numbers before I post), but for what its worth the median score (if the scores hold up after doublechecks) was about 30 points....

(So basically you are not alone in doing terrible in the men).


Pray one day we'll open our eyes.
Record Breaker
Mar 26, 2014
My apologies to the people who were offended by my results post. I did not mean any harm in my observations about why people placed some dance teams higher and some teams lower in their predictions list. And of course I did not accused anyone of being nationalistic in their predictions choices. Results post was edited. Have fun. Peace.

P.S. And please, if you feel like my words are unfair and offend your feelings, send me PM. Since English is not my first, or even my second for that matter, language, I can unintentionally post something bad or even rude :) In fact, I'm not bad really, I'm very nice. Ask my wife :laugh: And if my wife's word is not enough, then ask my mother :)


Record Breaker
Sep 10, 2012
Hi everyone! :) After an eventful weekend (that included my own skating competition!), I'm finally here to post the Ladies results; I had already put the scores in the spreadsheet yesterday evening, but I was really tired and (as some of you correctly pointed out) I made some mistakes here and there, especially in the last ones. I apologize for them, now I've checked them and I hope everything is fine... Anyway, let me know if you find some mistakes left
About the scores: it was quite a meltdown for basically all of us, especially because of Leonova's low placement and Hongo in the top5. Because of this, we don't have perfect scores at all, and the ranking is this:
First place with 60 points goes to Sandpiper and sequinsgalore :clap:
Second place with 55 points goes to Bea, HR4, MsLiinaLii, travis porter
Third place with 50 points goes to... 18 of us :laugh:
Congrats to everyone and... see you after China!


Mar 29, 2009
Thank you to the scorers, without you we wouldn't have this game to play. Just wanted to let you know your efforts are appreciated.

This is my first year playing but I have been a lurker in the past. It certainly does add a bit of spice to the grand prix season. I had beginners luck at Skate America but Skate Canada brought me back to earth (those pesky men)! Good luck to all (skaters and players) this week in China


Record Breaker
Sep 10, 2012
And the overall Ladies podium so far is:
1) 130 points: sequinsgalore :eek::points:
2) 115 points: britebells, HanDomi, s_parks, [email protected] and Sandpiper
3) 110 points: burntBREAD, CanadianSkaterGuy, cjmorton29, elle_e, Florencito, Hyena, Li'Kitsu, MsLiinaLii, Skategmt, Snow63 and sunny_stars


Record Breaker
Dec 12, 2008
And the overall Ladies podium so far is:
1) 130 points: sequinsgalore :eek::points:
2) 115 points: britebells, HanDomi, s_parks, [email protected] and Sandpiper
3) 110 points: burntBREAD, CanadianSkaterGuy, cjmorton29, elle_e, Florencito, Hyena, Li'Kitsu, MsLiinaLii, Skategmt, Snow63 and sunny_stars

Yay! I can't believe my predictions have been so good so far.

I do have a feeling that my lucks is going to run out next time...


Record Breaker
Feb 27, 2014
wow 2nd place, can't believe :eek: Ladies are more lovely and kind for me than mens that are bombing my predictions


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I'm doing more and more awful. :cry: Someone said earlier that the long programs keep messing their predictions which look so promising after the SP - same here, same here.


Final Flight
Feb 21, 2014
Congratulations to the winners :clap:

Thank you to the scorers :bow:

After not paying attention to skating for a number of years, I rely mainly on the numbers (world rank, personal bests, etc) when making my picks. I am having so much more fun watching the events now and feel invested in the skaters because of the game. I'm gaining new favorites and appreciating the pretty (Andrew Poje I'm looking at you :love:).

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009

Okay, you all know by now that this was not exactly a high-scoring discipline. The median score was ....30.

So special props to this weeks men winners:

The winner is Debrah, who scored 60 points!

Silver medal with 50 points go to: snowflake, [email protected], rosacotton, Mrs. P (no insider tips, I promise), gallvich, el henry and alebi!

Bronze medal with 45 points go to: Totentanz, StitchMonkey, lightsout and FIREBIRD

Men standing after two events:
1st: semosk8fan and [email protected], 110 points
2nd: snowflake and lightsout, 105 points
3rd: Totentanz, StitchMonkey, Sam-Skwantch, katmari, HR4, gallavich, FSGMT and el henry, 100 points

And for the Skate Canada winners and event standings, go here: