Murakami had a solid effort, other than the slight bobble on the fw everything pretty good, though aesthetically I don't like the bulky line of her legs on *anyone*!
Still, the 3F/3T was good, the 3R maybe a tad UR?, and the 2A solid.
Too bad about the hand down on the 3L, but I really love Carolina's SP this year. She was also way faster than Mirai and had better transitions, so we'll see how that scores.
Caro: 3T-3T, 3L(2 hands down), 2A. Surprised to see british guys wondering if she can go intro second place. Come on!! Mirai will lead, but I don't see Caro lower than second
Her music pretty? Wow. I found it to be sharp and interesting
Carolina has the best ladies' SP this season; too bad about the mistake. No, Eurosport, I'm not scratching my head about her PCS!
Nadine, Carolina's Shostakovitch trio is your idea of pretty pretty music? :scratch: It's fabulous and certainly not standard tinkly music like many ladies use.