Random Confessions | Page 28 | Golden Skate

Random Confessions


Record Breaker
Mar 5, 2004
^ Very nice. I :love: how you incorporated your favorite Olympic eligible skaters in it!


Record Breaker
Feb 4, 2012
I'm going on a trip on Saturday, and all I want is to stay at home and watch season 2 of Sense8 which releases in a few hours. Argh!


Power without conscience is a savage weapon
Mar 3, 2015
I'm going on a trip on Saturday, and all I want is to stay at home and watch season 2 of Sense8 which releases in a few hours. Argh!

HATE when that happens!!


“I solemnly swear I’m up to no good”
Record Breaker
Dec 29, 2013
I got up at 7:30am and made a bowl of cereal and drank a bunch of coffee and then decided instead of Yoga I'd just go back to bed and embark on the combination of a few hours of sweet coffee dreams and random posting to GS :whack:
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GS given name - Beatrice
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
I am turning into tea collector - lately it seems like I want a bunch of different teas to buy, today's treasures - mint with eucalyptus and rosehip with hibiscus :love:

Mrs. P

Uno, Dos, twizzle!
Record Breaker
Dec 27, 2009
I am turning into tea collector - lately it seems like I want a bunch of different teas to buy, today's treasures - mint with eucalyptus and rosehip with hibiscus :love:

Sounds delicious. I want to have tea with you!

Here's my random confession: I am overwhelmed. For months I have been struggling at work -- missing deadlines, making errors in my writing, falling behind on projects. I also have been coming to terms with my super active almost 2-year-old daughter. I love her so much, but she demands so much of my attention that it's made work-at-home days (Mondays and Fridays) so difficult.

Things came to a head with my boss today when she asked why I've been late to work this week. I tried to hold back, the tears started flowing. Thankfully my boss was gracious about it and the conversation that followed was very much needed. She said that she felt I was "suffering in silence." And that we needed to come up with a plan to stabilize my things at work.

Then it sort of hit me. I am so used to being the person who can come up with ideas, the person who saves others, that it was tough to be in a position to say. "I need help. I am not doing well." I always thought that success meant constantly striving for the next big thing and I feel that really hurt me cause I think it made me avoid the fact that it's challenging to balance all the different roles in my life. Sometimes, my friends, MAINTAINING excellence is just as hard as increasing it. And I couldn't move forward on stabilizing myself until I realize that I need to stop, take a step back and work on what is in front of me instead of always trying to prove that I can do it all.

You guys have been great about sharing your experiences that I wanted to, finally, show that I too am human and appreciate the support -- be it words, hugs, or cute emoticons.
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GS given name - Beatrice
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2012
Sounds delicious. I want to have tea with you!

Here's my random confession: I am overwhelmed. For months I have been struggling at work -- missing deadlines, making errors in my writing, falling behind on projects. I also have been coming to terms with my super active 2-year-old daughter. I love her so much, but she demands so much of my attention that it's made work-at-home days (Mondays and Fridays) so difficult.

Things came to a head with my boss today when she asked why I've been late to work this week. I tried to hold back, the tears started flowing. Thankfully my boss was gracious about it and the conversation that followed was very much needed. She said that she felt I was "suffering in silence." And that we needed to come up with a plan to stabilize my things at work.

Then it sort of hit me. I am so used to being the person who can come up with ideas, the person who saves others, that it was tough to be in a position to say. "I need help. I am not doing well." I always thought that success meant constantly striving for the next big thing and I feel that really hurt me cause I think it made me avoid the fact that it's challenging to balance all the different roles in my life. Sometimes, my friends, MAINTAINING excellence is just as hard as increasing it. And I couldn't move forward on stabilizing myself until I realize that I need to stop, take a step back and work on what is in front of me instead of always trying to prove that I can do it all.

You guys have been great about sharing your experiences that I wanted to, finally, show that I too am human and appreciate the support -- be it words, hugs, or cute emoticons.

and I'll be happy if someday it will happen - either me in US or You in Poland:)

and about confession...well, I've been here and done that, so I fully understand that sort of feeling of not being really able to grasp that the essence of the problem is in constantly upping expectation towards yourself only, your tasks, your work, without looking outside. I came into conclusion late and it was painful, as I was always taught that I have to be positive, with smile, not showing any struggle, negativity. I was not allow to show that I am not feeling well, that I'm afraid, that something I don't like or I don't want to do. I had to always prove myself, regardless if everyone around me did not have to do that. It was for quite some time the only way I knew, partially self-imposed, but lately, after getting some outside help finally and doing 'self-therapy' I realized that it also came from my past. And when you lived your whole life that way, the realization point is the worst. And the best at the same time.

It's overwhelming at first as You've said, but for me it was the beginning of better myself altogether, as lamely it sounds. I sort of 'embraced my shadow' instead of letting it rule my life - this perfectionism is deeply ingrained in me, along with deep sense of individuality, independence, I just accepted it and started to channel it differently. Perfectionism is slowly becoming 'optimalism' and success is getting more personally-shaped.

Great to see You put this all into words and shared it with us. Sometimes people hearing my story and seeing who I am today are wondering how can I speak about struggle, imperfection openly, then I say that it's simly a part of myself and every person, just not always realized and balanced.



Record Breaker
Jun 2, 2014
Sounds delicious. I want to have tea with you!

Here's my random confession: I am overwhelmed. For months I have been struggling at work -- missing deadlines, making errors in my writing, falling behind on projects. I also have been coming to terms with my super active almost 2-year-old daughter. I love her so much, but she demands so much of my attention that it's made work-at-home days (Mondays and Fridays) so difficult.

It's amazing how being overwhelmed can sometimes just creep up on us without warning. Sounds like you really have a lot on your plate. I always wondered how working moms managed! I could never even get myself out the door and to work on time, let alone manage other family members' schedules!...Sounds like you were able to have a good conversation with your boss. Hopefully together you can come up with a plan that makes you feel as if you're being proactive. Good luck and lots of hugs.

And by the way, thx for everything you do here on GS!!!!:thank: :ghug:


Team Gorgeous Cacti!
Record Breaker
May 2, 2015
You guys have been great about sharing your experiences that I wanted to, finally, show that I too am human and appreciate the support -- be it words, hugs, or cute emoticons.

I'm bad with words, so: :console: :ghug:

Hope everything will slowly work out for you! No more feelings of helplessness and hoplessness :) And that's very nice of your boss to be so understanding :yes:


Mmmmm, tacos.
Record Breaker
Feb 16, 2010

I am so ready to get the eff out of Michigan and get back to the East Coast.

Now my degree (M.S. in Chemistry) has been submitted and I put my notice in with my apartment complex so it's actually happening. I've been dealing with so many mental/emotional issues through most of 2016 and this year, that I'm just so excited to get home and get on with the rest of my life. It's like a weight off my shoulders.


Record Breaker
Jun 27, 2003
Just curious - what is it about Michigan that you want to get away from? I've never been, so just curious.


Mmmmm, tacos.
Record Breaker
Feb 16, 2010
Just curious - what is it about Michigan that you want to get away from? I've never been, so just curious.

I just miss home. I've only been back to NJ twice in the last few years and I've been dealing with a lot lot lot of mental anxiety/depression issues throughout the past year.

It's nothing to do with MI as a state itself. It's nice here. It's just me missing home and ready to move on with my life.


Steps and Spirals enthusiast
Record Breaker
Mar 15, 2015
I like to hear the audience booing at a score than cheering at one :devil:


Record Breaker
Mar 7, 2015

I am so ready to get the eff out of Michigan and get back to the East Coast.

Now my degree (M.S. in Chemistry) has been submitted and I put my notice in with my apartment complex so it's actually happening. I've been dealing with so many mental/emotional issues through most of 2016 and this year, that I'm just so excited to get home and get on with the rest of my life. It's like a weight off my shoulders.



Former Elite, now Pro. ⛸️
Record Breaker
Jan 9, 2017

I am so ready to get the eff out of Michigan and get back to the East Coast.

Now my degree (M.S. in Chemistry) has been submitted and I put my notice in with my apartment complex so it's actually happening. I've been dealing with so many mental/emotional issues through most of 2016 and this year, that I'm just so excited to get home and get on with the rest of my life. It's like a weight off my shoulders.
:ghug: I hope you can refind your happiness once you leave MI.


Mmmmm, tacos.
Record Breaker
Feb 16, 2010
:ghug: I hope you can refind your happiness once you leave MI.

Thanks. And thanks to everyone else.

I'm already doing way better, now that I know I'm heading home soon. Just talked to my dad about figuring out how I'm going to move things home (shipping most of it since it won't fit in my Corolla) and now I have to figure out selling my furniture.


Record Breaker
Jun 2, 2014
I just miss home. I've only been back to NJ twice in the last few years and I've been dealing with a lot lot lot of mental anxiety/depression issues throughout the past year.

It's nothing to do with MI as a state itself. It's nice here. It's just me missing home and ready to move on with my life.

I've been vacationing in MI. all my life (in Ludington) and love it. But still, there's no place like home! Congratulations on your degree.


Mmmmm, tacos.
Record Breaker
Feb 16, 2010
I've been vacationing in MI. all my life (in Ludington) and love it. But still, there's no place like home! Congratulations on your degree.


And yeah, there's a lot of great places in MI! One of my favorites was going to Silver Lake Sand Dunes a few years ago.