Sota Yamamoto | Page 72 | Golden Skate

Sota Yamamoto


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
According to reports, Sota's FS practice went well. But, practice is practice, and competition is competition. Can he keep his nerves in check, put up a fight, and stay focused and confident? If yes, he'll hopefully hold on to the podium. If not, it's a lesson learned before JNats.
The podium is within Sota's reach, but his competition has similar skills, plus Sota has a PCS handicap against Kazuki and Fa, so going clean is the key here. :pray: 📿 🍀 Go, Sota, go with the good will of all... eh, fans. ;)


On the Ice
Feb 14, 2018
Sota overall had a good skate but with a strong, clean from Adam and Lee, he had to be a little better. But, a GP silver is a great accomplishment and he was scored very well in his sp, which was spectacular. Congrats Sota and Kozucki. Glad they were both able to hold on to a podium spot. After seeing Lee go clean I thought no one would come close but Adam was just too strong today.


Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
Congrats Sota, progress is absolutely visible and paid off :)



Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I realized I haven't congratulated Sota on his silver medal yet, so I'm doing so now 💐
It was a special weekend for me as a Sota fan. I've been cheering for him for what will soon be 5 years. It's sure been a bumpy ride, but I'm glad his hard work is finally paying off. He has a training center where he's satisfied so hopefully no more coaching changes, he goes to school to distract him (since focusing on skating has proved counter-productive as Sota is so intense). And now he is getting good results on a relatively consistent basis. I'm very happy for him.

I liked his performance in the FS, especially since he has kept his energy throughout, and because he fought and didn't let the mistakes detract from the rest.
Someone told Sota his performance was something to be ashamed of - - and I couldn't disagree with this person more. He had two mistakes (so what? who doesn't?), but a lot to be proud of. Considering the pressure he was under as one of the 'older' guys, he did admirably. Unless it was some type of Osaka humor, it was a remark in very bad taste, and Sota should stop listening to/associating with such killjoys for his own good.

I loved Sota's gala, I have watched it several times now. ^ ^ It was obvious he was enjoying tackling the mature Poeta a lot. Fingers crossed that Sota gets a chance to skate to it again at NHK! The competition is going to be harsh there, many of the skaters who participate in NHK are gala favorites (Shoma, Kazuki, Cha, Rizzo, Fa...)

I wonder what type of preparation he will use for NHK. Personally, I would like him to abandon any focus on podium/medals/GPF chances (although he has to say so for the journalists I guess), and just focus on keeping his competition record stable. If he makes it past 260 in total score, all the better! It's always good to get a higher SB, even if just by a few points. Every point counts.
It would be a pity if he ended up lower than 7th at NHK, but a joyful surprise if he ended up higher than 6th. It's no joke to compete against Shoma, Kazuki, Fa, Cha, Rizzo and Frangipani. We have to remember that although Sota has a GP medal now, the other boys haven't been dismissed by their feds in early autumn, and all of them have points from Challengers and/or various smaller events (sans Shoma who doesn't need them). Which means they've been in the public eye, and judges' eye, and have reputation.

Re. NHK, I hope the boys get a lot of rest and good preparation. Kamberska the TES specialist was doing guest commentary for our TV again, and she literally said that for a skater, competing at GP which are 14 days apart, is the most difficult in terms of staying in shape. Fingers crossed for Sota (and Kazuki) to deal with the challenge, then!

Lastly, I loved the photos taken by Kazuki. It looks like the boys had fun in the city, the restaurant (such a big serving of that steak or whatever it was!), and at Starbucks. I haven't seen this photo of the two friends yet:


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Okay, I'm pleased to say I was mistaken about the Nikkan article translation - apparently, 'oshii' is not just 'disappointing', but also 'almost, close', and the latter is what was meant by the persons: that Sota almost made it to the top. Thanks for the correction, @rRainbow !

Maybe I could get some advice with Narumi Takahashi's quote about Sota's skating, too! Here's what I found on Twitter: 決して氷を削ることなくただとても重い . But somehow, I don't think 'never shaves the ice, just very heavy' does him justice? ;)

Here's Sota's invitation to NHK Trophy next week: I was pleased again, this time with me understanding what Sota was saying even before I turned the sound on. ^ ^ Maybe if he did a presentation for all 8 days before the event, I'd have an easier time remembering these numerals that I keep forgetting :biggrin:

Just dropping this here - Sota's Japanese fans had a bouquet made, and it was apparently waiting for him at Chukyo Uni when he returned. How nice!
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Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
Okay, I'm pleased to say I was mistaken about the Nikkan article translation - apparently, 'oshii' is not just 'disappointing', but also 'almost, close', and the latter is what was meant by the persons: that Sota almost made it to the top. Thanks for the correction, @rRainbow !

Maybe I could get some advice with Narumi Takahashi's quote about Sota's skating, too! Here's what I found on Twitter: 決して氷を削ることなくただとても重い . But somehow, I don't think 'never shaves the ice, just very heavy' does him justice? ;)

Here's Sota's invitation to NHK Trophy next week: I was pleased again, this time with me understanding what Sota was saying even before I turned the sound on. ^ ^ Maybe if he did a presentation for all 8 days before the event, I'd have an easier time remembering these numerals that I keep forgetting :biggrin:

Just dropping this here - Sota's Japanese fans had a bouquet made, and it was apparently waiting for him at Chukyo Uni when he returned. How nice!

I googled a bit and found the article to the quote:

the part about Sota machine translated:

Sota Yamamoto is very inquisitive.

I've been watching them since I was little, and I've always supported them with the thought that they're just another skin.

And this season, I think that I've already peeled back even if I watch the domestic games.

The highlight is the overall high level of the player, so jumping is of course, but skating skills.

He has a skating skill that cannot be learned overnight .

It's a very hybrid feeling with the growth of skating step by step and the quietness, so that some people say, "Maybe Yamamoto's shoes have a secret engine."

Just very heavy without ever shaving ice.

He is a skater who uses the center of gravity very powerfully and gracefully.

So I think it can be translated to something like "his style is intense but light at the same time, like he does not touch ice because you can't hear the blades a lot"??


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Sota's pre-NHK interview:
He has been practicing the FS a lot, knowing it's what he was struggling with last season. He also says his axel in the second half of the FS still has a low success rate, so he's hoping it turns out okay.

Photos from his spin practice:

It's possible he'll soon be saying bye bye to his camel spins (not sure about their name) with the leg pulled up. It seems it's a struggle for most boys over 20, and Sota is likely no exception. He's an excellent spinner otherwise, so I trust him to come up with something different when these spins start being too much for his back.


Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
Sota's pre-NHK interview:
He has been practicing the FS a lot, knowing it's what he was struggling with last season. He also says his axel in the second half of the FS still has a low success rate, so he's hoping it turns out okay.

Photos from his spin practice:

It's possible he'll soon be saying bye bye to his camel spins (not sure about their name) with the leg pulled up. It seems it's a struggle for most boys over 20, and Sota is likely no exception. He's an excellent spinner otherwise, so I trust him to come up with something different when these spins start being too much for his back.

Concerning the quote about the FS and Axel: how "serious" is Sota about something like this when he says that, do you know? Is it maybe better but he likes understatement or could at be worse and he covers up problems? Or is it just like that at the moment?
I'm just curious because with certain athletes (FS, but also others) when you follow them for a longer time you get at feeling for such quotes and know what they "mean".

Regarding the spin: I always think of it as a "half-Biellmann" but I don't know what the official term is.
But I think it's a normal process with those spins and a healty one. When they a really young, also boys can do and learn Biellmann, you can even see it sometimes on JGP and it gets less and less the older one gets. Or it my transform to half-Biellmann and then vanish.
I'm glad there are lots of options and also some interesting features or arm positions on relatively popular spin/position combos.


On the Ice
Oct 30, 2015
I am so happy about the SP results today, and what a joy to see Sota's strong beautiful pure skating again! I can only imagine the hard long road he has traveled from serious injury to this point - he is entirely a pure gold credit to himself and to this amazing sport. May he go from strength to strength.


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Well done in the SP, Sota! That's the fighting spirit he needs. His spins and glide are so beautiful to watch, as is his expression and posture. 🌟 You could see the jumps were a little tentative: it could either be his right foot giving him trouble, or maybe he was nervous, and no wonder - finally, he's at a GP as one who actually belongs among the top and is on par with the others. He's joined the list of top class skaters, and now he'll have to learn what many of them have in common, which is firm nerves. This is an important event for his SB and WS, because he can improve them if he fights in the FS and doesn't mess up big time. But Nationals, 4CC and WC are even more challenging in terms of importance of holding it together.
Go Sota! 🍀 🍀 🍀 Every little SB improvement counts, as does every point. I'm hoping for a determined (even if understandably nervous) Sota in the FS. Come on, Sota, can you improve the SB a little more yet?


Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
He was on it! Super and as the only one really clean also rightfully in the lead. I'm super curious what FS will be like for the whole chaos club and how Sota will survive (or manage himself) in the situation skating last. Good luck in any case 🤞


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Concerning the quote about the FS and Axel: how "serious" is Sota about something like this when he says that, do you know? Is it maybe better but he likes understatement or could at be worse and he covers up problems? Or is it just like that at the moment?
I'm just curious because with certain athletes (FS, but also others) when you follow them for a longer time you get at feeling for such quotes and know what they "mean".

Regarding the spin: I always think of it as a "half-Biellmann" but I don't know what the official term is.
But I think it's a normal process with those spins and a healty one. When they a really young, also boys can do and learn Biellmann, you can even see it sometimes on JGP and it gets less and less the older one gets. Or it my transform to half-Biellmann and then vanish.
I'm glad there are lots of options and also some interesting features or arm positions on relatively popular spin/position combos.

There's no telling if Sota's covering up health issues. He could be: he did so at Nationals 2019, when we only learned about his left ankle injury because of a freak fall in the opening few seconds when he was gliding backwards. But it seems from some tweet I saw that he's mentioned he's healthy, so hopefully he is. He's a bit more open than he used to be, possibly because he does monthly Unlim online talks with the fans who sponsor him, but I wouldn't trust him to mention injuries before, or in the course of, a competition. His 4S is not super reliable (too bad he opens his FS with it), and that makes me think his right instep injury has not healed fully yet.

I'm all for boys who can do good flying camel spins (I hope that's their name) getting big points for them. The same for donut spins, which Sota used to excel at, but almost always got lousy points for, so I guess that's why he did away with it this year. It's way more difficult to grab your foot behind your head, than just grab it behind your butt as most senior guys do, so why wasn't he rewarded for them. But there need to be enough well-rewarded alternatives as these spins must be killing the older ones' backs. I wonder if Biellmanns are the reason for Jason's back injury a few years ago? Evgenia had to stop doing them for good too, after her back got injured.


Men's FS starts in a few hours, so good luck to Sota again. May he be healthy and make a new SB. :pray:
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Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
There's no telling if Sota's covering up health issues. He could be: he did so at Nationals 2019, when we only learned about his left ankle injury because of a freak fall in the opening few seconds when he was gliding backwards. But it seems from some tweet I saw that he's mentioned he's healthy, so hopefully he is. He's a bit more open than he used to be, possibly because he does monthly Unlim online talks with the fans who sponsor him, but I wouldn't trust him to mention injuries before, or in the course of, a competition. His 4S is not super reliable (too bad he opens his FS with it), and that makes me think his right instep injury has not healed fully yet.

I'm all for boys who can do good flying camel spins (I hope that's their name) getting big points for them. The same for donut spins, which Sota used to excel at, but almost always got lousy points for, so I guess that's why he did away with it this year. It's way more difficult to grab your foot behind your head, than just grab it behind your butt as most senior guys do, so why wasn't he rewarded for them. But there need to be enough well-rewarded alternatives as these spins must be killing the older ones' backs. I wonder if Biellmanns are the reason for Jason's back injury a few years ago? Evgenia had to stop doing them for good too, after her back got injured.


Men's FS starts in a few hours, so good luck to Sota again. May he be healthy and make a new SB. :pray:
Thank you for the insights!

I think "flying" refers to the entry into a (camel) spin, not to a specific position in the spin.

I totally agree about healthy and rewarded alternatives! 🙂


Congrats to Sota, #7 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
I'm happy that Sota's hard work is paying off. He was lucky today, as his FS isn't as well executed yet -in terms of jumps- as it was in July. But on the other hand, it's not a clear downward tendency either. The mistakes on the axels were very costly, and I hope it was just nerves. I trust Ted Barton when he says Sota was loose in the air, which made him lose speed and end up UR. The strain on the ankle must have been enormous, as well as the strain on the instep for each edge jump. I hope Sota can relax after Nationals. That foot needs rest.

Congratulations on his silver, and on getting into the GPF! I honestly wasn't expecting either, but it's a very pleasant surprise. True, I did all I could to bring about his success - it's said around here that spiders in your home bring good luck, so I let one live who moved in my apartment a few days ago, though it was obnoxious & I don't know where it's gone to. But the charm seems to have worked! :biggrin:

I hope some journalist asks Sota about the gasping expression he had on his face as he was skating to the KnC. Maybe Hongo (the substitute coach... I hope Yamada is well!) just told him he'd just zayaked? Something he's not done in (my) living memory? :p

I was touched by Sota's and Kazuki's camaraderie, and also, he and Shoma were interacting so well. ^ ^ Sota did that gesture briefly a few times that I call '🦖 hands' as he made his way to the podium. I've noticed he does this especially when embarrassed. He did it after his victory in Poland last year, too. I guess he knows very well that apart from his strong performance in the SP, and doing well in half of the FS, his success was also brought about by luck. But that's life, and hopefully Sota will become less nervous/tense as he enters high level competitions more often. (I still hope they send him to smaller ones as well, so I could come and cheer for him. With Christmas approaching, and all the expenses, I can't go to Torino either, alas 😟)

What a day, and I'm happy I watched Sota's success live! Now, onwards to hopefully that new PB that I'm longing for. Those 271 points from Minato Trophy are still dangling before him like a carrot, so fingers crossed he can rise to the occasion either at GPF, or -even more fingers crossed- at some international event after the New Year.

Now, it's time to refresh my tired eyes with a Soeta gala when I wake up in the morning! ☀️Fortunately, I can still watch that one from our TV's archive.


Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
I'm happy that Sota's hard work is paying off. He was lucky today, as his FS isn't as well executed yet -in terms of jumps- as it was in July. But on the other hand, it's not a clear downward tendency either. The mistakes on the axels were very costly, and I hope it was just nerves. I trust Ted Barton when he says Sota was loose in the air, which made him lose speed and end up UR. The strain on the ankle must have been enormous, as well as the strain on the instep for each edge jump. I hope Sota can relax after Nationals. That foot needs rest.

Congratulations on his silver, and on getting into the GPF! I honestly wasn't expecting either, but it's a very pleasant surprise. True, I did all I could to bring about his success - it's said around here that spiders in your home bring good luck, so I let one live who moved in my apartment a few days ago, though it was obnoxious & I don't know where it's gone to. But the charm seems to have worked! :biggrin:

I hope some journalist asks Sota about the gasping expression he had on his face as he was skating to the KnC. Maybe Hongo (the substitute coach... I hope Yamada is well!) just told him he'd just zayaked? Something he's not done in (my) living memory? :p

I was touched by Sota's and Kazuki's camaraderie, and also, he and Shoma were interacting so well. ^ ^ Sota did that gesture briefly a few times that I call '🦖 hands' as he made his way to the podium. I've noticed he does this especially when embarrassed. He did it after his victory in Poland last year, too. I guess he knows very well that apart from his strong performance in the SP, and doing well in half of the FS, his success was also brought about by luck. But that's life, and hopefully Sota will become less nervous/tense as he enters high level competitions more often. (I still hope they send him to smaller ones as well, so I could come and cheer for him. With Christmas approaching, and all the expenses, I can't go to Torino either, alas 😟)

What a day, and I'm happy I watched Sota's success live! Now, onwards to hopefully that new PB that I'm longing for. Those 271 points from Minato Trophy are still dangling before him like a carrot, so fingers crossed he can rise to the occasion either at GPF, or -even more fingers crossed- at some international event after the New Year.

Now, it's time to refresh my tired eyes with a Soeta gala when I wake up in the morning! ☀️Fortunately, I can still watch that one from our TV's archive.

Yes I also noted that immediately after stepping off today, Shoma stood there, Sota seemed to step towards him and they talked in a very amicable way. I'm super curious about their topic 😁

e: and I'm also looking forward to Sota's gala!