Sota Yamamoto | Page 74 | Golden Skate

Sota Yamamoto


Congrats to Sota, currently #6 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Crossposting this from Kazuki's fan fest:
An article talking about Sota (and Kazuki)'s thoughts ahead of Nationals!
Thanks! I summed up the most interesting points from the Sota part on the previous page :]

Sota's Fuji TV profile for Nationals:
He mostly picked photos from Asian Open and Coupe du Printemps. Those two competitions must have meant a lot to him. He also picked a photo of a cold drink that he enjoys when in the sauna. His message says thank you for your support, and I'll do my best at Nationals. Good luck to Sota, then!


Congrats to Sota, currently #6 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Good luck to Sota at Nationals tomorrow! He dreams of a podium, and I'll personally be happy with the top 6. I hope he can have a skate that he enjoys! :pray: 🍀
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Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
Those quotes are now good to post again 🙂

>>>Shoma Uno: “I don’t know how emotional I will be at Nationals – but all four Japanese skaters who took part in this Final will be there. It will be very tough in terms of how we can have a better condition, because it’s such a short time from this competition. I just want to wish that everybody will be able to put their best performance without an injury”.
>>> Sota Yamamoto : “At Nationals there will be four skaters from here [Grand Prix Final] and there are other skaters too who are very high level. I think I will consider this performance in the Grand Prix Final as a good experience, but I’m just going to forget all about it and, in the upcoming week, I’ll make sure I tune myself to the condition going into Nationals”.


All the best! 🎉

and just because it's cute:
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Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
Sota! Decent score 🙂 When now the so reliable SP breaks the spell, can this be a good sign for the FP? I guess that's what he focused on in training during the last two weeks?


Congrats to Sota, currently #6 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Best of luck tomorrow, Sota! :pray: I think I've read his practice went well, but practice is practice, and competition is competition (I think Yuzuru said that?) That's especially true in Sota's case, as his nerves are improving in overseas competitions, but Nationals still haunts him. Well, as long as he skates calm and focused, never gives up even if there's a mistake, and doesn't overthink, he could still land fairly high up the result list. Fingers crossed for him, he can do it, and finish better than last year! Ganbatte! 🍀


Congrats to Sota, currently #6 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
For his worst competition of the season so far, he's definitely shown improvement since last season in terms of keeping his nerves in check. Last season, he might have messed up more jumps. Today, it was the quads that were eluding him, plus his legs are still bent for the axels, so no wonder he got a Q for his second one. I guess it's some sort of mental thing, perhaps caused by his injury, or maybe there's something off with his basic axel technique.

Now his most dreaded competition of the season is finally behind him (he was super nervous, that much was obvious from the video I managed to see online). He has time to prepare for WC in peace. I'm not as worried for him abroad as I am when he's doing Nationals. I guess he feels the weight of the expectations more keenly at home. Although, now that I hear his admired teammate doesn't want him there, I wonder how he'll cope, seeing his face throughout all WC. I hope he's too seasoned to fold just because of another person's opinion. Especially since he's going to have Kazuki there.

I am Yes and No about Sota going to WC. Yes, he deserves to go, and he himself would probably prefer such a major event to 4CC. But the field is going to be deeper and harder, and who knows if the Russians aren't allowed back in the meantime. Kazuki withstood that pressure like a boss, when he went to his first WC, but the circumstances were different, and so is Kazuki's mindset and personality. Anyhow, it's a hard competition, but it's another chance to test his skills and mindset, and it's more breathable than Nationals for Sota, I'll wager.

Well done overall, Sota, and now for some deserved rest, and then WC preparation!


Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
That's an interesting situation now for Sota, he achieved the nomination with what must have felt like a bit of letdown initially, but overall, as surimi mentioned, it might not have been.

Congrats! :cheer:
I had to leave during Sena's FS but managed to record from then on, so I have a long video with the last 9 FS and stuff afterwards. You can skip to what you want to see, including Sota's FS.
Anyone interested, PM me and I'll send you the link.


Congrats to Sota, currently #6 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
^ For Sota, the result was fairly good, but there's no denying he'd have finished lower if others weren't messing up as well. He's always freaking out mentally at Nationals, and making mistakes, but this time, it was still enough to secure him a competition. I hope he makes better use of this opportunity than last year's Challenge Cup. I still wish he'd get a smaller competition before WC to make him forget the disappointment of Nationals, and tune his mind for WC.
I also hope this Nationals experience helps him mentally, and he can skate more confidently next season, which would also land him higher. Sumitada's FS success should be his inspiration.

I have found this brief video of Sota's and Mai's interview after the gala:
I'll try to listen tomorrow once more, but I wish I could understand them better.


Congrats to Sota, currently #6 in World Standings!
Record Breaker
Nov 12, 2013
Good luck to Sota at Universiade! It's always unfortunate when alternates have to step in due to a participant's injury, but I hope Sota can make the most out of this opportunity.
This is the first time he's competing at Lake Placid, and if I'm counting correctly, it will be his 3rd time competing in the US.
His closest events should now be the Nagoya Festival in a week, and then the Universiade.