Summer competitions 2023 (Japan domestic) | Page 20 | Golden Skate

Summer competitions 2023 (Japan domestic)


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
6. Ibuki Ogahara
Hungarian Rhapsody
3F(so) 3S2T 3Lz(2ft) CSSp 2T2T2Lo 3S 3T 2A2A FCSp ChSq(hydroblade exit fall?) CCoSp

7. Taiki Suekuni
3Lz(so) 3F(ot) 2A(2ft) FSSp 3S ChSq FCCoSp 3F(fall)+REP12 3T2T(hd) 3S(hd) CCoSp

8. Shun Uemura
2S 3Lz3T(so) 3F? FSSp 3Lz CCSp ChSq 3F(ot)2T? 2AEu3S(fall) 2A CCoSp

9. Hayato Okazaki
Swan Lake
3Lo(2ft) 3Lz2A2T+SEQ 3F FSSp CCSp 3Lz(so) 2A3T 3S2T 3T CCoSp ChSq

10. Kenta Omura
The Illusionist
3Lz 3F(so) 2A1T FSSp 3T ChSq 2AEu3S FCCoSp 3Lo(so) 2T1T CCoSp

Kitakyushu Open Junior Men Final Results
1岡 崎 隼 士Hayato Okazaki48.6897.08145.76
2大 村 健 太Kenta Omura57.5486.53144.07
3植 村 駿Shun Uemura45.2497.39142.63
4末 国 太 樹Taiki Suekuni44.9184.90129.81
5小河原 泉 颯 Ibuki Ogahara41.8386.48128.31
6松 尾 武 楼Takeru Matsuo39.5079.50119.00
7當 利 優 真Yuma Tori37.5870.41107.99
8樋 口 温 之Haruyuki Higuchi41.0365.59106.62
9松 野 嵩Shu Matsuno36.2763.96100.23
10伊 藤 虎 琉Takeru Ito34.2364.0098.23

I'll be back later for Mana's FS


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Kitakyushu Open (Iizuka Cup)

2. Rei Suzuki
Cinema Paradiso
3S3T(so) 3Lz(hangs on) 3Lz2T(hangs on) 2A2T StSq 3T(ot) FCSp 1A 2SEu2S ChSq CCoSp

3. Haruto Toda
The Mission
4S(fall) 2AEu3S 3Lo2A 3F(so) CCSp 3Lo FCCoSp ChSq 3T 3S2T StSq CCoSp

Senior Men Final Results
1戸 田 晴 登Haruto Toda53.79111.43165.22
2鈴 木 零 偉Rei Suzuki49.8491.67141.51
3松 下 大 地Daichi Matsushita45.0387.74132.77
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Kitakyushu Open (Iizuka Cup)

6. Chiyono Nagami
2A 3T 3S2T FSSp StSq 2Lo FCCoSp 2S 2A ChSq 2FEu2S CCoSp

7. Mana Kawabe
2A3T 3Lz 2Lo 2A2T FCSp 2Lz 3S 3F3T CCoSp CSSp StSq ChSq

Senior Women Final Results
河 辺 愛 菜Mana Kawabe70.40118.30188.70
永 見 千代乃Chiyono Nagami47.1293.54140.66
江 口 璃 咲Risa Eguchi34.7583.06117.81
鴨 井 彬莉彩Arisa Kamoi39.0473.09112.13
川 畑 貴 音Takane Kawabata37.3866.06103.44
大山田 光Hikari Oyamada37.8663.99101.85
畠 山 桂 果Keika Hatakeyama33.5354.2287.75


Final Flight
Mar 22, 2018
Mana is changing her technique, her jumps look better now, of course she is not going to be consistent right now but she is improving, I hope she is ready for the grand prix with the triple axel, great potential
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Record Breaker
Jul 8, 2022
Hayatoooo :clap:
what a foggy rink there, but that adds to his dramatic programs :biggrin:
compared to a year ago -
he really is working hard on his backward triples and also lands them all (likes to step out but does not fall)
his spins and armography effort very much improved
and his "wooooah" at the end :LOL: you can hear a big score that way! :love2:

so he won here, but idk how strong the competition was in general?
in a FS country like Japan it will be the right decision to stay in Novice altough he can beat lots of Juniors in like 80% of other countries with that.

how come the big gap in the FS after the gap to Omura in the SP (was that only the Lz?)


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Kitakyushu Open (Iizuka Cup) Day 3

Novice B Boys & Novice B Girls - 3:30pm~4:40pm Livestream
Novice A Boys & Novice A Girls - 5:00pm~6:20pm Livestream

Overslept and missed the Novice B events
Backed up stream to get scores while ice is being resurfaced between Novice B and Novice A events


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Kitakyushu Open Novice B Boys and Novice B Girls

Novice B Boys Results

1佐久間 陸Riku Sakuma66.97
2ムハンマド アルファティ サブトゥラSabutora? Muhammad Al-Fatih48.12

5. Hanaha Takashima
Call Me Maybe
3F2T2Lo 2F2T 2A LSp 2Lz FSSp 2A ChSq CCoSp

6. Maho Usami
This Is Me
2A 2S 2F2T2Lo FSSp 2Lz 2F2T LSp ChSq CCoSp

Novice B Girls FS Results
1竹 島 花 英Hanaha Takeshima68.40
2宇佐美 麻 帆Maho Usami63.55
3仲 村 結 愛Yua Nakamura51.16
4清 水 結 愛Yuia Shimizu47.44
5深 堀 文 那 Ayana Fukahori47.05
6山 口 梅 依Mei Yamaguchi44.62
7久 保 日南子Hinako Kubo42.84
8德 永 紗 葵Saki Tokunaga40.91
9西 村 代里子Yoriko Nishimura34.19

As anticipated the LYS girls pretty much dominated Novice B
Expecting the same with Rin Morioka in Novice A
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Kitakyushu Open (Iizuka Cup) Novice A Boys and Novice A Girls

2. Kei Tani
3Lz2T 2F FSSp 3T(fall) StSq CCSp 2Lo 2AEu2S 2Lz CCoSp

6. Haruki Matsumoto
Smile /
3T2T 2F FSSp*(step out during entry) 3T 2Lo CCSp 2Lz2A2T+SEQ 2A StSq CCoSp
78.73 with an invalid spin!

8. Kaito Sano
3T2A(ot) 3Lz(2ft, so) 2AEu3S<(fall) 2F CCoSp CCSp StSq 3T 2Lo(rippon) FSp*(fall on entry)
70.11 with an invalid spin.

10. Koki Akimoto
Cruella (kept from last season)
3Lz(fall) 3S(fall) 3S(2ft)1T*+REP FCSp 2A2A2T+SEQ CSSp StSq 2Lo 2F CCoSp
My sweet child challenging triple jumps! Hope he can stablize them by Block

Novice A Boys Results
1松 本 悠 輝 Haruki Matsumoto78.73
2谷 圭Kei Tani72.89
3秋 元 聖 輝Koki Akimoto71.51
4佐 野 海 音Kaito Sano70.11
5吉 岡 陽 稀Haruki Yoshioka68.51
6加 来 翔 映Shoei Kaku64.53
7岩 根 玲 瑛Reo Iwane53.68
8双 木 洸Ko Namiki52.61
9小 泉 凛 斗Rinto Koizumi43.01
10西 川 楷 人 Kaito Nishikawa40.88

4. Rin Morioka
Danse Macabre
3S 2T2T 2LzLo2T 2Lo FSSp StSq 2A 2A CCoSp LSp
Wasn't getting much lift on her jumps
She mentioned her foot hurt in the KnC

Novice A Girls Results
1森 岡 凛Rin Morioka70.69
2堀 池 礼 姫Reika Horiike64.03
3小 野 優 月Yuzuki Ono58.40
4中 前 香 歩Kaho Nakamae52.81
5加 生 乙 夏Otoka Kasho52.58

LYS skaters topped all Novice events with the exception of Novice B Boys which they had no entry


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
Upcoming competitions this weekend:
  • 2023 All Osaka II FS competition Aug 26-27
  • 2023 Sapporo Cup Aug 25-27 <-- @tsuyoboogie are you going to follow this competition? If yes, I'll add this to the top list!


FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
I'll start with the following

2023 All Osaka II FS competition
Date: Aug 26-27
Venue: Rinkai Sport Center, Osaka
Result page: TBA

Competition schedule (in Japanese)
*Only Jr. level men, Jr. level women (A class), Sr. men and Sr. women will be provided with the starting order
**This competition is for FS only.

08.26 (Sat)
10: 00 Start of the competitions - with skaters of lower levels
19:55 Sr. women
20:40 Sr. men

08.27 (Sun)
9:00 Jr. women (B class)
13:25 Jr. women (A class)
14:15 Jr. men
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FS data keeper
Mar 9, 2013
2023 All Osaka II FS competition
Date: Aug 26-27
Venue: Rinkai Sport Center, Osaka
Result page: TBA

Competition schedule (in Japanese)
**This competition is for FS only.

08.26 (Sat) Day 1

19:55 Sr. women
Starting order

1滝 野 莉 子Riko Takino
2木 下 咲 良 Sakura Kinoshita
3松 本 り らRila Matsumoto
4白 岩 優 奈Yuna Shiraiwa
5鈴 木 な つNatsu Suzuki

20:40 Sr. men
Starting order

1織 田 信 成 Nobunari Oda
2嘉手納 宙 大 Sora Katena
3友 野 一 希Kazuki Tomono
4高 浜 琢 斗 Takuto Takahama
5木 科 雄 登 Yuto Kishina
6前 川 裕 士Yuji Maekawa
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Upcoming competitions this weekend:
  • 2023 All Osaka II FS competition Aug 26-27
  • 2023 Sapporo Cup Aug 25-27 <-- @tsuyoboogie are you going to follow this competition? If yes, I'll add this to the top list!
Decided not to follow these competitions since, that I'm aware of, livestreams nor live scoring will be available for either

It seems Sapporo Cup is allowing an audience so maybe some fans in attendance will "tweet" pbps and scores?
No mention if general spectators will be allowed for the Osaka competition

Notable entries for Sapporo Cup
Jr Men: Hiroto Hanai
Jr Women: Mayuko Oka, Ruka Miyamoto
Novice A Girls: Sara Hanai

Continuing from last weekend Tokyo Summer Figure Skating Competition will be holding Novice A and B events on Sunday 08.27
No livestream announced yet but FOD aired this competition last weekend so :pray:
I will be posting Novice FS Start Orders
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⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
I apologize for the delay with the Kitakyushu Open Novice performances I promised to upload earlier in the week
I kept falling asleep before I had a chance to work on them
I'll try to have video available by tomorrow


⊹˖⭑・゚・* ⋮ ༅。*⭒.⋆* ✼ ⊹₊⋆ ✿
Record Breaker
May 4, 2014
Hayatoooo :clap:
what a foggy rink there, but that adds to his dramatic programs :biggrin:
compared to a year ago -
he really is working hard on his backward triples and also lands them all (likes to step out but does not fall)
his spins and armography effort very much improved
and his "wooooah" at the end :LOL: you can hear a big score that way! :love2:

so he won here, but idk how strong the competition was in general?
in a FS country like Japan it will be the right decision to stay in Novice altough he can beat lots of Juniors in like 80% of other countries with that.

how come the big gap in the FS after the gap to Omura in the SP (was that only the Lz?)
Hayato will remain Novice for one more season simply because he's not old enough to compete as a Junior in National Championship events
High level Novice A skaters often compete with Juniors in local summer competitions
I'm guessing the reason this is allowed is to give Novice skaters who could potentially be invited to participate in Junior Nationals the opportunity to compete a SP as well as a Junior layout FS in advance
This is only an assumption, I've never bothered to read the rules for competitions in which this exception is made

According to the protocols Kenta Omura led in the SP because his jumps (3T3T 3Lz 2A ) were basically clean where as Hayato's 3Lz was downgraded and he only jumped 3F2T (vs Omura's 3-3)
Didn't help that Hayato's Lutz and Flip edges were both called unclear (common for a lot of Japanese Novice and Junior Men)