World Championships Predictions Game (Rd 4) | Page 7 | Golden Skate

World Championships Predictions Game (Rd 4)


Final Flight
Jan 10, 2014
This is going to be my final post on the forum for a while. The argument I was involved in yesterday really upset me, and it has started me thinking.

Over the past few months, the forum has been a major part of my life. And, if I am totally honest, it has become too big a part. I am neglecting many other things that I would normally enjoy doing.

So, with the bike season now getting into full swing, I have decided to take an extended break from the forum.

U take your bike break and enjoy every bit of it!:thumbsup: Nothing in this world is worth losing sleep over or taking over your entire life. Take care and we look forward to your return after you rejuvenate!


Record Breaker
Jul 13, 2014
U take your bike break and enjoy every bit of it!:thumbsup: Nothing in this world is worth losing sleep over or taking over your entire life. Take care and we look forward to your return after you rejuvenate!

I still think balancing is an option. I do it all the time.


Doing the needful
Record Breaker
Nov 30, 2014
CaroLiza_fan... you can't disappear now! We Liza fans must stick together in this very critical time of year... ;) But your life is more important than this board, maybe re-evaluating your priorities isn't so bad...

My final predictions:

1. Elizaveta Tuktamysheva
2. Elena Radionova
3. Anna Pogorilaya
4. Gracie Gold
5. Ashley Wagner
6. Zijun Li

1. Yuzuru Hanyu
2. Javier Fernandez
3. Joshua Farris
4. Denis Ten
5. Han Yan
6. Maxim Kovtun

Ice Dance:
1. Chock/Bates
2. Weaver/Poje
3. Papadakis/Cizeron
4. Cappellini/Lanotte
5. Shibutani/Shibutani
6. Ilinykh/Zhiganshin

1. Pang/Tong
2. Duhamel/Radford
3. Peng/Zhang
4. Kavaguti/Smirnov
5. Sui/Han
6. Tarasova/Morozov


v Yuki Ishikawa v
Record Breaker
Feb 13, 2014
This is going to be my final post on the forum for a while. The argument I was involved in yesterday really upset me, and it has started me thinking.

Over the past few months, the forum has been a major part of my life. And, if I am totally honest, it has become too big a part. I am neglecting many other things that I would normally enjoy doing.

So, with the bike season now getting into full swing, I have decided to take an extended break from the forum.

But, for those that are playing the Predictions Game, don’t worry. I am leaving you in the more than capable hands of satine94. She is undoubtedly the most enthusiastic person you can get when it comes to the Predictions Games.

So, I know she will do the Game proud.

I will be back posting on the forum at some stage, probably towards the end of the season. But until then, this is goodbye.

Thank you :) As I've already said in e-mail, I hope you enjoy your break & come back soon! :cheer:

I still think balancing is an option. I do it all the time.

I understand your feelings about him taking a break, but don't worry! CaroLiza_fan isn't leaving us permanently. He just needs some time. I've done the same thing myself before with other forums.
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Sep 7, 2014
Wooh! I've really left this to the last minute! Anyway, this is Worlds! So incredible exciting!

Since it's worlds, everything is at an unprecedented level of unpredictably, which makes everything all the more exhilarating!

Ladies: This will be a fun one to watch, being without Yu-Na, Mao, Carolina and the others who have dominated the last almost-decade. Tuktamysheva is definitely the odds on favourite, but is by no means invincible. Elena has a lot to offer as well, and has had a great season. It seems though that momentum has gone down a bit for her and perhaps the perception that she is still a little too juniorish to be world champion will cost her. If she jumps better than Liza, it'll make things interesting. Ashley Wagner is perhaps the one the most amount of people are looking at. She has a surprising momentum going for, and I would love to see her on the podium. She will have to out skate Anna Pogorilaya in particular, to get there. Spoilers could include Miyahara, Edmunds, Gold and maybe even Zijun Li.

1. Elizaveta Tuktamysheva
2. Elena Radionova
3. Ashley Wagner
4. Anna Pogorilaya
5. Satoko Miyahara (rotate those jumps!)

6. Gracie Gold (will need to be better than 4CC's!)
7. Polina Edmunds (maybe not quite her time)
8. Rika Hongo (could get lost in this field)
9. Zijun Li (she has hometown advantage, but is also still fighting off some demons... it'll be interesting!)
10. Gabrielle Daleman (will need a clean short)
11. Kanako Murakami (Yikes... I just don't see it happening for her)
12. Alaine Chartrand (could be a spoiler?)
13. Kiira Korpi (excited to see her back!)
14. So Youn Park (another potential spoiler)
15. Mae Berenice Meite
16. Joshi Helgessson

Men: Looks to be a 3-way battle for the title here, with many potential spoilers that could surprise. In my opinion, Hanyu and Ten are at a very similar place: both had struggles in the early competitions, but fought back to give amazing skates at their most important competitions. I feel the edge is to Hanyu, as he is all around a bit more consistent, but that is a very slight edge. Especially if injury is still playing a part. If those too are on, then I don't think Javi stands too much of a chance for gold, but he could definitely capitalize on any mistakes from the top 2. Asides them, all 3 American men have things to prove, and we'll have to watch how far the Russian men's technical abilities will be able to take them. Han Yan also could be a threat, especially with home advantage.
Men's at worlds has a tendency to never go as predicted, so there are a lot of fireworks likely to ensue!

1. Yuzuru Hanyu
2. Denis Ten
3. Javier Fernandez
4. Joshua Farris (I hope I'm not letting the hype take over, but he has definitely made me a fan these last 2 competitions)
5. Maxim Kovtun

6. Jason Brown
7. Han Yan (just switched him with Kovtun, because sometimes I need to predict the worst and be happy if it doesn't happen...)
8. Sergei Voronov
9. Takahito Mura (who knows? he has such a big potential swing...)
10. Nam Nguyen (because I'm Canadian, and Nam is my boy)
11. Misha Ge
12. Adam Rippon (because I can never trust him)
13. Takahiko Kozuka (same as Adam --- just too inconsistent)
14. Michal Brezina
15. Alexei Bychenko
16. Peter Liebers
17. Jeremy Ten (would LOVE to see him skate lights out)
18. Florent Amodio

Pairs: Maybe the lost solid favourites, but anything could still happen. I have always been a major Duhamel/ Radford supporter, and it has been so exciting to see them blossom this season. Kavaguti/ Smirnov are very unpredictable, but they do look to have strong medal chances. Then, there are the Chinese. What to do with the chinese? The closeness in points at 4CC's proves what I mean, any one could have the edge. I'll go with Pang/ Tong because of sentimentality and reptation, but it could be mixed around any way. Then, and perhaps most interestingly, there is such a large group that have been getting very similar scores. Three new partnerships, a couple just out of juniors, and building American teams... the 2nd and 3rd free skate groups will be so interesting to watch!

1. Duhamel/ Radford
2. Kavaguti/ Smirnov
3. Pang/ Tong
4. Sui/ Han
5. Peng/ Zhang

6. Scimeca/ Knierim
7. Tarasova/ Morozov
8. Astakhova/ Rogonov
9. Seguin/ Bilodeau
10. Iliusheshkina/ Moscovitch
11. Marchei/ Hotarek
12. Denney/ Frazier
13. James/ Cipres (they got the bottom of this close pack... not much reason, may be just momentum)

Dance: Three way race! Well, likely 2, but if last year proved anything it's that dance can be scary close!!

1. Weaver/ Poje (because of a perfect season)
2. Papadakis/ Cizeron (because you can't go from 13 to 1 in Dance... can you?)
3. Chock/ Bates (because of the weakest skating skills of the 3... sorry)
4. Cappellini/ LaNotte (because they seem to be liked at Worlds)
5. Shibutani/ Shibutani (because this is such a Shib's position)

6. Gilles/ Poirier (because I really like them!)
7. Ilinykh/ Zhiganshin (because they're so new)
8. Stepanova/ Bukin (because they can't beat I/Z twice in a row, right?)
9. Hurtado/ Diaz (because Dubreuil/ Lauzon are amazing)
10. Hubbell/ Donohue
11. Paul/ Islam
12. Guignard/ Fabbri
13. Monko/ Khaliavin
14. Zhiganshina/ Gazsi
15. Testa/ Csolley

And there we have it!! Let's hope that we get some crazy good, memorable performances!!


Record Breaker
Sep 28, 2013
Wow, just one bad skate from Kavaguti/Smirnov and my Pairs predictions are ruined ;_;

There went my perfect top7-places prediction, I get 45 points instead of 75 for Pairs.
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Record Breaker
Apr 16, 2014
I should never, ever bet on anyone in the predictions game away... I bet on K/S, and now... :cry: I bet on Ashley, then that SP happened (I wasn't even planning to put her on the podium because I feared I'd jinx it... but then I thought I should put my money--er, points--where my mouth is).


All Hail the Queen
Record Breaker
Oct 31, 2014
My prediction on pairs only gets 3 of 12 right. :biggrin: Though 2 of 3 is right which is for the podium placement.


Record Breaker
Sep 25, 2013
Oh man... I apologize to S/H and P/T for doubting them. And the Japanese ladies for wondering if they can keep 3 spots(there's the free left, but still). I'm sorry that I put so much trust in K/S. :cry:


what are levels anyway
Record Breaker
May 2, 2014
Wow, just one bad skate from Kavaguti/Smirnov and my Pairs predictions are ruined ;_;

There went my perfect top7-places prediction, I get 45 points instead of 75 for Pairs.

same here, if they were 2nd as i predicted i would have had perfect score :cry: but i am happy for Sui&Han so i dont mind at all :laugh:


Record Breaker
Jan 25, 2013
I should never, ever bet on anyone in the predictions game away... I bet on K/S, and now... :cry: I bet on Ashley, then that SP happened (I wasn't even planning to put her on the podium because I feared I'd jinx it... but then I thought I should put my money--er, points--where my mouth is).

I think a lot of people bet on Ashley/Gold/Pogo, and didn't expect multiple errors from each. Ladies (other than those who predicted Tukt and Rad going 1-2) is going to be a messssssy predictions game.


Final Flight
Jan 10, 2014
I should never, ever bet on anyone in the predictions game away... I bet on K/S, and now... :cry: I bet on Ashley, then that SP happened (I wasn't even planning to put her on the podium because I feared I'd jinx it... but then I thought I should put my money--er, points--where my mouth is).

I am laughing and crying at the same time! I put her to win! :cry: Imagine my shock when I saw the results! There is still the FS, ice is ice, but unless something extra-ordinary happens (global warming, yadayadayad, polar ice melt:laugh2:), she is not likely to win! :slink:


Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2014
Yes, same problem here. I got the standing correct except K/S placed behind all couples on tne fifth place. Too bad for me. :laugh:


Record Breaker
Feb 20, 2013
Okay, pairs scores! Please tell me if I screwed anything up, for I did these in a hurry....

Gold: surimi with 200 points! :points:

Silver: Kittosuni and CanadianSkaterGuy, with 160 points! :cheer:

Bronze: HarvieKrumpet with 150 points! :cheer2:

Most costly errors were either putting S/H too low or K/S too high....
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Record Breaker
Oct 25, 2012
OK, just to let you know that satine94 has informed me that 45 (!!! :jaw: ) new players have joined the ISU Predictions Game for the World Championships round.

As there are so many, it will take me a while to get them all organised alphabetically. And I have a lot to do today.

(Apart from anything else, I am behind in watching Worlds, and am trying to avoid hearing results. I haven't seen any of the Free Dance yet, and I still have the last 4 to watch in both the Pairs FS and the Men's SP).

So, to avoid new players having to wait for their scores to be put into the spreadsheet, I have pasted in the new names to the bottom of the list. And then I'll organise them alphabetically whenever I get a chance over the next few days.

Not ideal, but probably the best solution so that there are fewer delays to posting scores.

Hope this helps (as I go back to my break)


P.S. Well done to my Liza for doing the 3A so impressively in the SP, and all the best for the FS!!! :cheer: :clap: :rock: :points:
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Record Breaker
Sep 14, 2014
If you ask why I put Elena first (which seems totally stupid considering SP), well, when I always predicted Liza first and Elena second, it was the opposite! :laugh: And vice versa. So I decided I'd rather prevent disapoinment. ;)


Jan 17, 2014
If you ask why I put Elena first (which seems totally stupid considering SP), well, when I always predicted Liza first and Elena second, it was the opposite! :laugh: And vice versa. So I decided I'd rather prevent disapoinment. ;)

I think your strategy may have backfired ;)