Your wish for 2008/2009 season... | Golden Skate

Your wish for 2008/2009 season...


On the Ice
Nov 24, 2007
  1. Mao to fix her flutz instead of constantly trying 3A.
  2. Mao to show some connection with the music instead of being so disconnected.
  3. Mao to get better costumes. Hated all of her costumes this season.
  4. YuNa to be healthy until the end of 2009 season so she & Mao can really duke it out in L.A.
  5. YuNa to point her toes and stretch her legs more.
  6. Nakano to finally get her long overdue respect from her skating federation & come back with vengeance.
  7. Jeremy Abbott & Patrick Chan to continue improving. Love their skating quality.
  8. Kostner to learn to control her speed.
  9. Kimmie to not give up because you just never know what's going to happen to the little girls when they start getting hips & boobs.
  10. This is totally superficial, but I want Aliona to do something about her horrible eyebrows!!!
  11. Shen/Zhao to come back. I can only hope...
  12. Davis/White to do well. I like them better than B/A among the U.S. teams.
  13. Johnny & Evan continue to bicker.:biggrin:
  14. Zhang to get rid of her mule kick.
  15. See fewer contortionist spins or spirals that make me crack up. Reminds me of my dog peeing. He does an amazing spiral.:p
  16. Would love to see other posters in L.A.


Mar 22, 2008
I wish SZ would come back with perfect performance of course...and Chinese young pair DongHuibo/ Wu Yiming mke great progress...
Hope Yuna can be healthy...


Oct 27, 2006
I would like to see many things but these are the things I am going to mention just for now....

Someone, possible the US women who will be eligible for seniors next year, to break up the Japanese/Korean dominance at the top of the ranks.

Stephane to learn that you don't need to do an excessive amount of flailing arm movements in every program. They are annoying and really take away from his skating.

I don't want to hear Tosca, Carmen, Romeo and Juliet or Nessun Dorma at all this season....can I also add Metallica by Apocolypta to that list?(yes Brian...time to change that program).

And finally for this season to have so many different medalist that no one will be a favorite heading into 2010!!!!


Mar 12, 2007
Sillylion, I think your last wish about the many different medalists may well come true!

A lot of things, but the major dreams are:

World gold for Johnny.

Yu-Na to have a season w/o injury. And a little "side" wish: improve stretch, point toes, etc.

Rachael Flatt to continue her "quietly meteoric" rise.


On the Ice
Dec 27, 2007
1. Nobu to get back, physically and mentaly healthy.
2. Mao to keep some of her costumes for exhibitions. They were all gorgeous! Especially the first SP costume, the blue EX dress and the costumes used at Worlds. Exquisite!
3. Mao to continue working on fixing her flutz AND keep 3A.
4. No programs set to Nessun Dorma, Romeo & Juliet, The Feeling Begins (and never ends...), please.
5. ..But, Miki, please get healthy and keep the Carmen LP!

See fewer contortionist spins or spirals that make me crack up. Reminds me of my dog peeing. He does an amazing spiral.

Actually, it is physically impossible for a dog to do a contortionist fan spiral (I assume this is the one you are thinking about). Only when the skater has very poor flexibility and extension the spiral has that "dog worshipping hydrant" look. But I must say I haven't seen many such spirals this season. Last season (and also in the Olympic one), OTOH, there were quite a few, but the skaters performing them either retired, got better flexibility, or gave the position up.
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Jan 23, 2006
Mao, Zhang and Nagasu to fix that flutz
Kimmie, Meier to fix that lip

I would like to see champions with good edge control


On the Ice
Nov 24, 2007
Actually, it is physically impossible for a dog to do a contortionist fan spiral (I assume this is the one you are thinking about). Only when the skater has very poor flexibility and extension the spiral has that "dog worshipping hydrant" look.

No, the contortionist spin & fugly spiral were two different things when I mentioned them. You're right about poor flexibility and "dog worshipping hydrant" look. I just don't want to see girls doing contortionist spins nor do I want to see fugly spirals with legs that stick out to their side "way" out there. I rather like nice spirals with lower legs with nice stretch and pointed toe. Think Gordeeva.
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blue dog

Trixie Schuba's biggest fan!
Record Breaker
Dec 16, 2006
No, the contortionist spin & fugly spiral were two different things when I mentioned them. You're right about poor flexibility and "dog worshipping hydrant" look. I just don't want to see girls doing contortionist spins nor do I want to see fugly spiral with legs that sticks out to their side "way" out there. I rather like nice spirals with lower leg with nice stretch and pointed toe. Think Gordeeva.

LoL MsAnthrope--do you mean the spiral that Irina used to do? Where the skating leg was bent, and the free leg (on a back outside edge spiral) was held up, but not turned out, so it looks like a dog was peeing?


On the Ice
Nov 24, 2007
LoL MsAnthrope--do you mean the spiral that Irina used to do?

:laugh: Well, she and too many other current crop of ladies who think that getting their leg up as high as you can means beautiful spiral no matter what they look like. I hate that so many of them have their upper body leaning so far forward that they look like they are about to fall. Another thing I hate is a lot of these "beautifully" stretched spirals make the skaters look like they are gliding sideways because their waist is so open. Think Caroline Zhang.
Jan 30, 2004
1) No injuries for the US competitors

2) Pro-competitions to make a come-back

3) A renewed interest by newbies and the general public in figure skating so the tv coverage stays at the level it's at or increases and the attendance at Stars On Ice increases


Sinnerman for the win
Record Breaker
Dec 28, 2006
1. everybody stays injury free
2. Davis and White get the credit they deserve
3. Beblin and Agosto finally get their world title and make a record for U.S titles
4. Bebe makes worlds again
5. the programs are as good (or better) than this season
6. Judging mistakes because of music, spiral length etc are not made.
7. Mao contiunes to bring beauty and elegance to the skating world.
8. Brian skates as well as he did at worlds all the time
9. Stephane keeps his "poeta" freeskate and does it clean
10. Caroline and Marai land 3/3 consistently and take the world by storm!


On the Ice
Jan 23, 2007
-Yu-na being healthy and finally win worlds. It's not that I don't like Mao, I love her. It's just that I want both to be World Champions once before the Olympics.
-Better dresses for Mao, she is way too lovely for such oldfashioned dresses.
-Miki to come back strong.
-Laura Lepisto to learn flip and lutz.
-Jenni Vahama to keep on improving.
-Mirai getting consistency and enough dificulty to make it to worlds.
-Brian fixing his flips and keep on improving his artistry. He has improved so much.
-Lambiel to find the motivation. He looked like he was missing it.
-Verner to control his nerves.
-Kevin VDP to make it to the podiums more often.
-Johnny keep on improving his consistency na dificulty.
-Dubé and Davison keep on improving.
-Duhamel and Buntin making a good name for themselves.
-Savchenko and Szolkowy doing clean LPs.
-Delobel and Schoenfelder not to retire.
-Virtue and Moire keep on improving.
-K/N getting the recognition they deserve instead of being just the second best russian ice dancers.


On the Ice
Mar 25, 2008

Davis and White to continue their rise in the world of ice dancing, and to capitalize with continued improved choreography to maximize their amazing ability. Love this couple.


Record Breaker
Nov 20, 2007
1) Mao to fix fluz.
2) Mao to fix her 3F-3Lo
3) Mao to enhance the speed of the spins
4) Mao to enhance her artistry
5) Mao to have good coaches!
6) Mao to control her nerves and have two clean programs

She is absolutely strong in a desperate situation, but shows unbelievable vulnerability in a favorable situation. At almost every competition since her senior debut , there has always been something scary/shocking/dissapointing happening. She makes a kind of self-destructive mistakes that she says that she has never made even at practices (like the specutacular, shocking fall at this time!) I really think it wonderful if she has better control over her nerves next season. That makes my life easier.

Mao to learn the past tense in English.:laugh: Her interviews are so cute.:agree:

6) Yuna recovers her health. It was really sad and regrettable that she was not healthy at this competition. I really hope that she recovers well.

7) Yuna having better leg positions (I think that she already improved really a lot in stretching and pointing toes).

8) Yuna having masterpiece programs
9) Yuna having better costumes
10) Yuna having two 3-3s in her program.
11) Yuna improving spirals.
12) Yuna improving spin positions.

13) Both Mirai and Zhang to shine like the rising stars!!!!

14) Miki to take rest as much as needed and fully recover.

15) Johnny to keep going up and medal more comfortably.

16) Jeff to defend his title!!!! Or at least medal!

17) Takahashi to come back even stronger both mentally and skating-wise and has better control over his nerves and win!!!

18) Carolina to have two clean programs and win!!!
19) Caro to have less preparation going into jumps.
20) Caro to have better control over her nerves.

21) Tomas to come back stronger both mentally and skating-wise and win!!

22) Kiira to change the designer and have better costumes

She is one of the most beautiful skaters but somehow her costumes unfortunately have not been really sophisticated. They tend to look slightly bigger in sizes and the designs and the choices of colors do not look really stylish to me. Given that she seems to be sponsored extremely well, it would be nice if she could have more fashionable costumes next seasons that underscore her beauty.
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Record Breaker
Aug 31, 2003
Rachael Flatt completely fixing her flutz and making it to the podium at Worlds.

Johnny Weir landing a clean quad, a 3/3/2, a 3/3 and a 3/2, and moving up a step on the podium.

Lambiel deciding whether he wants to be a show skater or a competitive skater, and dropping one or the other.

All the US ladies getting rid of flutzing, lipping and underrotations.

Mao Asada doing programs using ALL the jumps: axel, lutz, flip, loop, salchow and toe.

Yu-Na Kim completely recovering from her back and hip injuries.

Miki Ando having a successful recovery from her shoulder surgery.

Brian Joubert getting back to normal health and body weight (he still looks pale and wasted).

Mira Leung finally deciding to work on her weird jump technique.


Jan 23, 2008
For Davis/White to get better choreography, do a bit of refinement/basics, qualify for the GPF and beat Belbin/Agosto at Nationals
For Delobel/Schoenfelder to not retire
For Johnny Weir to keep improving his consistency, pick good music, and have some better choreography
For Caroline Zhang to improve on speed and power, get rid of her mule kick, and not let her nerves get the better of her at Nationals
For Jeremy Abbott and Adam Rippon to both have successful seasons, and stand on the podium at Nationals
For Yu-Na Kim to stay healthy and injury free so we can see what she can really do at Wch!
For everyone and their monkey's uncle to fix their flutz and lips
To see less choreography that consists of excessive arm flailing and head bobbing
To see Virtue/Moir beat Domnina/Shabalin
Shen/Zhou to come back!!!!!


On the Ice
Nov 6, 2006
1. LIVE TV COVERAGE!!! on the MAJOR us stations, please. or at least espn360.

2. decent camera angles. especially of spins and footwork. i don't care to see just the backlighted shadow of the skater's spins, geez. and also don't like the top bird's eye view of spins and footwork!

3. no more flesh-tights over the skates.

4. yuna to come back healthy and with music that actually has a relatable beat/rhythm! (no more programs that rely on sticking the arm out at the precise clashing of cymbols, etc.)

5. i know some people can't stand him, but i hope dick button comes back despite the network change. i am always interested in what he has to say.

6. yuna to improve her feet, especially during spins. (u know, i thought her camel combo spin during the exhibition gala was much lovelier than the actual competition version... maybe she can put this in the program instead? not "difficult" enough for cop?)

7. everybody to improve their flutzes and lips.

8. no more repeat music!!

9. stephane lambiel and jeff buttle to come back stronger than ever!

10. another strong crop of junior skaters, since the previous top-rankers are graduating.

blue dog

Trixie Schuba's biggest fan!
Record Breaker
Dec 16, 2006
For all skaters to stop flailing in their routines as a show of expression. Stop flailing your arms--and in the case of K/N, don't flail the feet when you're in a change edge lift and she is upside down.